The first stages of Wave 3 of the toys for Skylanders SWAP Force are starting to hit shops, the five new core Skylanders toys hit Toys R Us yesterday in the United States.
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Dune Bug, Smolderdash
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Phantom Cynder, Hyper Beam Prism Break, Horn Blast Whirlwind
Here's what makes up the rest of Wave 3, they're not quite yet available in the US but are already available in some other countries like Germany and Italy.
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Lightcore Countdown, Lightcore Wham-Shell
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Rubble Rouser, Spy Rise, Stink Bomb
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Arkeyan Crossbow
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Sheep Wreck Island
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Hyper Beam Prism Break, Horn Blast Whirlwind, Rip Tide
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Dune Bug, Phantom Cynder, Knockout Terrafin
The winners of the Frito-Lay sweepstakes for Quickdraw Rattle Shake are starting to report receiving their prizes so be on the lookout for it if you've won one (or more).
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In other Wave 3 news, today saw the introduction of the five new Wave 3 characters in Skylanders Lost Islands, you can now get Rubble Rouser, Stink Bomb, Spy Rise, Dune Bug and Wind-Up in the game, which means that at long last it is possible to match the Earth element Sugarbats. Last Friday saw a specially squeezed in Christmas update for the game as well:
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And earlier last week they posted the regular Monday update.
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The Skylanders Collection Vault also recently saw an update which allows you to now add characters to your collection even if you don't have their webcode.
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Dune Bug, Smolderdash
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Phantom Cynder, Hyper Beam Prism Break, Horn Blast Whirlwind
Here's what makes up the rest of Wave 3, they're not quite yet available in the US but are already available in some other countries like Germany and Italy.
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Lightcore Countdown, Lightcore Wham-Shell
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Rubble Rouser, Spy Rise, Stink Bomb
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Arkeyan Crossbow
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Sheep Wreck Island
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Hyper Beam Prism Break, Horn Blast Whirlwind, Rip Tide
![[User Posted Image]](
Dune Bug, Phantom Cynder, Knockout Terrafin
The winners of the Frito-Lay sweepstakes for Quickdraw Rattle Shake are starting to report receiving their prizes so be on the lookout for it if you've won one (or more).
![[User Posted Image]](
In other Wave 3 news, today saw the introduction of the five new Wave 3 characters in Skylanders Lost Islands, you can now get Rubble Rouser, Stink Bomb, Spy Rise, Dune Bug and Wind-Up in the game, which means that at long last it is possible to match the Earth element Sugarbats. Last Friday saw a specially squeezed in Christmas update for the game as well:
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- Jolly Bumble Blast makes his festive debut. It'll be 250 Gems if you don't have the toy.
- A new SWAP Force House has been added, buy them for 350 Gems to put your SWAP Force characters in for the chance to earn Gold, Gems, Energy or Kingdom XP.
- Another new companion, Fiznik, he'll double the Kingdom XP you get for the rather pricey sum of 3000 Gems.
And earlier last week they posted the regular Monday update.
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- New companion Diggs who you can use to trade in large amounts of Gold and Energy for Gems once a day. He'll cost you 2000 Gems but is said to be only available until January 1st.
- The Legendary Skylanders are here, all four of the new Legendaries from SWAP Force have been added. That's Legendary Night Shift, Legendary Free Ranger, Legendary Grim Creeper and Legendary Zoo Lou.
- A new system has been added so that Kingdom XP is still moderately useful after reaching the maximum kingdom level of 40. Your bar will again start to fill up as you gather it and will eventually give you some bonus gems and wish stones as a reward.
The Skylanders Collection Vault also recently saw an update which allows you to now add characters to your collection even if you don't have their webcode.

Nice! I found Dune Bug but didn't buy him cuz he sucks. I really want sheep wreck islands

i won a rattle shake i mite get it today

I want the new cores to come out in UK!
We only have Arkeyan Crossbow in UK!
We only have Arkeyan Crossbow in UK!

Woah nelly


I hope someone will give us some new updates about Wave 3. All of us are dying to wait to play Stink Bomb and enter the Sneak Zones. Also, Sheep Wreck Islands, 8 new Arena Battles and 1 more Bonus Mission will be even sweeter and more challenging than the previous ones.

i need the rattle shake

Just one question, are the figures outside of the US and from different countries like Germany region-free?

No, the only difference is the packaging, which has a different hook, and some of the messages are in different languages.

@Matteomax: So what you're saying is that figures from foreign countries are not compatible with the US game whatsoever? It's kinda like how an American DVD player is unable to play DVDs from other countries.

Quote: TheShadowDragon
No they are still compatible.
@Matteomax: So what you're saying is that figures from foreign countries are not compatible with the US game whatsoever? It's kinda like how an American DVD player is unable to play DVDs from other countries.
No they are still compatible.

And I haven't even got the game yet xD

When is
coming out?

Quote: sunburn fan 1
Many of us think either Wave 4 or 5. But that's just a Fairy's tail currently...
When iscoming out?
Many of us think either Wave 4 or 5. But that's just a Fairy's tail currently...

Must check out the shops after the Xmas rush, Quickdraw Rattle Shake looks great, pity the Frito- Lay Sweepstakes doesn't extend to Australia and other countries ..........

Woohoo - here's a quick vlog showing the Skylanders Wave 3 Core Figures

Does anyone know when the Wave 3 Swappers are arriving to Toys 'R Us?

FINALY!!! Been waiting for this for awhile!!!

I was able to get the top 5 at TRU on Sunday. I hope the rest of the wave shows up soon!

Quote: Captain Biggs
I feel really bad for the other retail stores like GameStop, Walmart and Best Buy. TRU gets the Skylanders before them.
I was able to get the top 5 at TRU on Sunday. I hope the rest of the wave shows up soon!
I feel really bad for the other retail stores like GameStop, Walmart and Best Buy. TRU gets the Skylanders before them.

I got all of wave 3 but the adventure pack and battle pack, lightcore whamshell, and glow in the dark special rattlesnake

It's pretty much official that the 3 Swappers are out. Loads of people are finding them at Target.

Whirlind is lookin fine. If I ever do buy Swap Force I'm getting her and Cynder.

Quote: Matteomax
They were officially out ages ago before they came to the US.
It's pretty much official that the 3 Swappers are out. Loads of people are finding them at Target.
They were officially out ages ago before they came to the US.

Anyone in the Bergen County of New Jersey found the 3 Swappers from Target?

He most certainly doesn't suck, especially in-game!
He most certainly doesn't suck, especially in-game!

Still no luck finding the lightcores and battle/adventure packs. now has the SWI pack and Arkeyan crossbow.

The swappers are out at target in the usa

anybody know where wave 3 is in canada

Quote: Matteomax
The swappables are exclusive to Target in the US at least for the time being. I got mine 2 Weiss who at my Target store, but we haven't seen a shipment since the initial shipment of 3 of each swappable figure. I'm so waiting to hear about the packs though. I really want to play with Camo since he was one of my favorites from the first Skylanders game.
It's pretty much official that the 3 Swappers are out. Loads of people are finding them at Target.
The swappables are exclusive to Target in the US at least for the time being. I got mine 2 Weiss who at my Target store, but we haven't seen a shipment since the initial shipment of 3 of each swappable figure. I'm so waiting to hear about the packs though. I really want to play with Camo since he was one of my favorites from the first Skylanders game.

Quote: PlayballK
Not true, they are out at TRU
Quote: MatteomaxIt's pretty much official that the 3 Swappers are out. Loads of people are finding them at Target.
The swappables are exclusive to Target in the US at least for the time being. I got mine 2 Weiss who at my Target store, but we haven't seen a shipment since the initial shipment of 3 of each swappable figure. I'm so waiting to hear about the packs though. I really want to play with Camo since he was one of my favorites from the first Skylanders game.
Not true, they are out at TRU

Toy r us has all the wave 3 guys now.

NZ received sheep wreck island and rake yarn crossbow along with wave two for some reason

Dine bug is actually awesome

Finally got them from amazon. This wave felt like a a total cluster.

This wave was a total cluster..... I completely agree with that statement.

Now if they would just get wave 4 out and be done with it.

Quote: Jesus Skywalker
They arrive at my local TRU and Best Buy a day or two after I posted. The 3 swappable Skylanders were an exclusive to Target for about 2 weeks prior to my post according to the Target ad.
Quote: PlayballKQuote: MatteomaxIt's pretty much official that the 3 Swappers are out. Loads of people are finding them at Target.
The swappables are exclusive to Target in the US at least for the time being. I got mine 2 Weiss who at my Target store, but we haven't seen a shipment since the initial shipment of 3 of each swappable figure. I'm so waiting to hear about the packs though. I really want to play with Camo since he was one of my favorites from the first Skylanders game.
Not true, they are out at TRU
They arrive at my local TRU and Best Buy a day or two after I posted. The 3 swappable Skylanders were an exclusive to Target for about 2 weeks prior to my post according to the Target ad.

Quote: Captain Biggs
I AGREE! It is very irritating that they held back some of the obviously cooler characters until the end. We would them whether they staggered the release or not.
Now if they would just get wave 4 out and be done with it.
I AGREE! It is very irritating that they held back some of the obviously cooler characters until the end. We would them whether they staggered the release or not.

For wave 3 I got :
And I also found a exclusive
at best buy

And I also found a exclusive

For Wave 3 I have got...
, Thorn Horn
, Lightcore
and Lightcore

Where can you find the tiny tech guy?!?!

Quote: Masterospyro
Wind up is in the Sheep Wreck Island Adventure pack
Where can you find the tiny tech guy?!?!
Wind up is in the Sheep Wreck Island Adventure pack

please, like Series 1 Wham-Shell wasn't hard enough to find -.-
Quote: GoHeels999
Activision likes to do this to keep the customers hooked on it, if they let them all out at once, the skylander fans would loose interest in the game.
Quote: GoHeels999
Quote: Captain BiggsNow if they would just get wave 4 out and be done with it.
I AGREE! It is very irritating that they held back some of the obviously cooler characters until the end. We would them whether they staggered the release or not.
Activision likes to do this to keep the customers hooked on it, if they let them all out at once, the skylander fans would loose interest in the game.

Having trouble finding all wave 3 in Australia, very frustrated, I want to play all the Skylanders .. (*_*)

I already own thorn horn, but now i gotta find Wham-shell. again.
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