Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! has finally been added to the North American PlayStation Store.
![[User Posted Image]](//www.darkspyro.net/images/glimmer/cover_us_psn_large.jpg)
Quote: PSN
Hopefully it won't suffer the same issues as the European release of Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer.
Thanks to crashpro for the heads up.
![[User Posted Image]](http://www.darkspyro.net/images/glimmer/cover_us_psn_large.jpg)
Quote: PSN
Things are heating up! Spyro, the feisty, fire-breathing dragon is back and he's ready to take on a whole new adventure in this sequel to the original Spyro! You must save the worlds of Avalar by defeating the dinosaur-riding Ripto and his evil minions.
Hopefully it won't suffer the same issues as the European release of Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer.
Thanks to crashpro for the heads up.

If I ever get a PS3 or whatever this is for...(probably wont cuz the best playstation in my opinion is PS1)..i forgot my post.

I have both (Spyro Ripto's Rage! and Spyro Gateway to Glimmer) but I can say they are both the same

I have it already
my cousin gave it to me when i was five for a trade. But it's broken ;-; SO NEW ONE SHALL COME!

YAY this game was awesome

So the game comes out again, to PS1?
I already have the original one, so this is not so amazing
But the game is one of the bests in PS1!
I already have the original one, so this is not so amazing

Quote: dark52
Heh heh. How classic, an improved version of this game has hit North America, quite unfortunate that I'm not from there.
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! has finally been added to the North American PlayStation Store.
Quote: PSNThings are heating up! Spyro, the feisty, fire-breathing dragon is back and he’s ready to take on a whole new adventure in this sequel to the original Spyro! You must save the worlds of Avalar by defeating the dinosaur-riding Ripto and his evil minions.
Hopefully it won't suffer the same issues as the European release of Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer.
Thanks to crashpro for the heads up.
Heh heh. How classic, an improved version of this game has hit North America, quite unfortunate that I'm not from there.

Now this is some good news.
This one is my fav Spyro game of all.
This one is my fav Spyro game of all.

So is this downloadable? Is the first one downloadable too? Can I get a link to the game if it is downloadable and what do I downlad it onto? Details ppl, Details!!!!

this is great

Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
I think you need to buy it from the PS store. (on the ps3)
So is this downloadable? Is the first one downloadable too? Can I get a link to the game if it is downloadable and what do I downlad it onto? Details ppl, Details!!!!
I think you need to buy it from the PS store. (on the ps3)

About friggin' time!
I'm NOT paying for glorified pixelated crap though.
I'm NOT paying for glorified pixelated crap though.

How much is it? *is considering downloading* It's better than A Hero's Tale or Enter the Dragonfly, isn't it?

Probably around five bucks.
And not if you get headaches from PS1 graphics.
And not if you get headaches from PS1 graphics.

Wait......... Ripto's.......
Does anyone know if I can buy this through an Internet store?
Ever since my stupid brother traded My "Spyro 2: Ripto's rage" and "Spyro: Year of the Dragon" 7 years ago, I ALWAYS wanted it back! When I heard from Cynder16, that they are no longer releasing, I lost hope... But nooow, I'LL ANYTHING I CAN TO ONCE AGAIN PLAY THE MOST FIRSTEST GAME, I EVER PLAYED IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8DDDD COZ I WANT TO RETURN TO MY PAST!!!
Thank you SOO MUCH for the update, Crashpro and Dark52!!! *bows*

Does anyone know if I can buy this through an Internet store?

Ever since my stupid brother traded My "Spyro 2: Ripto's rage" and "Spyro: Year of the Dragon" 7 years ago, I ALWAYS wanted it back! When I heard from Cynder16, that they are no longer releasing, I lost hope... But nooow, I'LL ANYTHING I CAN TO ONCE AGAIN PLAY THE MOST FIRSTEST GAME, I EVER PLAYED IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8DDDD COZ I WANT TO RETURN TO MY PAST!!!
Thank you SOO MUCH for the update, Crashpro and Dark52!!! *bows*

Umm... Cool, I guess... Being an owner of the original game I'm not that exited (Not to mention I only have a PS2)
Of-course my sister killed my copy, and if I ever get a PS-III It will be on my wish-list.
It will also tell those people, who've only played legend, what REAL Spyro games are.
Of-course my sister killed my copy, and if I ever get a PS-III It will be on my wish-list.
It will also tell those people, who've only played legend, what REAL Spyro games are.

So this is a sequal to see what happens after Ripto's Rage?

Can I download this onto a PSP? I think you could for the first game they put on the site. Awww! If I have to pay I'm screwed! I can't buy stuff online, I'm not allowed coz my parents won't put thier credit card number online! Maybe they shouldn't be trying to sell old games again anyway....

I actually think that this goes on the PSP, but it is cool anyway.

Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
it wont be free and why not its a trusted web site internationlal comperny
Can I download this onto a PSP? I think you could for the first game they put on the site. Awww! If I have to pay I'm screwed! I can't buy stuff online, I'm not allowed coz my parents won't put thier credit card number online! Maybe they shouldn't be trying to sell old games again anyway....
it wont be free and why not its a trusted web site internationlal comperny

it doesn't have the glitches

are the graphics diffrent at all

If it doesn't have glitches, that's probably due to Insomniac updating it after the first released version produced numerous numbers of glitches. But, I doubt the graphics would be any different than the first one. It's probably just a bunch of updates preventing bugs like this.

The graphics are probably updated slightly, so they don't look pixely on a HDTV on a PS3. Because you know how pixely a PS1 game looks on a PS3 with an HDMI cord, for those of you who have PS3s.

This game is 5.99 for anyone who wants to know, and you must own either a PS3 or PSP.
This game does NOT have improved graphics, extras, etc. It is simply a digital copy of Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage. You will, however, notice some slow down in areas with a lot of enemies, but it isn't TOO bad. On a PSP, the game is emulated PERFECTLY (and legally).
All PSOne games played on PS3 using HDMI or Component Cables are automatically down-scaled to the original 480i Standard Definition, but they will be stretched out on a Widescreen TV, since the game did not support a 16:9 Aspect Ratio (PlayStation One had a 4:3 for its Aspect Ratio).
I have played the game through 100% with Skill Points this weekend, and there aren't many emulation issues other than slow down on the PS3. The PSP has been working fine with the game, so no need to worry with PSP users (plus no slow down that I can tell).
You NEED an internet connection and a PlayStation Network Account to purchase this game. If you have a PSP and have not updated to Version 5.50, you must update before entering the store. You can now purchase PlayStation Network Cards at Retailers such as Walmart, Target, Best Buy, GameStop, etc.
If you do not have internet access on your PSP, you can enter the PlayStation Store via your Computer by using a special program that you can install.
http://www.us.playstation.com/PSN/mediamanager (this is for PC, I am not sure about MAC users).
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
This game does NOT have improved graphics, extras, etc. It is simply a digital copy of Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage. You will, however, notice some slow down in areas with a lot of enemies, but it isn't TOO bad. On a PSP, the game is emulated PERFECTLY (and legally).
All PSOne games played on PS3 using HDMI or Component Cables are automatically down-scaled to the original 480i Standard Definition, but they will be stretched out on a Widescreen TV, since the game did not support a 16:9 Aspect Ratio (PlayStation One had a 4:3 for its Aspect Ratio).
I have played the game through 100% with Skill Points this weekend, and there aren't many emulation issues other than slow down on the PS3. The PSP has been working fine with the game, so no need to worry with PSP users (plus no slow down that I can tell).
You NEED an internet connection and a PlayStation Network Account to purchase this game. If you have a PSP and have not updated to Version 5.50, you must update before entering the store. You can now purchase PlayStation Network Cards at Retailers such as Walmart, Target, Best Buy, GameStop, etc.
If you do not have internet access on your PSP, you can enter the PlayStation Store via your Computer by using a special program that you can install.
http://www.us.playstation.com/PSN/mediamanager (this is for PC, I am not sure about MAC users).
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Thanks, Crashpro!
Hrm...wonder why the PS1 game I tried to play using an HDMI cord was all pixelated...?
Hrm...wonder why the PS1 game I tried to play using an HDMI cord was all pixelated...?

This was my fav out of the original series

This was my fav out of the original series

Quote: spyro fan 8
Yeah, but some of the PS3s are backwards compatible which means it can play PS1 games AND PS2. It also has everything a PS1 and PS2 has, plus more.
If I ever get a PS3 or whatever this is for...(probably wont cuz the best playstation in my opinion is PS1)..i forgot my post.
Yeah, but some of the PS3s are backwards compatible which means it can play PS1 games AND PS2. It also has everything a PS1 and PS2 has, plus more.

what i mean is that it doesn't have the problems with the locations. cheat codes might work

Quote: Robo-Spyro
ALL PS3's can play PS1 disc-based-games. SOME PS3's can play PS2 games. However, there are STILL emulation glitches with some PS1 games (cutscenes playing incorrectly, sound issues, freezing, etc.).
And by the way, cheat codes work. It's EMULATION. That means the only thing that could go wrong is having a bad dump or a bad way to load it (which would either be your PS3 or PSP due to its current firmware).
Quote: spyro fan 8Awsome!
If I ever get a PS3 or whatever this is for...(probably wont cuz the best playstation in my opinion is PS1)..i forgot my post.
Yeah, but some of the PS3s are backwards compatible which means it can play PS1 games AND PS2. It also has everything a PS1 and PS2 has, plus more.
ALL PS3's can play PS1 disc-based-games. SOME PS3's can play PS2 games. However, there are STILL emulation glitches with some PS1 games (cutscenes playing incorrectly, sound issues, freezing, etc.).
And by the way, cheat codes work. It's EMULATION. That means the only thing that could go wrong is having a bad dump or a bad way to load it (which would either be your PS3 or PSP due to its current firmware).

so...... this is a new version? for what system?

This is NOT a new version. Look at my previous post.

Back in 1998-2000, Spyro was a very good game that appealed to the female population as well to the young. But now the Spyro games seems to lack something, and that something is evolving with the style of video game world. So this game might not sell well, but if we put action with realistic sword fights and special bosses. Then this game may succeed in selling greatly. The bosses have to be fast, not slow, and the enemies have to have characteristics, and not it is a certain enemy with certain attacks. It should not be old school, but have some parts have strategy extreme action, and other parts plain old explosive. This game also needs to be filled with extreme backrounds, and contain vision warping special effects. Then there is how this game is made, no defects please, and have this game stand out. This Spyro game won't do such things, but another one might.

This is neat!

I Just bought this off the Playstation store!

I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay for Ripto's Rage 
My fave level was the underwater one
But fighting Ripto was the best

My fave level was the underwater one

But fighting Ripto was the best

I don't have a PS3 so I don't know what this playstation store is?

its for ps1!

I have all 3 original Spyro games...Spyro the Dragon, Ripto's Rage, and Year of the Dragon....I used to own a Playstation (NOT a PSone...an old school Playstation) and would play those games for HOURS. Such fun....thankfully my copies still work! And I still have my old Playstation memory card too!

Neither do I.I don't have a PS3 so I don't know what this playstation store is?
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