I forgot to post it before but I recently completed my walkthrough to the console version of Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure with the expansion level Dragon's Peak. I have also now finished off the 3DS guide to the same adventure pack.
And with E3 2012 just next week (June 5th-7th), expect news about the upcoming sequel, Skylanders: Giants, some time soon.
And with E3 2012 just next week (June 5th-7th), expect news about the upcoming sequel, Skylanders: Giants, some time soon.

Thanks Dark52 I needed that guide I couldnt find some areas in the level.

thanks dark,i always tell myself ''read the walkthrough read the walkthrough''but i never do.But this is my favorite level so gonna read it


I need dragons peak it comes with

it has sparx i need it

I love it I can ride on a dragon it so cool and I love

Ihave almost all of the skylanders but
. But anyways check out my profile Bye!

Im getting it on friday so exited to get it!!!!!!!1

i need for more skylanders!!!!!!!!!
Wham shell
and wornado and i enogh money for them on friday 27th july 2012 !!!!
wich is tomorro !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can get them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wham shell
and wornado and i enogh money for them on friday 27th july 2012 !!!!
wich is tomorro !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can get them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love dis lvl! Only use dragons!

dragons peak is awesome
(signature in morse code)
(signature in morse code)

Thanks Dark I can't find the soul gem.

man my ps3 fride show i missed out but did shaw [youtube] videos of dragons peek my ps3 was the only thing i had skylanders on my dad said if i be good he will get me dotd for my xbox i already have spyro year of the dragon on my psp thats the only spyro game i have left and yess i still have my skylanders cant wait for the new series 2 cynder

1 of my fav levels!

i loved this level riding a dragon was sweat

i love this level

the dragons peak power on skylanders giants game is shooting fire

to me, dragons peak is the easiest world!

it works o n the giants to

I got 100% on my first try for this one. I didn't even use a walkthrough, that was before I found this site. :3
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