12:30 PM - Thursday the 23rd of February, 2012 - by dark52
The slightly delayed walkthrough for the Nintendo 3DS version of Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure is finally complete.
It includes all five worlds as well as all three currently released Adventure Packs.
I've also just recently added the walkthrough for the console version of the Empire of Ice Adventure Pack.
It includes all five worlds as well as all three currently released Adventure Packs.
I've also just recently added the walkthrough for the console version of the Empire of Ice Adventure Pack.

thanks i have had no idea how to do most of the stuff on the 3ds version it is a lot harder then the consul version

hector is ugly

that is true to true he is an odd looking villain i do think i like kaos better than hecktor

Yeah, I prefer Kaos - he's funnier too

To true "fear it fear my giant floating head"

Have any of you noticed that the symbol on Kaos' head is the shattering sigil? Strange eh?

ya your right what does that mean hmmmmmmm?


Glad to see this is finally up - I might feel inclined to go back and get those last few collectibles!

how cool is the game

the boss battle for hectore looks easy cuz i saw it on youtube . the boss battle for kaos is much harder in my opinin i needed to buy 4 more skylanders cuz my gill grunt spyro and trigger happy werent enuf
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Aw well, at least I'll know where to go now for hats - thanks!