Spyro 2: Season of Flame


~Floats in~

I loved this game, but my brother lost it.

he first met ripto in 1999 on ripto's rage / gateway to glimmer

so did i my faveorite is the candy lane place and fighting ripto when did spyro meet him in the first place and when was it

I beat this game

i have this but havnt finished it yet!

Wow! n The 6th Screenshot, The Professor And Blink Have Been Mutated Into Rhynocs!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

4th screenshot
Suck My Goo!!!
Suck My Goo!!!

you know you dont need a gameboy if you have a ds.a ds can play gameboy games

I do. I have gameboy and nintendo DS.

wow the graphics on this game are really good for a game boy game.
pitty is i don't have a d.s boo hoo hoo
pitty is i don't have a d.s boo hoo hoo

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