It's another year that has rolled on by and darkSpyro celebrates its fourth birthday. Since this time last year we've had the addition of a guide for the latest game, The Eternal Night, a new guide of the old game Enter the Dragonfly and the rapid expansion of the Guidebook which now contains over 700 characters.
As for statistics, well the site has received over 30 million hits, the forum has broken the 1000 registered members mark and there are now currently around 175,000 posts. The forum has gained several new features including the much requested Private Message service.
What's in the future? I made a comment regarding a new Guidebook last year, that's progressed since then and is still on its way, as too are reworkings of the Season of Ice and Attack of the Rhynoc sections. And of course a guide for the new game Dawn of the Dragon once it becomes available towards the end of the year.
As for statistics, well the site has received over 30 million hits, the forum has broken the 1000 registered members mark and there are now currently around 175,000 posts. The forum has gained several new features including the much requested Private Message service.
What's in the future? I made a comment regarding a new Guidebook last year, that's progressed since then and is still on its way, as too are reworkings of the Season of Ice and Attack of the Rhynoc sections. And of course a guide for the new game Dawn of the Dragon once it becomes available towards the end of the year.
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4 Years! Congrats!

Yay,4 years....Congratz!!!
I love this site......Now whos got the party poppers?
I love this site......Now whos got the party poppers?

Congrats! *Does cheerfull dance*

Quote: dark52
So what?
It's another year that has rolled on by and darkSpyro celebrates its fourth birthday. Since this time last year we've had the addition of a guide for the latest game, The Eternal Night, a new guide of the old game Enter the Dragonfly and the rapid expansion of the Guidebook which now contains over 700 characters.
As for statistics, well the site has received over 30 million hits, the forum has broken the 1000 registered members mark and there are now currently around 175,000 posts. The forum has gained several new features including the much requested Private Message service.
What's in the future? I made a comment regarding a new Guidebook last year, that's progressed since then and is still on its way, as too are reworkings of the Season of Ice and Attack of the Rhynoc sections. And of course a guide for the new game Dawn of the Dragon once it becomes available towards the end of the year.
So what?

i went to the character guid book i looked at spyro went where its spyro's evolution and i saw a thing named twinsanity whats that ????

Anyway, I don't really care if there's new characters in the character guidebook. I care more about the rest of the site.

Crash Twinsanity is a Crash Bandicoot game which Spyro makes a very brief cameo in.

Well fine then!

Okay, I've got to stop by to say this: congratulations on four years of an awesome site, Dark52!
May the next four be just as awesome.

4 more years!

Razz, I think this getting out of hands.

Quote: dark52
What exactly does he do? I have the game, but I haven't encountered him yet.
Crash Twinsanity is a Crash Bandicoot game which Spyro makes a very brief cameo in.
What exactly does he do? I have the game, but I haven't encountered him yet.

Congrats dark52 for four years of!

Congratulations on yet another year of this site! Now it's time to head for the big half a decade!
Yes, this year, especially the past few months, has been an eventful year. Let's hope the events keep on coming and that this site makes it up high!
To Dragon Lover: It's on the last level:
Yes, this year, especially the past few months, has been an eventful year. Let's hope the events keep on coming and that this site makes it up high!
To Dragon Lover: It's on the last level:
Crash comes upon some of the villains that have found some treasure that they could use to do evil things, and besides, Cortex wants it, so...
N. Tropy: So what? What you gonna do about it?
Cortex: Well, I think that guy may want his treasure back!
You see Spyro, and he gets a nice breath of fire at the villains. They run off empty handed.
N. Tropy: So what? What you gonna do about it?
Cortex: Well, I think that guy may want his treasure back!
You see Spyro, and he gets a nice breath of fire at the villains. They run off empty handed.

Quote: Ross
Ah, ok. What's the last level called, anyways? I'm on the level,
Congratulations on yet another year of this site! Now it's time to head for the big half a decade!
Yes, this year, especially the past few months, has been an eventful year. Let's hope the events keep on coming and that this site makes it up high!
To Dragon Lover: It's on the last level:
Crash comes upon some of the villains that have found some treasure that they could use to do evil things, and besides, Cortex wants it, so...
N. Tropy: So what? What you gonna do about it?
Cortex: Well, I think that guy may want his treasure back!
You see Spyro, and he gets a nice breath of fire at the villains. They run off empty handed.
Ah, ok. What's the last level called, anyways? I'm on the level,
High Seas, Hi Jinks.



Quote: bionicle2809
I second that
I second that

Happy birthday! Who has the cake?

YAY!!!!!!!!!! *opens a coca-cola can * YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote: okami12
is drinking DP WOWNESS mez jumping off walls
YAY!!!!!!!!!! *opens a coca-cola can * YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is drinking DP WOWNESS mez jumping off walls

*gets party popers* YAY! party!

Quote: Tango
were is the cake
*gets party popers* YAY! party!
were is the cake

Right here! *throws cake at computer* IT NEVER WORKS!!

Quote: dark52
I lol'd!
Anyways, congrats!
I lol'd!
Anyways, congrats!

Congratulations on the site,Dark52(4th year!
)!It has come a long way,right?

Happy b-day darkSpyro!!!


Wow! Big congrats on making it to four years, dark!

Quote: artiste_violet

Quote: Dragon Lover
It's in the Twins Compound right before you go to battle them.
Quote: RossCongratulations on yet another year of this site! Now it's time to head for the big half a decade!
Yes, this year, especially the past few months, has been an eventful year. Let's hope the events keep on coming and that this site makes it up high!
To Dragon Lover: It's on the last level:
Crash comes upon some of the villains that have found some treasure that they could use to do evil things, and besides, Cortex wants it, so...
N. Tropy: So what? What you gonna do about it?
Cortex: Well, I think that guy may want his treasure back!
You see Spyro, and he gets a nice breath of fire at the villains. They run off empty handed.
Ah, ok. What's the last level called, anyways? I'm on the level,
High Seas, Hi Jinks.
It's in the Twins Compound right before you go to battle them.

Quote: dark52
*nod* ^__^ Lot of dedication, dude.
It's another year that has rolled on by and darkSpyro celebrates its fourth birthday. Since this time last year we've had the addition of a guide for the latest game, The Eternal Night, a new guide of the old game Enter the Dragonfly and the rapid expansion of the Guidebook which now contains over 700 characters.
As for statistics, well the site has received over 30 million hits, the forum has broken the 1000 registered members mark and there are now currently around 175,000 posts. The forum has gained several new features including the much requested Private Message service.
What's in the future? I made a comment regarding a new Guidebook last year, that's progressed since then and is still on its way, as too are reworkings of the Season of Ice and Attack of the Rhynoc sections. And of course a guide for the new game Dawn of the Dragon once it becomes available towards the end of the year.
*nod* ^__^ Lot of dedication, dude.


Thanks everyone!

This site is awsome

Happy Birthday, darkSpyro!
I am gonna use bubble breath.
I am gonna use bubble breath.

Quote: dark52
NP NP NP NP NP NP NP and again NP!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone!
NP NP NP NP NP NP NP and again NP!!!!!!!

Quote: alexis1213
Now Playing?
Happy birthday.
Quote: dark52Thanks everyone!
NP NP NP NP NP NP NP and again NP!!!!!!!
Now Playing?

Happy birthday.

Don't worry, alexis1213!
Just use the bubblebreath!
Just use the bubblebreath!

Quote: SilverDragon
lets party
Don't worry, alexis1213!
Just use the bubblebreath!

YAY! Happy B-day; happy happy happy... well you get the idea. THIS SITE ROCKS! 

today is Dark Spyro's birthday?

Yep! Use the bubblebreath!

Quote: SilverDragon
yay bubbles *opens a bottle of root beer*
Yep! Use the bubblebreath!
yay bubbles *opens a bottle of root beer*

Quote: dark52
T______T I was gonna make a little comic for it, then I relized I have no idea what you look like as an alter ego.
Quote: SilverDragon
*puts you in a bath with soap suds in the water* Happy?
Thanks everyone!
T______T I was gonna make a little comic for it, then I relized I have no idea what you look like as an alter ego.

Quote: SilverDragon
Yep! Use the bubblebreath!
*puts you in a bath with soap suds in the water* Happy?

Quote: dark52
No problem, dark52. Good work, and good mind is all you need.
Thanks everyone!
No problem, dark52. Good work, and good mind is all you need.

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