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7:00 AM - Saturday the 28th of August, 2004 - by dark52
Hmph. I managed to do a bit of work for this update. See below for details.

Season of Ice
I managed to complete the whole of the Autumn, Winter and Spring Fairy Homes. So scroll on down and click on the links on the sidebar to get to it if you're in dire need of help on any of them. A couple of the levels I really didn't do very well, so I'll have to update them in the future, but for now they are slightly useful in that they give all the details you need to know how to get the fairies, just not as detailed as any of the other levels (they are both levels in the Spring Fairy Home). Also, I have made a second map for the game, for some reason I made Roman City. Click here to see it. With a total of 15 levels that require a map, I have now completed 13.3% of the maps. Not too long to go eh? One a week and I'll be done by the 27th of November.

Season of Flame
Well, no actual content yet but I've added some filler pages in the meantime.

I've removed a few redundant pages that were just cluttering up the sidebar, so no more Hearts or Bonus Items pages to confuse you, they weren't really bonus at all. Sheesh.

Enter the Dragonfly
I've expanded the section on the side to include a few extra things to make it look more like the game actually exists rather then just having a walkthrough and five very poor screenshots. It's just not a good game so there's nothing I can really do for it. Shame really. Although, saying that, I am planning to rewrite the walkthrough so it's more of a walkthrough then a general dragonfly guide with very basic directions, mostly wrong.
Today's the day we get content under every game heading. Finally. And here's a roundup of what's been done over the past week:

Year of the Dragon
Amazingly enough, I finally got round to completing the whole of the Spyro: Year of the Dragon guide. It's now fully completed all the way through, all 150 eggs collect, all 20,000 gems collected. Wahey! I've also completed the Skill Points and Cheats pages now as well, thus completing my work on Year of the Dragon forever.

Spyro: Adventure
Amazingly within all that other work I've done, I managed to create a brand new map system for Spyro: Adventure. Found here you can see the work I did on the 19 in-game maps (yep, I found another one that I'd missed) which now shows you where all of the coloured chests, Sgt. Byrd air vents, Agent 9 air vents, Moneybags vaults and Phoenix Footprints are. Quite useful if I do say so myself. I've even got a link to it on the sidebar now.

Season of Flame
Slightly less useful at the moment, I have made a similar map system for Season of Flame. While it is still incomplete it might be slightly useful for you if you like looking at maps. I do plan on adding things to it in the future such as the locations of the fireflies as well as actually putting the locked chests and keys onto the maps. Found here you should take a quick look.

Season of Ice
And in wake of that, I've gotten ahead and started up my guide to the first GBA Spyro game, Season of Ice. I am also planning to make a map system like the other two games but it will take a bit longer as I will have to make the maps myself from scratch. I've currently only made one so far, click here to see it. While not as cartoony as the ones for the other games, it does give you an overview of the level.

A Hero's Tail
I've taken the time to write up as much info as I know about the game, along with a bit of guesswork, and several images to go with it. Click here to take a look. It introduces the game and several of it's new features.

Character Guide
I said I'd try to work on it, and I've done just that. I have now begun filling it in with all of the characters from the original game. When I get it filled full for that game, I'll release it to the world. That should be done in a couple of weeks, so prepare yourself for that too. However progress has so far been a little slow, as I've only managed to do the pages for Spyro and Sparx at the moment. No matter though. All shall be done one day. Also note that every character to appear in the guide will have a screenshot of them, so no wondering who I'm blabbering on about it the profiles.
7:00 AM - Saturday the 14th of August, 2004 - by dark52
I've organised the news so that it isn't just a big block of nonsense news from now on, there are now categories to it so you can ignore paragraphs that you aren't interested in.

Web Desgin
Well, after a bit of thought I decided to take this look as the new look for the site. While it isn't exactly how I wanted it, this is how it's going to stay until at least next week. It was originally going to have a bit more interactivity to it involving collapsing menus and rollover images, but due to me not really understanding the JavaScript language enough to write my own scripts, it was all scrapped for the version you saw last week.

Year of the Dragon Guide
OK, well I got quite a bit done this week, not yet completed, but it's getting there. Now the guide is complete all the way through Sunrise Spring, Midday Garden and the first several levels of Evening Lake. This just leaves the rest of Evening Lake and the wholeof Midnight Mountain to go. Maybe next week, who knows?

Character Guide
Unfortunately due to the time I've spent attempting to make the site look better, I had to ignore the Character Guide for yet another week, however I am proud to say that the basic guide is now fully completed and now just needs a lot of data and screenshots to make it work. I won't be able to do any of this data gathering until after I have completed all of the guides for this site as well as for so it may be a while before you actually get to see it.

A Hero's Tail Images
I've added a larger picture of the box cover for A Hero's Tail in the screenshots page. Just click on the small image to get to the larger version, which is the original full drawing for the cover which was found on the website of the person who drew it.

As an added note, I forgot to use the system I mentioned last week this week so some pages and items may not have been updated correctly, however as far as I can tell it is all just as it should be. As usual I'll give the site the once over before retiring to work on next weeks update.
7:00 AM - Saturday the 7th of August, 2004 - by dark52
I have now sorted out my updates so that anything I do to the site will be uploaded to the server as before I usually either forgot to upload something or just uploaded every page again just incase I had missed something. I may also resort to a weekly update, but knowing me it won't last long before I start randomly updating the site. The day that I will most definately update is every Saturday from now on (unless I forget), well, until I have nothing left to do to the site anyway, but there may be updates during the week occasionally if I'm every motivated to do so.

As far as updates this week go, I've reformatted the guide for Spyro: Adventure (Attack of the Rhynocs) so that it looks a lot better then it was before. I have also redone the bars at the side of the pages so that they match the top of the page as well as making the names of the games all their European versions rather then a mixture of different regions. Also, I have added a slight bit to the Spyro Fusion guide for the party mode with a tiny bit more info.

Well, I finally got back to work on the Year of the Dragon guide today, and I've written another 10% of it. All the way through to completing the whole of Sunrise Spring including Crawdad Farm in the Sparx World as well as Sgt. Byrd's Base in Midday Gardens. Expect a lot more next week as I expect to have completed all of it by then although no promises. I also hope to have started my Season of Ice guide too, but only if the Year of the Dragon is complete.

The Character Guide that I used to have on the site is being upgraded and altered to be a more efficient and better laid out guide to everything in the world of Spyro, but it is still nowhere near complete enough for launch on the site. I hope to get it fully completed soon though so maybe by next week you might be able to try out the first installment of it but I'm not making any promises and it is unlikely to happen that quickly unless I have a lot of spare time on my hands.

I have also taken the time to redo the Old News section so that it is easier to browse if you for some reason wish to go back and see what pointless stuff I wrote previously. Now there are links to the different months on seperate pages instead of it all crammed into one page as before.

Oh, and I've also merged the Card Pictures and Card Locations pages together in the Spyro Fusion section so that you can both see and find all of the cards on one page.

Well, I have also started work on a new look for the site, and as usual I have a couple of ideas as for what to do. One such one is viewable <a>here</a> so tell me what you think in the forums. I should have a second new look by next week so I'll start the vote then if I can't decide by myself. Either way the new look will be here the week after. Oh, and there's another one <a>here</a> as well, it's not quite finished yet as the buttons at the top will eventuallybe rollovers and change to orange when you move your mouse over them as well as being links. Oh, and at the moment it might seem a bit more complicated to navigate, but I will be making the indiviual pages use a more personal sidebar just for that game or section.
7:00 AM - Tuesday the 27th of July, 2004 - by dark52
While I haven't got enough spare time to work on the Year of the Dragon guide, I can and have done a bit of work on some other pages on the site.

For the Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy guide I have now completed work on the Party Mode page as well as the Cheats and Codes page which both now have some content. I also redid the sidebar for this game and removed the need for a seperate page with the links to the individual pages of the walkthrough on.

I believe that's all I've managed to do, but I may have done some more here and there. Anyway, I'm hoping to get back to work on the Year of the Dragon guide in a few days so hold on tight for that.
7:00 AM - Thursday the 22nd of July, 2004 - by dark52
Hmm, well it had to happen really. I haven't yet had the chance to play either of the games through the whole way and because of that I am unsure as to whether or not I will actually be able to write a useful guide for them. Hopefully I will be able to, but until I get 100% (or however much percent you can get) in either game there won't be a guide for them at all.

In Year of the Dragon news, I have done a slight bit more of it, now going through the Midday Garden Home. Very slow progress at the moment as I've been working a bit too hard on the guides really. I may take a day or two off in order to be able to get back on track afterwards rather then going really slow for a long time. Therefore any prediction for completion of the guide is going to be most likely incorrect and I don't expect the guide completed this week. However, just so you know, the guide is currently about 20% completed at the moment.

Oh yeah, and as you might have noticed, I've altered the top of the site a little bit. It's no longer black, but rather a nice purple colour. I have also added several different characters from the Spyro games over on the right instead of the Hero's Tail logo. I did this as I was a bit bored. Hopefully it should make the site look a little better then it did previously. And as before the title bar still fits into the 800x600 size window so that shouldn't be a problem for anyone using that setting.
7:00 AM - Tuesday the 20th of July, 2004 - by dark52
The whole of the Sunrise Spring world is now completely written. Head on over to the section for it. I'm going to start on the Midday Garden world tomorrow so you'll have to wait until then (or the day after) for that one. Nothing else done to the site though so seeya then.
7:00 AM - Monday the 19th of July, 2004 - by dark52
Yeah, real good progress huh? Well it's something at least. So then, 3% of the game all done and dusted now. Simply great. Oh yeah, since I didn't mention it yesterday, I've also done the Introduction page to Year of the Dragon too. Interesting.
7:00 AM - Saturday the 17th of July, 2004 - by dark52
With Glimmer completed, I've started on the Year of the Dragon guide. While there's nothing on the site just yet I thought I might as well tell you. The pages that are under the Year of the Dragon section are all empty at the moment so don't bother visiting them.

I have also added a Records page for Glimmer as well as removing the Character Guide that I had on the site. This is to make it a lot better and more useful then it is so to stop you getting confused by the sheer awfulness of its current state, I've taken it down. I will get it back on the site soon though, so don't be too upset.
7:00 AM - Friday the 16th of July, 2004 - by dark52
I've finally finished off the entire guide. With the whole of Winter Tundra now written up it is done. I have also added content to the Skill Points page, as well as to the Cheats and Codes page. With Glimmer out of the way, I will soon be able to start my guide on Spyro: Year of the Dragon. The first bit of that guide should be here within a few days, or at the most a week.

And after completion of the Year of the Dragon guide? Well the two GBA games that I have yet to do obviously. The only problem there is that I have yet to play either of them so I don't really know how long it'll take to write the guides for them.
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