10:43 PM - Friday the 5th of August, 2016 - by dark52
Thanks to a Reddit post by Syniz we now know that as part of a bonus for pre-ordering Skylanders Imaginators it appears that certain participating retailers are going to be giving away a free Kaos figure.
![[User Posted Image]](//www.darkspyro.net/images/imaginators/kaos_bonus.jpg)
In the past two years we've had a Kaos trap and a Kaos trophy but now we're finally going to have a proper Kaos toy to add to our collections.
![[User Posted Image]](http://www.darkspyro.net/images/imaginators/kaos_bonus.jpg)
In the past two years we've had a Kaos trap and a Kaos trophy but now we're finally going to have a proper Kaos toy to add to our collections.

i got 1st and what is kaos' class?

Last time I was this early "being first" to a thread was a waste of time.
Oh boy time for the new figure that'll get super expensive due to these "limited quantities" and I'll never be able to buy.
So are "last time I was this early" jokes, it's 8pm in here.
Oh boy time for the new figure that'll get super expensive due to these "limited quantities" and I'll never be able to buy.

Fingers crossed that I will get him with the Crash Edition... please.. please... otherwise I'm switching my pre-order.

same as Luminous, I'm going to assume the crash edition will come with him too but yeah I'm switching it to whatever retailer has him. Even if it results in me buying a Wii U standard edition too.

My reaction

More than likely GS and TRU would have it. As for anyone else, who cares? They don't carry as much as the above.

Kaos would be classified as a Sorcerer, I believe, with his own element.

Does that mean that we'll be able to battle against Kaos with Kaos? 

Quote: Insane01
Hes not holding a staff, therefore hes either every class, or we choose his class
Kaos would be classified as a Sorcerer, I believe, with his own element.
Hes not holding a staff, therefore hes either every class, or we choose his class

Thats not possible. He is the main villain and a skylander!? Tfb, explanation, now!

Whats with them trying to make Kaos playable in every game?

Quote: Kevin16
Cause he's the main villain and he's awesome?
Whats with them trying to make Kaos playable in every game?
Cause he's the main villain and he's awesome?

Is he going to be playable or just a decoration?

Quote: Greeble
Considering the lress releases about 11 playable villains, he seems to be playable like the rest, but time will tell if he isn't limited(or even the opposite) in some way.
Is he going to be playable or just a decoration?
Considering the lress releases about 11 playable villains, he seems to be playable like the rest, but time will tell if he isn't limited(or even the opposite) in some way.

at least 11 villain is finaly confiermd.

So if he's playable, will he be as game-breaking as he was in Trap Team? <.<;

Now if only they could have made the other Doom Raiders for this game, but there are always Sequels, I hope.

I'm not seeing the bonus on any sites yet. I checked GameStop, TRU, and Target.

I'm going to guess that as a pre-order bonus and the fact that it says free Kaos "figure" that it's not an actual playable Skylander.

The denial is strong with this one...lol. Dude kaos is the eleventh villain and they have been talking about eleven since the beginning. He will be playable and you can take that to the bank.

Cant believe Kaos is finally a skylander figure.I have honestly been waiting for this day for 5 years!

but he is allso the villain of the game. i dont care if he is a skylander if there was an other villain insted of him but there isnt so how exacly kaos can be a skylander and a villain at the same time? i hope there will be a backstory that will expline this.

Its the same thing as Jet Vac in the levels saying ''sorry, i don't have a spare jet pack'' while you play as Jet Vac too

I agree with Kevin though I've said it countless times now. We have yet to see Kaos Physically in the game all we've seen is a hologram. Kind of like how we saw a Hologram of him in Trap Team's Kaos challenges which it wasn't actually the real Kaos.
I think there are dozens of ways they could explain it, also including lets say at the ending Kaos could be turned into a toy just like he originally did at the start of Spyro's Adventure.
I don't care about the lore. But nobody seems to have a problem with Jet-vac talking to Jet-vac.
I think there are dozens of ways they could explain it, also including lets say at the ending Kaos could be turned into a toy just like he originally did at the start of Spyro's Adventure.
I don't care about the lore. But nobody seems to have a problem with Jet-vac talking to Jet-vac.

i dont care about jat vac talk to jat vac, i acthully think this can be funny.

oh hey I'm early let me say a joke
I'm not

GameStop confirmed it comes with any starter pack. Oh yeah!

Amazon confirmed it comes with any starter pack, too!

Gamestop employee confirmed that Kaos comes with ANY pre-order, including the Crash edition!
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