Hurtling towards the finish line the Burned Lands have been completed.
It's just the Floating Islands and Malefor's Lair left.
This finishes off the save images as the last two levels seem to just use the Burned Lands picture. I've added all of the images that I've been using to the Dawn of the Dragon Gallery where you can check them out at full size.
Edit: It turns out there are actually images for the final two levels, I've added them now as well.
It's just the Floating Islands and Malefor's Lair left.
Edit: It turns out there are actually images for the final two levels, I've added them now as well.


The images look SO cool in full size!

Hey, dark? Why cant we do strikethrough.......wait, cause your the admin, duh! *hits self*

Ooh, those images are beautiful! Thanks for uploading them

Thnx for the images! And also, I want to do strike through too! ;~;

i dont like the fact that u can line through ur words but one more thing u have we dont =D
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