

For the lost city of Arkus info, you’re missing the water gate.

thanks to the walk through on spyros adventure and giants game iv managed to get all items i need for 2 stars just need to go through the levels with out getting killed off which is a challenge..

I like
better than
(their the same guy, but I mean appearance)

Thanks this really helped

Spyro is awsome you don't want the dragon paint its flowers

I hate chapter 14 were you fly the stupid attougyro out at the end I always explode! the speed bursts are way to slow to make it


were do you get the dragon ledgendry paint in this? is there one?

you know how their these walkthrough guides from the chapters to the hats, skystones, upgrades and heroic challenges because i want to help all the people on this website by writing a guide about how to complete all the skylanders quests from the series 1 of Voodood, Wham-Shell, Boomer, Sunburn, Dino-Rang, Ghost Roaster, Warnado and Camo up to all the ones that has a series 2 version and the new regular skylanders, the lightcores and the giant skylanders for the skylanders. I want to help because i got all the list of quests for the skylanders and i'm already done most of the quests out of my 52 skylanders and counting when i get the rest of the series 2, new, lightcore and giant skylandersand it turns out that skylanders that has a series 2 version or a lightcore has the same quests as the original skylanders. I also know how to easily finish them at places around the game including brock's arena challenges and Cali's Heroic Challenges. Your Welcome from Jaiden999.

and by the way I don't want to start a fight.

yes I do know that. And are you implying that I don't know that?

In the picture of chapter 14 from far away the hellicopter (or what ever it is) looks kinda like

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