11:16 PM - Saturday the 25th of November, 2006 - by dark52
The game, The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, has been out for over a month now and I've completed work on my walkthrough for it. Also added to the The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning section are a cheats page (with one cheat two cheats) and a page where you can randomly generate Enemy Names.
Players of the Nintendo DS version of the game might like to know that I have also posted solutions to all eighty of the Power Crystal Puzzles, though that was added a little while ago.
And for those of you who don't have the game but are still deciding whether or not to, I've collected a load of reviews together onto one page with links to the full articles if available so that you can judge based on other people's opinions of the game.
In other Spyro content news, I have finally finished adding all of the characters from Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer to the Character Guide.
Players of the Nintendo DS version of the game might like to know that I have also posted solutions to all eighty of the Power Crystal Puzzles, though that was added a little while ago.
And for those of you who don't have the game but are still deciding whether or not to, I've collected a load of reviews together onto one page with links to the full articles if available so that you can judge based on other people's opinions of the game.
In other Spyro content news, I have finally finished adding all of the characters from Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer to the Character Guide.
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Now that you've done the GTG character guide, are u gonna start the YotD guide soon? Just wondering

Unfortunately not, there's a slight problem with doing that; the method I used to get the images doesn't work for Year of the Dragon. 
I'll be finishing off the Season of Ice characters as the next part.

I'll be finishing off the Season of Ice characters as the next part.

Wow, dark52 this stuff is sooo cool!! Thank you sooo much!! I really find the cheats useful (I haven't used them yet, but I bet they'd be useful)

I'm might buy the game for ma PS2 today!!
If I get it, first thing i'm gonna do is try that cheat out!!

I heard that Crash Bandicoot is supposed to appear in the DS version of ANB in the Dante's Freezer level, is that true Dark 52?

Uh huh, he does indeed, in an amusing pose too.

That sounds nice. Reminds me of Spyro's cameo in Crash Twinsanity.


Great Job, dark!
Looks good!
Looks good!

Now Crash has a cameo!

Quote: Michael
Ive been to dante's freezer ( on nitendo DS) a lot of times and I havn't seen crash in it.
I heard that Crash Bandicoot is supposed to appear in the DS version of ANB in the Dante's Freezer level, is that true Dark 52?
Ive been to dante's freezer ( on nitendo DS) a lot of times and I havn't seen crash in it.

You missed him then, he's in the bottom left corner of the second part of the level.

ok. thanks

Cool!! I gotta get a DS!! I wonder why they don't put him in the console versions??

because they didn't do a crash game for any of the console version.

these cheats are usful but some of them did'nt work!(must b my dodgy PS1!)(just to say, i've only got 1 spyro game for the DS,and its SL!)+all the rest are either for the PS1 or the PS2! LOL

There's only one cheat there. 
It's repeated for each console.

It's repeated for each console.

Wow, this stuff rocks!

hey, there are rumors about a Spyro movie, and says that will be released a not certaily future, can someone show me a site who can confirm that rumor?
dark52, when I go to Spyrothedragon.com the right side of the site turns black, why?
dark52, when I go to Spyrothedragon.com the right side of the site turns black, why?

and for the cheats, now its time to search a cheat that says: infinite breath power" or something like this

The Spyro movie may just be that fan movie that someone going by the name of jamieque, is supposedly making.
And as for the blackness, try right clicking and select Show All or Zoom In. The site resizes the Flash without resizing the content leaving the edges to cut off if your screen resolution is too small.
And as for the blackness, try right clicking and select Show All or Zoom In. The site resizes the Flash without resizing the content leaving the edges to cut off if your screen resolution is too small.

thanks, I'll try this, but the movie, I don't remember if I saw it on spyro universe, but they showed a site with a list of movies who someone is making yet, if you see on http://spyro.mozepy.com, I have seen that site about the list, and spyro is almost there. besides, may be good a spyro movie, because in aNB they are good on and are ready to do this, don't you think?

the cheats, how difficult is to find one that we haven't seen, and for gba, poor gba

Infinte Breath Ability would be nice!

yeah!that would b nice!

I've still been trying to find out information on it.
All I got is the DS version, but for that you need a load of Crystal Shards!
All I got is the DS version, but for that you need a load of Crystal Shards!

but, they may don't create a cheat like this, or wil be too esay beat enemies and bosses, with this, we will can complete the game 3 times on a day, if someone find more cheats send me klevin92@hotmail.com
dark52 add me if u have a hotmail
dark52 add me if u have a hotmail

Quote: dark52
GRRRRR my screens too small!
The Spyro movie may just be that fan movie that someone going by the name of jamieque, is supposedly making.
And as for the blackness, try right clicking and select Show All or Zoom In. The site resizes the Flash without resizing the content leaving the edges to cut off if your screen resolution is too small.
GRRRRR my screens too small!

put in other language (mine works)

Did you just join?I want ta read the char disption


lol, i speak totally american and i didnt even understand that. lol

UK, england..................................................................................................

Quote: Brazilian Spyro
ERRR it does not work
ERRR it does not work

The cheat? I've never tried it but it loox neat.

put the codes using directional and dont use analog to put'em

hey Brazilian Spyro the 2nd comment up that u wrote you put
why?there is nothing wrong with the UK,england!
why?there is nothing wrong with the UK,england!

because volteer is american and in usa link of spyro site, the right part of screen turns black, he should try using languages similar to american, such as UK and england

well there is practicaly no diference between our languages!

There is no American language, it is just proper English with American mannerisms, slang used for comical means and monosynllabic(simple) words. Also, there are spelling differences between words. For example, the word labour is spelt like I have just written it there in Britain and Ireland, but in America it would have no "u" in it.

You unlocked it, that's weird. I hope we find out about the TLOS sequel, and dark why did you decide to open it again? Why'd you ever lock it. If you care to tell...

I can only imagine he unlocked this topic because there have been no new news topics since this topic was locked, and that he wanted the news forum to be in use.

In other news, I beat ANB....
....For the tenth time!
In other news, I beat ANB....
....For the tenth time!

Wow... I'm not so surprised (although I was when you said you beat the game for the frist time).

i want new codes

Then go buy an Action Replay....

What Method did you use in GTG?

Ah don't worry about that, I believe I've found a solution to it any way.

What solution?
Also Did you use a screenshoter?
Also Did you use a screenshoter?

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