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3:55 PM - Friday the 26th of October, 2007 - by dark52
It seems Spyro might be about to become a movie star.

Quote: Variety
Spyro the Dragon could soon breathe some fire on the bigscreen: The Animation Picture Co. has optioned the rights to turn the purple star of Sierra Entertainment and Vivendi Game's vidgame franchise into a toon.

The film will apparently be based around the Legend of Spyro games.
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#151 Spyro Fanatic - Hunter 11:47:21 20/11/2007
Quote: Sarnt Major
Of course it's going to be good and of course it's in good hands.

*cough* It's not *cough*
#152 Twilight 11:55:52 20/11/2007
No, no, I meant do you think he's hot or do you think he's HOT (as in, well, you know)! I'm asking you, not expressing my personal opinion.
#153 SpyroxCynder 20:14:11 20/11/2007
uhhhh, the first one, if i thought he was HOT , that'd be to weird.
#154 zacoda1 00:00:29 21/11/2007
Curse you
Fire the cannons!
It does come out in 2009 i looked it up by title....
#155 SpyroxCynder 00:29:38 21/11/2007
curse me??? why???

and how did you exactly find out when it comes out???
#156 Spyro_rules 01:34:44 21/11/2007
2009? THAT'S TOO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#157 SpyroxCynder 01:37:58 21/11/2007
i can wait!!! it was really convienit that i decided to start a novel at this time!!!
#158 Spyro Fanatic - Hunter 11:01:01 21/11/2007
I might go of spyro by that time!!!!
#159 zacoda1 11:12:22 21/11/2007
No you wont if i have to bring dynamite in here young man....
#160 Spyro Fanatic - Hunter 11:19:42 21/11/2007
I am sick of saying this I AM A FEMALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#161 Spyro Fanatic - Hunter 11:38:02 21/11/2007
Don't get your hopes up Sarnt Major.
#162 SpyroxCynder 12:22:33 21/11/2007
i'll NEVER give up on spyro!!!! bec i KNOW that theres gonna be a movie and a game comin out soon!!!
like when AHT came out, i predicted the EXACT year it would come out!!! so there fore, i wouldn't have lost faith in spyro until like 6 or 7 years after ETD came out, cuz it takes bout 4-5 years to make a game. (well it doesn't any more)
i also predicted the year that ANB came out, and so that had also given me faith, all i'm sayin is if they keep making spyro games, and so i have something to look forward too, i will never lose my interest in spyro.
#163 Twilight 20:27:15 21/11/2007
I usually lose interest within a week or two when no knew information comes out about something. However I've been a Spyro fan for years, now its a full blown addiction, although that won't last long without knew stuff to play/see/read. On the movie subject, even if the writers aren't well known, doesn't matter to me as I don't know any writers that well. If they hire a good director that could make all the difference.
#164 Dragongyrl1000 23:47:01 21/11/2007
Man, why does it have to be made in 2009? That's about a year from now and I just can't wait!!
#165 SpyroxCynder 00:09:57 22/11/2007
i can wait easily!! It's not that far off!! espesically if you're in high school!! the years just wiz on by!!!
#166 Twilight 03:15:33 22/11/2007
It comes out on my last year of high school, I'd practically be an adult (just a few months from it). I'd probably still like Spyro though, nothing really changes except my age and social position anyway. I think I read somewhere that it comes out around Febuary that year, 'course I could be wrong.
#167 Dragongyrl1000 04:10:59 22/11/2007
Quote: SpyroxCynder
i can wait easily!! It's not that far off!! espesically if you're in high school!! the years just wiz on by!!!

I wish I was in high school right now! But you're right about when the years pass on by, cuz this year felt like three months!!! But sometimes when you think about something that you just can't wait for it to come out, the days seem to go by slower. That happened to me when I wanted TEN, which I've gotten it on the 7th of Oct.
#168 SpyroxCynder 11:12:50 22/11/2007
also im joining the 'battle of the books' eam at my school, so it'll give me something to do.
#169 Spyro Fanatic - Hunter 11:19:12 23/11/2007
who thinks this movie is going to be crap?
#170 SpyroxCynder 11:34:34 23/11/2007
uhhhh, it MIGHT be crap, but if we all believe, and with a little bit of magic, it will be the best movie EVA!!! *inhales* YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
#171 Spyro_rules 13:31:43 23/11/2007
I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#172 SpyroxCynder 13:36:37 23/11/2007
cuz pestimisim only brings bad thoughts, now it might not be the best movie in the whole world, but it will be good.
#173 Spyro_rules 16:43:08 23/11/2007
It must be good!
#174 Dragongyrl1000 00:41:51 24/11/2007
Now, I'm excited, but if it comes out crappy, then I'll be VERY disappointed! But I'm sure they won't make it crappy!
#175 Spyro_rules 01:05:27 24/11/2007
They better not! It will be bad to the Spyro name!
#176 Twilight 01:19:20 24/11/2007
The movie is being made by an unkown and unproven (quality wise) company by equally unkown and unproven writers and, as far as I know, the director has not even been anounced yet. Yet you say you are sure it will be a great movie and to stop being pessemistic about it. Given those cinematic credentials, I feel a little careful pessemism is not all that unnecessary. Hmmph.
#177 Spyro_rules 01:23:26 24/11/2007
#178 Twilight 02:07:45 24/11/2007
What, what's wierd?
#179 Spyro_rules 02:26:52 24/11/2007
I just like to say weird!
#180 Twilight 02:43:48 24/11/2007
Ummm, Okay, but that in itself is a weird thing.
Anyway, back on topic is anyone else as pessemistic about the quality and/or entertainment value of the movie as I am.
#181 destroyer2424 05:31:10 24/11/2007
I am going to watch the movie as soon as it comes out

if the movie is succesful hope they make a animated series

I found a link from wikipedia with more info on the movie
#182 SpyroxCynder 10:56:31 24/11/2007
Quote: Twilight
Ummm, Okay, but that in itself is a weird thing.
Anyway, back on topic is anyone else as pessemistic about the quality and/or entertainment value of the movie as I am.

well, the animation style, if they do it wrong, he'll look super dorky.
#183 Spyro_rules 13:12:00 24/11/2007
I hope he doesn't look dorky!
#184 SpyroxCynder 14:35:29 24/11/2007
but i'm sure he won't, cuz he looks awesome on the big screen!!
#185 Dragongyrl1000 16:51:14 24/11/2007
Yea, he looked amazing in the story mode things in ANB and TEN games. So they should make those graphics for the movie. I sure hope they hvave Elijah Wood for Spyro and Billy West for Sparx and Gary Oldman for Ignitus! I loved their voices!!!
#186 SpyroxCynder 17:22:25 24/11/2007
i think they are gonna have tom kenny for spyro. smilie
#187 Spyro_rules 18:02:43 24/11/2007
That's not bad.
#188 Dragongyrl1000 18:18:47 24/11/2007
Well, I LOVED Elijah Wood for Spyro's voice so it's kinda bad for me too.....
#189 Spyro_rules 19:08:02 24/11/2007
I'm fine with it!
#190 Carmelita Fox 19:45:30 24/11/2007
i hope its good cuz most of the time

Great Game = Bad movie

Great Movie=Bad Game(activison sucks)
#191 Spyro_rules 19:46:42 24/11/2007
Good point there CF!
#192 dragon lover 01:01:38 25/11/2007
although,i think it might be pretty stupid though.
(did i just type that?!)
#193 dragon lover 01:10:30 25/11/2007
Quote: SpyroxCynder
it is gonna be CG style. and they SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO need to have spyroxcynder kiss!!!!!!

actully i think they're brother and sister or something like that.
(but i would like to see them kiss.)
#194 SpyroxCynder 01:16:12 25/11/2007
^ nope they aren't amaze just made a mistake when they made the GBA version.
#195 Spyro Fanatic - Hunter 07:55:02 25/11/2007
amaze did antoher mistake: they made Skabb talk
#196 SpyroxCynder 10:22:35 25/11/2007
oh yeah, gosh, can't to different systems have the same story line???
#197 Spyro_rules 20:47:51 25/11/2007
#198 SpyroxCynder 22:23:45 25/11/2007
that was a rhetorical question.....
#199 Spyro_rules 22:39:00 25/11/2007
#200 SpyroxCynder 23:26:03 25/11/2007
but i am so taking my friends to this one!!!!
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