3:56 PM - Wednesday the 12th of December, 2012 - by dark52
It's finally happened, the European PSN Store has added the original three Spyro games. Sold for £3.99 (€4.99) each or as a collection for £7.99 (€9.99).
As the US flag indicates they're technically the NTSC versions of the games so they won't have any of the additional languages and Gateway to Glimmer is actually called Ripto's Rage in-game.
As the US flag indicates they're technically the NTSC versions of the games so they won't have any of the additional languages and Gateway to Glimmer is actually called Ripto's Rage in-game.

awesome I am going to get them I have been waiting so long for them to be out on PS3

£8 for all 3 games? Deal!

Didn't the NTSC version of YotD have more music? Or was that just the Platinum Hits? I seem to remember the PAL version having a bunch of reused level music. <.>

ish more consoles had them.

hmmm never understood why in other countries they called Spyro 2 gateway to glimmer....

Quote: kardonis
Ripto's Rage was difficulty to translate - the same for most of the R&C games and the R&C Future trilogy.
hmmm never understood why in other countries they called Spyro 2 gateway to glimmer....
Ripto's Rage was difficulty to translate - the same for most of the R&C games and the R&C Future trilogy.

ah I see, glimmer is only the first level so I thought it was weird that they named the game off of it.

i wish these were on xbox360

I wish the same.
I kind of want to play these.
I kind of want to play these.

Man I want them!!

I wish I could get these on 360. I never really got to play the original games much seeing as how I've never owned a playstation. I only played a little bit when at a friend's house.

I've been waiting for this

I have hard copies of them all and the downloads. Lol

I live in the US but I'm not even willing to spend a few dollars on these games tbh. They're waaaaay overrated.

That's awesome! Good for Classic fans..

I bought the Trilogy pack and now have them on PS3 and PSP.
![[User Posted Image]](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/346/b/9/ps1_spyro_trilogy_on_eu_psn_by_stevemacqwark-d5ntpbm.png)
Tears of joy.
![[User Posted Image]](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/346/b/9/ps1_spyro_trilogy_on_eu_psn_by_stevemacqwark-d5ntpbm.png)
Tears of joy.

'Bout time!


This is good.

Quote: spyro and sonic
In your opinion, of course.
*Ahem* Congrats, Europe. c:
I live in the US but I'm not even willing to spend a few dollars on these games tbh. They're waaaaay overrated.
In your opinion, of course.
*Ahem* Congrats, Europe. c:

Quote: ThroneOfMalefor
I thought that would go without saying.
It's not as common anymore, but it still irritates me when people act like these games are utterly perfect and look down on you for not playing them.
Quote: spyro and sonicI live in the US but I'm not even willing to spend a few dollars on these games tbh. They're waaaaay overrated.
In your opinion, of course.
*Ahem* Congrats, Europe. c:
I thought that would go without saying.
It's not as common anymore, but it still irritates me when people act like these games are utterly perfect and look down on you for not playing them.

No game is completely perfect. But the original trilogy is certainly very fun to play, even today. But if you're not a fan of games based around adventuring or exploration or platforming, then these games certainly aren't for you. <.<;

They're better than LoS and Skylanders. In my opinion.

Quote: Spyrobaro
Seriously? That's a bit... excessive. <.<
Quote: HIRNo game is completely perfect. But the original trilogy is certainly very fun to play, even today. But if you're not a fan of games based around adventuring or exploration or platforming, then these games certainly aren't for you. <.<;
They are very fun to play, yes. But a lot of people treat the games like eating and breathing and such.
Seriously? That's a bit... excessive. <.<

oh god yes finally

Quote: Spyrobaro
Wait a minute, on another topic I thought you said that throughout the whole world hardly anyone would know about Spyro compared to this site and it's fans, and now you're saying that they're over-rated, and that there's a lot of people that love it so much, make your mind up, lol. It's like since you've seen the reaction to this subject, you've gotten all negative about it.
I think it may have been in one of the Spyro the Dragon site polls actually, I could be wrong.
EDIT: Yeah, it's in the Beast Makers one.
Quote: HIRNo game is completely perfect. But the original trilogy is certainly very fun to play, even today. But if you're not a fan of games based around adventuring or exploration or platforming, then these games certainly aren't for you. <.<;
They are very fun to play, yes. But a lot of people treat the games like eating and breathing and such.
Wait a minute, on another topic I thought you said that throughout the whole world hardly anyone would know about Spyro compared to this site and it's fans, and now you're saying that they're over-rated, and that there's a lot of people that love it so much, make your mind up, lol. It's like since you've seen the reaction to this subject, you've gotten all negative about it.
I think it may have been in one of the Spyro the Dragon site polls actually, I could be wrong.
EDIT: Yeah, it's in the Beast Makers one.

Finally, a good way to waste €10.
Quote: Spyrobaro
Quote: spyro and sonic
Overrated games don't exist.
You don't like something that most people love but how can you say it's overrated? It's all about opinions and point of views and you're not the ones who know the real value of the game as you think you are.
It's not overrated, you simply don't like it as much as most people do. How can you be sure you're not the ones underrating it?
Hint: you can't.
Quote: Spyrobaro
IMO the first game is overrated one of the bunch.
Quote: spyro and sonic
I live in the US but I'm not even willing to spend a few dollars on these games tbh. They're waaaaay overrated.
Overrated games don't exist.
You don't like something that most people love but how can you say it's overrated? It's all about opinions and point of views and you're not the ones who know the real value of the game as you think you are.
It's not overrated, you simply don't like it as much as most people do. How can you be sure you're not the ones underrating it?
Hint: you can't.

Alright, now gimme my Legend Trilogy re-release for Steam!

My Dad has a PS3 but I don't think he'll download them for me, even if I gave him the money for it, he doesn't really trust paying online. The only site he trusts is amazon.

Quote: SuperSpyroFan
PSN currency cards. Nuff said.
My Dad has a PS3 but I don't think he'll download them for me, even if I gave him the money for it, he doesn't really trust paying online. The only site he trusts is amazon.
PSN currency cards. Nuff said.

Quote: bionicle2809
Okay, I'll have to look into them. Nuff said.
Quote: SuperSpyroFanMy Dad has a PS3 but I don't think he'll download them for me, even if I gave him the money for it, he doesn't really trust paying online. The only site he trusts is amazon.
PSN currency cards. Nuff said.
Okay, I'll have to look into them. Nuff said.

Quote: Spyrobaro
You can have an opinion on the game, but you can't say other people like it too much, or say it's better than it actually is because that's theirs.
Sure, it's your opinion if it's overrated, but... overrated games don't exist.
Quote: zzsdfHint: you can't.
Hint: You also can't be sure if a game is overrated unless that's your opinion.
I said "in my opinion". That should say enough about it. In my opinion, people stretch the truth about the game and that it's not as good as everyone says it is. But that's only my opinion. And, by saying that, I'm implying that my opinion isn't what everyone thinks.
You can have an opinion on the game, but you can't say other people like it too much, or say it's better than it actually is because that's theirs.
Sure, it's your opinion if it's overrated, but... overrated games don't exist.

I love the way Spyrobaro completely ignored my comment.

Quote: Spyrobaro
Oh, okay, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, my fault.
I didn't see it. Excuse me.
Quote: SuperSpyroFan*snip*
No, I mean that I believe that it's hyped up too much within the fandom. I personally find the first Spyro game to be boring. But that's just my opinion, and I'm not saying that no one should talk about it. I'm saying that I myself wouldn't bother spending money on it because I don't like it.
Oh, okay, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, my fault.

I downloaded Spyro The Dragon last week from the PSN store!
Awesome. :3
Couldn't get the trilogy because I didn't have enough money left from the gift card I bought it with. ;~;
Awesome. :3
Couldn't get the trilogy because I didn't have enough money left from the gift card I bought it with. ;~;


so-they on PS3?

Quote: dark52
Not eu versions? Racism! jk
Quote: Malefor132
Same here
Quote: spyro and sonic
I'm going to disagree and say they're not overatted and go with the others saying you just don't like it as much
It's finally happened, the European PSN Store has added the original three Spyro games. Sold for £3.99 (€4.99) each or as a collection for £7.99 (€9.99).
As the US flag indicates they're technically the NTSC versions of the games so they won't have any of the additional languages and Gateway to Glimmer is actually called Ripto's Rage in-game.
Not eu versions? Racism! jk
Quote: Malefor132
i wish these were on xbox360
Same here
Quote: spyro and sonic
I live in the US but I'm not even willing to spend a few dollars on these games tbh. They're waaaaay overrated.
I'm going to disagree and say they're not overatted and go with the others saying you just don't like it as much
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