The folks over at have posted the full list of the Xbox 360 achievements for Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. They all seem fairly straightforward and it looks like only one requires a specific Skylander; and that's one included in the box.
The trophies for the PlayStation 3 version are likely to be identical.
The trophies for the PlayStation 3 version are likely to be identical.

Nothing too challenging. I like when achievements expect you to go out of your way for things. Most of them here will be obtained in a normal playthrough, which is disappointing.

Well it is a kids game after all. Not a challenging game most gamers thrive for.

Because most kids find everything challenging. However, I still find a lot of my childhood faves hard as anything (It took me five years to beat Haunted Towers and Tree Tops, and I only got it using a walkthrough.)

It looks waaaaaaaaaaaay too simple, and kinjd of boring.

Well, of the reviewers that have played it, they noted that the gameplay is nothing they haven't seen a lot before.

They look far too easy, even for a kids game. This would be an easy 1000 points for me if I was getting this for Xbox.
Quote: Aura24
A kids game can have hard achievements. Kids don't really care about achievements, more than they do simply playing the game.
Quote: Aura24
Well it is a kids game after all. Not a challenging game most gamers thrive for.
A kids game can have hard achievements. Kids don't really care about achievements, more than they do simply playing the game.

They are doing it so people will buy the game for 1000 easy gamerscore. Big deal, I can get CSI games and get 1000 easy for way less than SKylanders' $70. I mean, I bought my PS2 Slim for less than that!

Cheevos? That's stupid. Just say Achievements or trophies.

It's the admin's topic, Stevey. He can say what he wants to say as the topic title.

Quote: CAV
I bet if the PSone Spyro games were re-released on PSN with trophies, I would get all the trophies no problem.
They look far too easy, even for a kids game. This would be an easy 1000 points for me if I was getting this for Xbox.
Quote: Aura24Well it is a kids game after all. Not a challenging game most gamers thrive for.
A kids game can have hard achievements. Kids don't really care about achievements, more than they do simply playing the game.
I bet if the PSone Spyro games were re-released on PSN with trophies, I would get all the trophies no problem.

Quote: Aura24
Shoot, he could put the title as Magic Bananas.
It's the admin's topic, Stevey. He can say what he wants to say as the topic title.
Shoot, he could put the title as Magic Bananas.

Quote: Aura24
I know a good few kid's games with trophies/achievements that are quite hard to obtain, so that means nothing.
Well it is a kids game after all. Not a challenging game most gamers thrive for.
I know a good few kid's games with trophies/achievements that are quite hard to obtain, so that means nothing.

well i hope i there is not a trophy added at last minute (which most likely this will be since i know the way activision is) called: "buy all the skylanders!". I will be SO mad.

No, ccrogey, there is no such achievement. These are all the official achievements.

Quote: Aura24
STOP calling me names. Im for one getting sick of it.
No, ccrogey, there is no such achievement. These are all the official achievements.
STOP calling me names. Im for one getting sick of it.

Quote: ccrogers15
People were ranting about that ever since the game was first announced. It's not gonna happen.
well i hope i there is not a trophy added at last minute (which most likely this will be since i know the way activision is) called: "buy all the skylanders!". I will be SO mad.
People were ranting about that ever since the game was first announced. It's not gonna happen.

Yep, identical.

Aren't they always?

i have never tried to get all of the achievements in any game i just wanted to get the game done and over with so that i could tell people who awesome the game was.

cheetos? did you say cheetos? oh, cheevos.
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