2:28 PM - Monday the 9th of September, 2013 - by dark52
Later this week will apparently see the release of a special variant of the giant Eye-Brawl, it's already been spotted in a few places in Canada.
The "Special Halloween 2013 Edition" Eye-Brawl, more commonly referred to as Pumpkin Eye-Brawl thanks to his distinctive orange pumpkin-like eye-ball, is not an in-game variant and will appear exactly the same as a regular Eye-Brawl when playing just like the Glow-in-the-Dark editions of characters like Cynder and Sonic Boom that you might already own. It does however have the same "Special" tag that makes it distinct in the collection screen even if it doesn't look or behave any differently.
A quiet one for Skylanders: Lost Islands this week, Eye-Small is more widely available and the month's Alter-Ego gets his Hut.
![[User Posted Image]](//www.darkspyro.net/images/other/lostislands/20130909.jpg)
And in news for a related game, the previously exclusive to iOS Skylanders: Battlegrounds has been announced for the LG Smart TV platform and is due out "this holiday season". Here's hoping they remember to finish it off this time.
The "Special Halloween 2013 Edition" Eye-Brawl, more commonly referred to as Pumpkin Eye-Brawl thanks to his distinctive orange pumpkin-like eye-ball, is not an in-game variant and will appear exactly the same as a regular Eye-Brawl when playing just like the Glow-in-the-Dark editions of characters like Cynder and Sonic Boom that you might already own. It does however have the same "Special" tag that makes it distinct in the collection screen even if it doesn't look or behave any differently.
A quiet one for Skylanders: Lost Islands this week, Eye-Small is more widely available and the month's Alter-Ego gets his Hut.
![[User Posted Image]](http://www.darkspyro.net/images/other/lostislands/20130909.jpg)
- Eye-Small joins Lost Islands properly, you can now buy him for 300 Gems.
- Autumn Stump Smash gets his own Hut for 350 Gems.
- A new Wood Stack House for level 39 that can house 3200 Mabu.
And in news for a related game, the previously exclusive to iOS Skylanders: Battlegrounds has been announced for the LG Smart TV platform and is due out "this holiday season". Here's hoping they remember to finish it off this time.

I wonder why they removed the highlights and went with all black - simple cost-cutting?



Cool pumpkin

Wish he looked different in-game

I think Activision is working on it

Got my Pumpkin Eye Brawl yesterday in Eb Games

Any spotted in US?

I got him pre-ordered at gamestop.

omg I thought Pumpkin Eye-Brawl was a fake, but he is real! What do you know? Im not chasing him, cuz just like my Pearl Hot Head, (the pride and joy of my collection,) Pearl Hot Head doesn't look any different in game either. Very disappointing.

woohoo looks like fun - have to make a jack-o-lantern with him!

I'm thinking about getting him not sure yet. if he looks different in the game then ill get him

He doesnt look different in the game, you just get an "Eye-Brawl-Special" character in the all figures collection

Woo that sucks

I got Pumpkin Eye-Brawl

I got mine @ walmart yesterday everybody that wants one please go get one at your local wally-world before they are gone i have only seen a few at a couple of places i have been . And he doesnt look any diff on the portal activision needs to get with the game , infinity does have theres that look diff if u buy the special edition ones .

I also got mine (Pumpkin Eye Brawl) from Walmart on 09-13-13. They had about 4 on the shelf here in Michigan.

are they shipping to alaska


im trying to hunt him down


i dont know how i did it, but i got him. and im in the U.S.A! i dident pre-order him, i found him at gamestop! can somone help me explain this!?!?

gamestop in alaska??????????????

I got one from GameStop today =3 ~Norway

me? -virginia. DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!

How does he look lit up?

dunno. havent tried him yet. and how do i put a pic on here?


I can confirm that the UK will INDEED get him. Italy is getting him as a GameStop exclusive, while Europe is currently unknown.


Stop spamming that. Of course they're in the USA.

I saw him at EBgames and I couldn't care less

I bought him not knowing that he wouldn't be any different in the game. They really need to fix that and update some graphical changes for him before Halloween. He is really not that detailed as there is only two colours on him. Seems like a cheap cash grab and it worked because I got him not knowing that so they got my cash. I saw a whole wall of them in Toys R Us, not really that hard to find.

If you live in UK, he's a Sainsbury's exclusive. Bought mine today, Purley Way, Croydon. £14:99. Had about 3 or 4 still on the shelf.
If you have no luck, try their website, they're selling them there for the same price.
If you have no luck, try their website, they're selling them there for the same price.

Eye don't care (sorry, I know how awful that joke is) what he looks like in the game, his figure is awesome and as much as I hope to get an update so he looks different in the game, I'm happy...so far.
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Is he coming out in UK?