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13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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3:20 PM - Saturday the 3rd of March, 2012 - by dark52
Hopefully you've all found all of wave three! No? Oh. Well here comes Wave Four! Wired confirms that Wave 4 will be made up of Zook, Lightning Rod, and Sunburn. Sunburn of course being found in the Dragon's Peak Adventure Pack.

[User Posted Image]

Toys R Us have also recently released the fourth Legendary Skylander, Legendary Trigger Happy, as well as an increase in stock of the other three Legendaries.

Here's the make up of the new products:

  • Triple Pack: Zook, Lightning Rod, Cynder
  • Single Pack: Zook
  • Single Pack: Lightning Rod
  • Single Pack: Legendary Trigger Happy
  • Adventure Pack: Dragon's Peak

Legendary Trigger Happy is a permanent Toys R Us exclusive while Dragon's Peak will only be a Toys R Us exclusive for 30 days, after that it should become more widely available.

Update: Wave 4 also contains the single pack of Ignitor.
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#101 LevanJess 23:52:14 10/03/2012
Yeah, nobody can wait for Sunburn, yada yada..
And hey, please don't triple post. Please use the edit button (triple posting can get you in a lot of trouble with users here), it's at the bottom of your post.
#102 trentd78 02:10:59 11/03/2012
mar 21
#103 SkylanderExpert 04:26:40 11/03/2012
#104 zebas1234 06:34:08 11/03/2012
dont double post
#105 azz01 11:53:50 11/03/2012
whats up with people and smilie hes cool and all but what about smilie and smilie because smilie is not the only skylander in wave 4 coming and also please do not get angry at me i might change my mind about him when i get him but this is my honest opinion about him for now people
#106 zook it up 02:17:27 12/03/2012
I like sunburn bit azz is right why do people like sunburn so much better then all the others.
#107 azz01 18:32:13 12/03/2012
i frogot to say on this topic i like him now so i changed my avatar to prove it
#108 AJAwesome 01:09:03 13/03/2012
Not to be off topic but here is a dragons peak play through I found on youtube! (This is not my vid.)
#109 zebas1234 05:11:18 13/03/2012
i like the undead dragon he looks like hektores color from the 3ds version
#110 therealklanked 14:06:30 13/03/2012
Went in to my local (Fort Worth) TRU yesterday looking for Skylanders, sadly all they had left was boomer (Still got him, why not). All Starter kits were half off as well. When I was checking out, the sales associate told me they would be getting another shipment in on Wednesday with more skylanders, to which her manager quickly corrected her and was told (either by TRU or Activision) to keep all Skylanders received in the back until March 26th. They have 2 walls for skylanders ready for this date. TRU will also be having a HUGE sale on that day, so....there's my little bit of info for y'all. I will be hitting the store up on March 26th!
#111 scottle 20:01:59 14/03/2012
I have called my local TRU today, this and last week the've posted flyers in store stating HUGE Shipment on 3/21 will be arriving, and to check back then. I have phone TRU in Michigan they stated the same. another TRU in Michigan was doing a pre-sell call ahead phone list w/ the characters your looking for and calling people when they came in on 3/21 (now this store is dedicated). I'll be reporting next wednesday what my findings are.
#112 LevanJess 20:08:22 14/03/2012
Oh! Ignitor's in a single this wave!
Awesome! I really want Ignitor, not going to get a whole 3DS starter pack when I don't have a 3DS just for him.
#113 sarval 10:44:28 16/03/2012
Yaaay i preordered today:
Lightning Rod, Zook, Cynder
Warnado, Camo, Ignitor
Dragon’s Peak Adventure Pack.
#114 zook it up 12:46:56 16/03/2012
i am a bit suspicious of that video nobody else seems to have those but hopefully they will be in stores soon
#115 Skylanderportal 17:02:52 16/03/2012
I still need Darklight Crypt and Empire of Ice Adventure Packs u_u And 3DS starter pack u_u hope to see Skylanders in Toys r us next week ! Really Excited for smilie smilie and smilie
#116 TheSpyrofan12 17:39:01 16/03/2012
How long do you guys think it'll be 'till wave 4 is released in UK?

I'd say in about 2 months if it's anything like wave 3. smilie
#117 Aura24 17:42:34 16/03/2012
Quote: zook it up
i am a bit suspicious of that video nobody else seems to have those but hopefully they will be in stores soon

The guy who uploaded the video is a reviewer, Activision usually gives new Skylanders early to reviewer days before releasing them to the public.
#118 Otacon_Magoo 23:50:02 16/03/2012
Being a fan of the skylanders game I bought both PS3 and 3DS versions, I have gotten all but the final 6 that have not yet been released, and I cannot wait to get Lightning Rod, Zook, and Sunburn. Before they are all bought up and sold for $30 or more on Ebay.
#119 Equator 13:28:29 17/03/2012
@TheSpyroFan12 If it is going to be like wave 3, then I hope they do it in a similar order. In wave 3, the adventure pack came first, then the rest (Cynder is out in the UK smilie). So hopefully it will be the same, coz well, I guess I'm not the only one who is excited about Dragon's peak?
#120 spyro360 13:52:31 17/03/2012
Yay more skylanders smilie
#121 zebas1234 18:20:40 17/03/2012
look poeple have their hands on blue bash [User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image] [User Posted Image] [User Posted Image]
#122 TheSpyrofan12 21:30:18 17/03/2012
Quote: Equator
@TheSpyroFan12 If it is going to be like wave 3, then I hope they do it in a similar order. In wave 3, the adventure pack came first, then the rest (Cynder is out in the UK smilie). So hopefully it will be the same, coz well, I guess I'm not the only one who is excited about Dragon's peak?

As long as Dragon's Peak and the smilie/smilie/smilie triple pack come ASAP, then I'd be fine. smilie
#123 zebas1234 22:02:00 17/03/2012
cant belive poeple already have blue bash
#124 zook it up 20:46:37 19/03/2012
some one is selling a in hand copy of zook on ebay
#125 zebas1234 04:19:47 21/03/2012
[User Posted Image] i went to my kmart for a game and only saw this i was expecting zook or lighting rod
#126 Trigger_Happy 07:39:44 21/03/2012
that yellow dragonfly is SPARX ANd Sunburn is EPIC
#127 AJAwesome 11:37:37 21/03/2012
Unfair I cant find a single cynder anywhere and I go early in shipping days at stores too.
#128 AJAwesome 11:45:16 21/03/2012
Hey does anyone know where I can get a Cynder for a not ridiculous price online.
#129 arceustheprime 12:37:07 21/03/2012
Depends, I know a place but it's only in Australia.
#130 navyman0214 14:21:22 21/03/2012
amazon has a bunch of singles for sale for 7.99 plus shipping cynder is one of them.
#131 navyman0214 14:25:45 21/03/2012
Just got back from ToysRus and I was first in line this morning. There were about 20 or so people behind me. They handed out numbers and they had pretty much all of them, but only 3 Lighting Rods Plenty of Zooks and about 200 individual figures. Only 4 per customer no doubles. They will have Dragons Peak for sale on Sunday from what I was told.
#132 scottle 16:12:45 21/03/2012
My stores in my local tri-state (Cincinnati, Ohio) and some in Michigan said Dragon's Peak on Sunday 3-25-12. Wow only 3 lightning rods and Zooks. This is crazy (another shortage) surprise.
#133 navyman0214 18:07:21 21/03/2012
I am in Pickerington, Oh just south east of Columbus. I plan On getting there early on Sunday. By the way they had about 15 to 20 Zook's and about 180 assorted other individual Skylanders.
#134 therealklanked 19:04:04 21/03/2012
Just got back from a Toys R Us our here in the Texas DFW metroplex, limit 2 Skylanders per customer =( and they had already sold out of most of them. But I managed to get a hold of a Drobot! They had Whirlwind and a Stump Smash was getting picked up by the time I got there....and then another Toys r Us out here has got a 3 pack (Wrecking Ball, Stealth Elf and Sonic Boom) on hold for me for when I get out of work today! As far as all the elements go, I'm complete now! Stealth Elf was a PAIN to get. Happy Hunting Portal Masters!
#135 yarla98 20:58:41 21/03/2012
Got my Zook and Lightning Rod today! Already have Cynder so don't care about that one.
#136 zebas1234 23:05:25 21/03/2012
#137 navyman0214 23:05:50 21/03/2012
How are the sellers on Ebay getting Dragons Peak when ToysRus is not even selling it yet?
#138 zebas1234 23:09:10 21/03/2012
i dont know how ebayer got em early
#139 navyman0214 23:14:00 21/03/2012
Hopefully I can get my hands on one come Sunday
#140 zebas1234 23:16:29 21/03/2012
me too but i dont live close to a toys r us man i only go fridays to the doctor ans theres a toys r us there but my mom already gor me something from there l-trigger happy she will not agree to go again[User Posted Image]
#141 navyman0214 23:20:56 21/03/2012
He is pretty cool. I have cynder and the empire of coming by mail should have them both by Sat. pre ordered the blue bash all I am missing is Dragons Peak.
#142 zebas1234 23:29:38 21/03/2012
He is pretty cool. I have cynder and the empire of coming by mail should have them both by Sat. pre ordered the blue bash all I am missing is Dragons Peak.
me too i would just get blue bash as a cellectible my legendary trigger happy is still on the box i havent open him yet i dont want to same thing i will do to blue bash and mybe sunburn
#143 navyman0214 09:28:10 22/03/2012
Empire of ice is on sale on Amazon for 19.99 plus shipping only 40 or so.
#144 AJAwesome 12:02:44 22/03/2012
Im in Florida!
#145 camo19 12:29:11 22/03/2012
i'm sorry to say this zook it up but i just see no point in buying zook.
P.S: who wouldn't agree with me that lightning rod looks like the greek god zues?
#146 Dragon15010 15:15:58 22/03/2012
Quote: zook it up
why does nobody like zook smilie is the king of AWESOMENESS oh well he will be easier for me to find

I like zook. I ALWAYS WANTED HIM!!!
#147 Bronxboykev 16:40:13 22/03/2012
I can't figure out how some of these people are getting wave 4 already. I have spoken to the 3 toys r us I'm my area... The only thing that is being released on Sunday the 25 is the Dragons peak adventure set and a strict only 1 per customer... So how are all these ignitors, lightning rod's, and zooks showing up... Who has them and how are they really being released???
#148 navyman0214 20:16:24 22/03/2012
I guess some of the Toysrus stores did not get both or none at all. There were only 3 Lightning Rods and about 20 Zooks at the store I went to. At the store in the northern part of the city I live in they had none and the store my sister-n-law went to in North Carolina had none. I guess it's just the luck of the draw what stores got what.
#149 LevanJess 20:23:19 22/03/2012
Quote: camo19
i'm sorry to say this zook it up but i just see no point in buying zook.

Probably because his gameplay looks pretty fun.
Just because he's ugly doesn't mean he automatically sucks.
#150 Furry360 23:00:40 22/03/2012
wave 4 dos't come out till end of march in canada that sucks
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