3:03 PM - Sunday the 1st of April, 2012 - by dark52
Just to let you know, the new limits mentioned in the previous news post have now been activated. The PM Inbox is now limited to 500, the Sent folder only records the last 100 PMs sent, and Guestbooks are trimmed to the 500 newest posts.
And as a reminder, if your inbox is still over 500 messages on the 1st of May the oldest messages will be deleted to reduce you to 500.
And as a reminder, if your inbox is still over 500 messages on the 1st of May the oldest messages will be deleted to reduce you to 500.

Yeaaaaaah, I still think 500 is a tad bit too little for the PM inbox.


Same hear.

Quote: Stealth Elf 32
or just 1000 coments and PM's
I have to say 1,000,000 comments on the profiles and 1,000 emails
or just 1000 coments and PM's

wow over board

It's not over board it's just 500 more messeges.

This really is great.

Lol I thought this was an April fools joke. Look at the date.

Anyone that was still over 500 has now had their inbox trimmed.

I like limit-less.

Well, I don't think our PM will be that much
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