12:24 AM - Wednesday the 21st of September, 2016 - by dark52
The release date for the animated show Skylanders Academy was announced today as the 28th of October. As is usual on Netflix the entire first season of thirteen episodes will be available at that time.
![[User Posted Image]](//www.darkspyro.net/images/academy/release.jpg)
And in other news another Skylanders Imaginators variant, Mystical Tae Kwon Crow, has turned up - this time via a video on the official website.
It is as yet unknown when he will be available and whether he will be an exclusive.
![[User Posted Image]](http://www.darkspyro.net/images/academy/release.jpg)
And in other news another Skylanders Imaginators variant, Mystical Tae Kwon Crow, has turned up - this time via a video on the official website.
It is as yet unknown when he will be available and whether he will be an exclusive.


*prepares meme-wave survival bunker* Ready!

I think we got too many variants now. I understand we should probably still get some Nitro's but yeah we already got too many variants in my opinion.
But I guess maybe "mystics" can be exclusive to walmart???
But I guess maybe "mystics" can be exclusive to walmart???

Does anyone know if Academy episodes will be 10 minutes or the full 20 minutes?

Quote: lordgamermon
22 mins, 13 episodes per season.
Does anyone know if Academy episodes will be 10 minutes or the full 20 minutes?
22 mins, 13 episodes per season.

so i'll have to dedicate 286 minutes to the season.
about 4.76667 hours.
about 4.76667 hours.

Whoa! Weirdly enough I just wondering about this last night. A whole month tho? Damn

i always beilved that skylanders can be a good tv show, now i can finaly see for my self.
i myself have some episode ideas.
i myself have some episode ideas.

Let's hope that the Skylanders are serious at times and not acting stupid 100% of the time, and not trying to try to hard to be funny. Not another Teen Titans Go.

I don't have Netflix, so I'm probably gonna watch it via YouTube.

Quote: Kat-Kun
Netflix shows posted are usually mirrored, pitched down or taken down.
I don't have Netflix, so I'm probably gonna watch it via YouTube.
Netflix shows posted are usually mirrored, pitched down or taken down.

Quote: Kat-Kun
I say, get a free trial in October and cancel it immediately after you finish the show!
I don't have Netflix, so I'm probably gonna watch it via YouTube.
I say, get a free trial in October and cancel it immediately after you finish the show!

Then again Season 2 of the Flash along with other shows will be on there for me to watch so Ill be available to survive LOL

Still no trailer, huh?
Bad JuJu.
Bad JuJu.

ON my bday?
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