4:01 PM - Sunday the 20th of July, 2014 - by dark52
Just like last year a brand new Dark Edition has been revealed for Skylanders: Trap Team. The focal points this year are the three Dark Skylanders and the "Ultimate Kaos Trap" included.
![[User Posted Image]](//darkspyro.net/trapteam/dark_starter_wiiu.jpg)
The three Dark Skylanders are "Dark Snap Shot", "Dark Food Fight" and "Dark Wildfire". The pack also contains three traps: the same two "Life Hammer" and "Water Tiki" as in the regular Starter Pack but also an "Ultimate Kaos Trap" which is needed to capture and play as Kaos himself.
Toys R Us has the Wii U version of the Dark Edition Starter Pack listed for $99.99, which means it's $25 over the cost of the regular Starter Pack for one extra Trap Master and one extra Trap. The Dark Edition will be available for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii and Wii U.
![[User Posted Image]](http://darkspyro.net/trapteam/dark_starter_wiiu.jpg)
The three Dark Skylanders are "Dark Snap Shot", "Dark Food Fight" and "Dark Wildfire". The pack also contains three traps: the same two "Life Hammer" and "Water Tiki" as in the regular Starter Pack but also an "Ultimate Kaos Trap" which is needed to capture and play as Kaos himself.
Toys R Us has the Wii U version of the Dark Edition Starter Pack listed for $99.99, which means it's $25 over the cost of the regular Starter Pack for one extra Trap Master and one extra Trap. The Dark Edition will be available for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii and Wii U.
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also first

Not sure how to feel about the Kaos trap being in the dark edition. Okay, so it'll probably be released on it's own at some point (kind of like Dark Spyro, Punch Pop Fizz, Gnarly Tree Rex, Series 2 Cynder, Jet Vac... etc) but those figures had a nasty habit of being near damned impossible to find on their own.

Darn those are ugly....

Aw yea-uh! Trap Team Dark Edition, here I come!

Awesome! So getting this!

i think this is just some special dark kaos trap thing~


Is it just me or do Wildfire's legs seem to dark to match the rest of his body?

@xXBeavcoonXx: I think Dark Wildfire's legs do look slightly different in color shades. Maybe we'll find out as soon as the new game arrives.


I definitely like the look of it better than last year.
But $25 for a $21 value, especially when $40 normal sales roll along... Then it's $60 more. But then again if it's not exclusive, sales could occur on it too, maybe even for near $40-$60. Then I'd likely get it.
But $25 for a $21 value, especially when $40 normal sales roll along... Then it's $60 more. But then again if it's not exclusive, sales could occur on it too, maybe even for near $40-$60. Then I'd likely get it.

can't wait for it

Wildfire is the only dark edition that I like. :/

If it were $5-10 I'd be far more eager to buy it :/
But still, Dark Wildfire looks awesome
But still, Dark Wildfire looks awesome

I'm definitely going to be getting this.

I will most likely getting it, I love it all

TRU hid the listing -- someone must have posted early 'oops'

Me too somePerson who looks so dope in dark

Honestly I like Dark Snap Shot the best. Lizard with crossbow, who doesn't find that a bit awesome!?

I hope the kaos trap isnt exclusive to this.

I have a feeling that the Kaos Trap is a Dark Version Trap... that might make a Dark Variant Kaos Villain?
I just mean that trap I held didn't have the Silver Trim so just maybe is special also.
I just mean that trap I held didn't have the Silver Trim so just maybe is special also.

The crystal in the logo looks like the Crash Bandicoot crystals.

I only like Wildfire's dark form, and the Kaos key

What i am getting 4 trap team:
The Dark Edition Starter Pack
Adventure Pack W/ S1 Deja Vu, Tiki Speaky, Rocket Ram, & Mirror of Mystery
Individual figurePack S1 Gearshift
(S4 Spyro If he is in the game/wave)
Adventure Pack W/ S1 Blades, Hand of Fate, Piggy Bank, & Nightmare Express
(Regular Snap Shot and Food Fight From Ebay)
any traps and trap masters and figs out i will buy
(Might not get the Legendary Starter pack)
The Dark Edition Starter Pack
Adventure Pack W/ S1 Deja Vu, Tiki Speaky, Rocket Ram, & Mirror of Mystery
Individual figurePack S1 Gearshift
(S4 Spyro If he is in the game/wave)
Adventure Pack W/ S1 Blades, Hand of Fate, Piggy Bank, & Nightmare Express
(Regular Snap Shot and Food Fight From Ebay)
any traps and trap masters and figs out i will buy
(Might not get the Legendary Starter pack)

also The starter pack looks awesome and I cant wait until the game comes out and to see who is returning and to see if Spyro gets a S4 Dark version as an pre order exclusive of the dark edition

I wish the Crystals had a Dark Variant villain in them.

Sick I'm so buying this starter pack

im so buying that!

Glad to see this not at gamestop

I will be so disappointed if this is not on the wii

^ It says so in the post.....
I wasn't planning on getting the game but this looks ****ing amazing.
I wasn't planning on getting the game but this looks ****ing amazing.

I hope I can get it somewhere besides Toys R Us, I really don't like buying from retailers that price gouge.

On Amazon also, probably buy this to get the Chaos trap. Hoping for some extras, like an extra Trap Team Skylander as a preorder bonus before diving in.

Want this soo bad!

The Trap Team Dark Edition looks really awesome and great. But I really don't like how Snap Shot and Food Fight came out. They look a little, funky to me. But I'm still getting dark though.

I just wanted to let you guys know about the following twitter party, where you can win a copy of the above game today.
Today at 2pm we are hosting a twitter party #SkylandersParty lots of fun, games and a competition to win the new Skylanders Trap Team Game, when it is released in october. I will be tweeting @umeandthekids2 hopefully everyone will be able to join in with the fun.
Today at 2pm we are hosting a twitter party #SkylandersParty lots of fun, games and a competition to win the new Skylanders Trap Team Game, when it is released in october. I will be tweeting @umeandthekids2 hopefully everyone will be able to join in with the fun.

Yay Spyro is returning with a new version for trap team
Elite Spyro
Elite Spyro
![[User Posted Image]](http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--mJCkr0-d--/zrrhfvpued0tb2yla182.jpg)

That looks... pretty interesting.

The Kaos trap is larger and more detailed than the one coming in the single pack next year but is the same in the game. (aka repose) Also the dark edition for the Wii includes the download code for the Wii U.

Getting this for Xbox One and the regular starter pack for Xbox 360

Nice ..

Just got the amazon email to preorder the dark edition. I got the dark edition of SF, but I'm waiting on this one to see about preorder bonus and decide which character design we like better. I'm not a fan of dark Food Fight, but I like getting the darks to go with our other darks. The cost difference doesn't seem valid for just the Kaos trap though. At least SF dark came with 2 additional figures... I can't decide.

not hating, but yeah. for the amount of aditional stuff & the price... kinda not liking it...

ok, i looked at some photos, and i change my mind: this looks AWSEOME. but still,
ba-da,da-da-daaaa, i'm not lovin' it. (the price)
ok, i looked at some photos, and i change my mind: this looks AWSEOME. but still,
ba-da,da-da-daaaa, i'm not lovin' it. (the price)

Am I the only one that really likes Dark Snap Shot?

dont worry... your not alone

Getting this and Gearshift together from Gamestop. My collection is huge so I won't be getting as many other figures other than trap masters for this game. I don't even use half of my Skylanders! But it looks cool, especially the slightly larger (I mean way larger) Kaos trap Dark version. Looking into Elite Spyro, but if the figure looks about the same as Spyro's Adventure figure, which it does, I don't know what will be so great about it besides a new move and the cool packaging and that doesn't mean much to anyone besides the wild collectors. (I might be a minor collector anyway) Gearshift looks cool anyway, and this incoming generation looks like it will have cooler Skylanders and villians (Broccoli Guy and the EVIL SHEEP from the new Soda Springs gameplay)Excited for all this!
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