9:56 AM - Saturday the 26th of July, 2008 - by dark52
The full interview GameTrailers had with Elijah Wood has finally been posted. It includes some extra questions to Elijah and some more footage of The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon in action.
In other news, the first screenshots of the mobile version of the game have appeared on PocketGamer. You can also check them out in their full non-cropped glory in the gallery.
And in site related news, I've recently made some maps for the Sgt. Byrd speedways in Spyro: A Hero's Tail which should help locate where all those turrets are hiding and perhaps improve your time through the course.
Thanks go to Neal of SpyroWorld for spotting the mobile screens.
In other news, the first screenshots of the mobile version of the game have appeared on PocketGamer. You can also check them out in their full non-cropped glory in the gallery.
And in site related news, I've recently made some maps for the Sgt. Byrd speedways in Spyro: A Hero's Tail which should help locate where all those turrets are hiding and perhaps improve your time through the course.
Thanks go to Neal of SpyroWorld for spotting the mobile screens.

Good, very good.

Malefor looks gold. o_0

I WANT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ME TOO!!!!!


*Thumbs up* It's nice to see that the free flight idea is being well developed and stuff. And actions by pressing buttons when bad things happen... classic extra!

Cool! I like the shiny spyro with the floating gems!

The cutscene bit where Spyro and Cynder are looking at the green gems looks like a scene of a Pixar film. It's very nice that the makers of this game are putting so much effort into this great game.

the cutscesne is awesome!!!
but cynder didnt talk.....
but cynder didnt talk.....

Quote: Ross
*Thumbs up* It's nice to see that the free flight idea is being well developed and stuff. And actions by pressing buttons when bad things happen... classic extra!

omg its gonna be good

Bravo. The green gem looks like intense! Thats gonna be my favorite cutscene!

Quote: Dragonhope
bet ya 5 bucks that it won't be lol you still got the hole game to go through HaHa. still It does looks awsome i cant wait
Bravo. The green gem looks like intense! Thats gonna be my favorite cutscene!
bet ya 5 bucks that it won't be lol you still got the hole game to go through HaHa. still It does looks awsome i cant wait

I don't know, but for some reason, it made me a little sad when Spyro said that Cynder should get out of there

I resent him calling original Spyro a "kids' game". D=
Cool, though. That might be fun to fly around like that.
Cool, though. That might be fun to fly around like that.

I MUST HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


CRY!! i have no sound but this game game is still gonna rock

you can here spyro (in gameplay) talk !!!! YES !

argh, I'm from Norway so I have to wait until november I guess…

hmm....awesome. im too from norway and im talking norwegian but i can talk english only little and I CANT WAIT FOR THIS GAME!!!!!

Quote: Eternal Dragon
Fixed. Be careful not to say the same word twice.
CRY!! i have no sound but this game is still gonna rock
Fixed. Be careful not to say the same word twice.

Quote: cynderfan
hah not me eather, I just can't wait!! why do we from europe have to wait until november, why not october! seriously I'm gonna move to America! X3
hmm....awesome. im too from norway and im talking norwegian but i can talk english only little and I CANT WAIT FOR THIS GAME!!!!!
hah not me eather, I just can't wait!! why do we from europe have to wait until november, why not october! seriously I'm gonna move to America! X3

Y is the DM gold?? i thought he was purple

Time changes things...
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