10:31 PM - Monday the 6th of June, 2011 - by dark52
GameSpot have their E3 2011 preview up for Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure, worth noting is the mention of toys other than characters. Like a pirate ship.
You can find a whole host of new screenshots, photographs, and character trailers in the gallery.
You can find a whole host of new screenshots, photographs, and character trailers in the gallery.

I saw another dragon character in few of the photos! Its element is Air by the looks of its pedestal.

Awesomeee ^___^
The green dragon frog thing...its so cute...
The green dragon frog thing...its so cute...

I simply love how diverse the creatures are!
Zap is built like a frog, and that makes him adorable in and of itself, because frogs are precious.
They couldv'e given him a more creative name though...

Eruptor's trailer music is a little scary X3
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That looks like a palette swap of spyro, only edited...horribly...