11:30 AM - Thursday the 17th of April, 2014 - by dark52
On Wednesday the 23rd of April Activision will be revealing the next Skylanders game at a special press event. In a separate event for the regular fans on the same day they will also be giving away 500 free Doom Stone figures at the Times Square Toys R Us store in New York, Doom Stone being the last remaining unique character still to be released for Skylanders Swap Force.
![[User Posted Image]](//www.darkspyro.net/images/swapforce/a_doom_stone.jpg)
Quote: Press Release
Last year had a similar event with Ninjini at the time of the reveal of Swap Force and saw the regular release of Ninjini around a month later, which hopefully bodes well for those of us who can't make it to New York.
![[User Posted Image]](//www.darkspyro.net/images/swapforce/c_kickoff_countdown.jpg)
A listing for one of the two remaining alt-deco figures from Swap Force, Kickoff Countdown, has been spotted on a couple of European Amazon websites along with a few different release dates including the 14th of May.
![[User Posted Image]](//www.darkspyro.net/images/swapforce/fluffy.jpg)
Target in Australia are giving away 25 limited edition flocked Springtime Trigger Happy toys. To be eligible to enter you must spend $30 or more on Swap Force gaming products, you then need to answer the question "Why would you like to add Limited Edition Trigger Happy to your Skylanders collection?" in 25 words or less and the best 25 answers will win the figure. The promo runs until the 30th of April.
And Skylanders Lost Islands has been getting into the update spirit again over the past few weeks with things like an increased level cap, new islands and a new companion.
![[User Posted Image]](//www.darkspyro.net/images/other/lostislands/201404.jpg)
![[User Posted Image]](http://www.darkspyro.net/images/swapforce/a_doom_stone.jpg)
Quote: Press Release
Activision Publishing, Inc. and Toys"R"Us are giving fans the rare opportunity to receive a complimentary Skylanders toy at a special Toys"R"Us Times Square event celebrating Skylanders Day! Before the final Skylanders SWAP Force character, Doom Stone, is released to the public, the first 500 Portal Masters to line up at The World's Greatest Toy Store on Wednesday, April 23, will be among the first to get their hands on this must-have figure.
Fans attending the event will get the chance to meet Skylanders costumed characters, experience the bestselling kids' videogame franchise at in-store gaming kiosks and receive other fun Skylanders giveaways.
Last year had a similar event with Ninjini at the time of the reveal of Swap Force and saw the regular release of Ninjini around a month later, which hopefully bodes well for those of us who can't make it to New York.
![[User Posted Image]](http://www.darkspyro.net/images/swapforce/c_kickoff_countdown.jpg)
A listing for one of the two remaining alt-deco figures from Swap Force, Kickoff Countdown, has been spotted on a couple of European Amazon websites along with a few different release dates including the 14th of May.
![[User Posted Image]](http://www.darkspyro.net/images/swapforce/fluffy.jpg)
Target in Australia are giving away 25 limited edition flocked Springtime Trigger Happy toys. To be eligible to enter you must spend $30 or more on Swap Force gaming products, you then need to answer the question "Why would you like to add Limited Edition Trigger Happy to your Skylanders collection?" in 25 words or less and the best 25 answers will win the figure. The promo runs until the 30th of April.
And Skylanders Lost Islands has been getting into the update spirit again over the past few weeks with things like an increased level cap, new islands and a new companion.
![[User Posted Image]](http://www.darkspyro.net/images/other/lostislands/201404.jpg)
- March 17: Fryno and Scratch became available for purchase with gems or using the Skylander spinner.
- March 24: A new Adventure Clock building that lets you instantly finish all active Adventure Balloons. The building costs 500 Gems, you can use it once every 24 hours and it costs 250 Energy per active balloon.
- April 1: The kingdom level cap was raised from 40 to 45 and a new small island called "Sheep Island" now becomes available for purchase at level 41, it'll cost 25 million coins once you're there.
- April 7: A visual upgrade to the Summoning Stone. It costs 15 million coins and ups the amount you get from Orville each day to 2,500 coins.
- April 14: New companion Willowbark who costs 200 Gems and doubles the XP bonus effect of your decorations. And another small island called "Troll Island" that becomes available for purchase at level 42 for a sum of 30 million coins.

I want to know about a Doom Stone UK release.

Hopefully the gimmick for the new game will be fun. As for Doom Stone...
for me in the UK.

Quote: gillgrunt987
Let's hope he comes out this month or next month
Hopefully the gimmick for the new game will be fun. As for Doom Stone...for me in the UK.
Let's hope he comes out this month or next month

yay new games!

Skylanders 4 is Skylanders: Trap Team


Dark thank you just so much I've been waiting so long to hear about doom stone and kick off countdown he seems awesome

I hate New York so much. They always get the new Skylanders first.

They do

Quote: TheShadowDragon
Quote: gnarlytreesnex
And the US as a whole gets normally Skylanders first. No reason to hate on New York if your going to get him in a few weeks while other places have to wait at least a month so we should hate on you if you go by that logic.
I hate New York so much. They always get the new Skylanders first.
Quote: gnarlytreesnex
They do
And the US as a whole gets normally Skylanders first. No reason to hate on New York if your going to get him in a few weeks while other places have to wait at least a month so we should hate on you if you go by that logic.

This will be released in Late December probably! Doom Stone looks cool!
UPDATE:I think the NEW SKYLANDERS GAME will be released in December not Doom Stone! Some people misunderstood it!
UPDATE:I think the NEW SKYLANDERS GAME will be released in December not Doom Stone! Some people misunderstood it!

I cant wait for the reveal of the new game but i can wait for

Me 2 and I got

Quote: wreckingballbob
That's not the only reason why I despise New York. I have my many other reasons why, but I don't want to bore anyone with the details.
And the US as a whole gets normally Skylanders first. No reason to hate on New York if your going to get him in a few weeks while other places have to wait at least a month so we should hate on you if you go by that logic.
That's not the only reason why I despise New York. I have my many other reasons why, but I don't want to bore anyone with the details.

Skylanders carries on I see. Hard to consider it a Spyro game anymore though. Yeah it's fun to play from time to time, but I'm loosing interest in the series due to the, what hundreds of new characters. So far they've only kept three characters from the previous games, Spyro and Cynder. Hunter would be a great addition, seeing as he was in LOS series, and the fact his classic version would have been perfect for this type of game. I agree that some of the characters are cool(Chop Chop, Igniter, Prism Break, and Drobot), but I'm honestly not really impressed with the Skylander series. I'll play it, but it just cost too much to actually enjoy.

I'm ready for a new villain, one that causes Kaos to join Eon and I agree with the previous post. They should bring back some old characters like crash bandicoot.

Guys, the Spyro series is dead. Deal with it. If they brought back any old characters, it would be stupid. They have enough fans who don't even know about the original Spyro games to be rich. They don't mind losing the people who like the old Spyro games.

Forgive me for mentioning, but why does Doom Stone make me think of a rocky version of Gnasty Gnorc?

Honestly, I had no idea who Spyro was when my wife and I bought the our first Skylanders Swap Force for my 5yo son for Christmas. I was too old when the original Spyro came out on the Playstation and had no idea who Crash Bandicoot was until recently. Since then I have learned more about it. I love the game and have since bought Spyro's Adventure and Giants. I love the games because my son and I can play together and have a good time doing so. I have also amassed quite the collection of characters since Christmas to the point I'm only missing about 10 or 11 of the core characters for the entire series of games. I have my favorites and my son has his. We have tried different combos of characters to see which ones work the best together.
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