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13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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5:45 PM - Monday the 12th of November, 2018 - by dark52
The reviews have started to roll in so here we go once again with the round-up for the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. The reviews all seem to be generally positive with praise for the collection's updated graphics and quality of life improvements but do call the game out for issues with camera controls as well as other general criticisms of the core gameplay that also apply to the originals.

Quote: Glitched Africa - 9.8/10
Everything in Spyro Reignited Trilogy just works. Toys for Bob took the original games and made them from scratch without changing anything but the visuals and you would never believe that the core of the experience is over twenty years old now.

Quote: Gamereactor - 9/10
Everything from the individual blades of grass that singe when you breathe fire, the lighting as the sun beats down on Cliff Town from the first game, to Spyro's own facial animations is smooth and polished, so much so that it really feels like a game made for 2018.

Quote: PlayStation Lifestyle - 9/10
Many video games don’t age well, but Spyro Reignited Trilogy feels like the game didn’t age at all. Toys for Bob applied the fountain of youth to a 20-year old series, and the little purple dragon is just as perky and fired up as ever.

Quote: Press Start - 9/10
Visually the game is absolutely stunning – the level of detail in each world looks as good as my imagination saw it as a child. The colours are vibrant and vivid, and gone are the jagged polygons that were once buildings; it is here we can see that the games have come a long way.

Quote: Hardcore Gamer - 4.5/5
The Spyro games were legitimately great for the time, though, and thanks to an near-perfect balance between preservation and updating, Spyro Reignited Trilogy is every bit as excellent by today’s standards.

Quote: Venture Beat - 88/100
Similar to what the Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy did last year with its trio of PlayStation classics, Reignited Trilogy makes Spyro look modern without abandoning the tone and style of the originals.

Quote: Game Informer - 8.5/10
Given just how different the worlds look in remastered form, I found this trilogy to be more interesting and enjoyable to return to than Crash’s. These games don’t preserve history as well, but that’s okay. Having already lived through them, it’s fascinating to see how the worlds have been reimagined and differ from the vision I had in my head.

Quote: IGN - 8.5/10
Toys for Bob has nailed the feel of controlling Spyro. He leaps, glides, and charges with the momentum I remember, but with much more adorable animations.

Quote: God is a Geek - 8/10
Whether you played it back in the 90s or are trying it out for the first time, Spyro Reignited Trilogy is a laidback platformer that offers plenty of hours of gameplay and a humour that’s relatable to kids and adults alike.

Quote: The Sixth Axis - 8/10
As a package, Spyro Reignited is a fantastic experience, and Toys for Bob have done an amazing job in updating the series whilst maintaining its feel. This truly is a Spyro for today rather than a quick cash-in that plays off your nostalgia.

Quote: Critical Hit - 7.5/10
This easy platformer is as charming and engaging as ever, with its slapstick humour, colourful worlds and improving level and objective designs. But it’s the smaller details that let it down, with persistently troublesome camera controls in some stages and some jarring audio implementations in others.

Quote: Sirus Gaming - 7/10
Despite the new look and personality that Unreal Engine 4 is able to give the game, it isn’t without its flaws. For one, the character details, mainly for the supporting cast, can at times look a bit smudged and plastic-like.

The game is out on Tuesday the 13th of November worldwide on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
3:12 PM - Tuesday the 23rd of October, 2018 - by dark52
We're just three weeks away from the launch of the Spyro Reignited Trilogy on November the 13th and they've released a brand new trailer to show off more of the games:

7:58 AM - Monday the 15th of October, 2018 - by dark52
The pre-registration event for Skylanders: Ring of Heroes has gone live, to take part you just enter your email address on the site to register your interest in the game, the more people that sign up the greater the in-game reward once the game finally launches.

[User Posted Image]

You can also pre-register with Google Play.

But with no displayed end date for the event it still isn't actually clear when the game is going to launch, but hopefully it'll only be a few weeks now.
6:00 PM - Tuesday the 18th of September, 2018 - by dark52
The third season of Skylanders Academy is due to hit Netflix on Friday next week so just in time they've released a trailer for the brand new season (complete with plenty of spoilers):

Returning September 28th, the Skylanders are faced with their greatest challenge ever! With Spyro turned evil at the hands of uber-villain Strykore, it will take all of the Skylanders uniting together to help Spyro remember the true hero he really is and restore peace to the realm.
2:45 PM - Thursday the 23rd of August, 2018 - by dark52
Another release date to add to the pile, the launch date of the third season of the Netflix exclusive animated show Skylanders Academy has been revealed as Friday the 28th of September.

If you're not all that bothered by knowing upcoming plot points then a rather spoiler heavy interview with the two new showrunners, Clayton Sakoda and Ian Weinreich, can be found on Collider.
9:37 AM - Friday the 17th of August, 2018 - by dark52
In a message on the official Activision Blog, Paul Yan of Toys for Bob has confirmed that the release of the Spyro Reignited Trilogy has been delayed by two months to November 13th.

Quote: Paul Yan
Everyone here at Toys for Bob is so proud to be reigniting the original Spyro trilogy after all these years. We're deeply committed to getting these games right, so we’ve decided to move the release date of Spyro Reignited Trilogy to November 13, 2018. I really hoped that you would be rescuing dragons and scorching Rhynocs sooner, but the Trilogy needs more love and care. In November when you’re exploring the Dragon Realms, Avalar and the Forgotten Worlds, we know you’ll agree the extra time was worth the wait.

In the meantime we'll be getting our first proper look at the Year of the Dragon remaster in action next week as they're taking a playable demo featuring it to Gamescom (August 21-25).
1:46 PM - Thursday the 9th of August, 2018 - by dark52
During com2us's Q2 Financial Results yesterday they revealed that the launch of their mobile game, Skylanders Ring of Heroes, has been delayed a little from the original August release to an October release instead.

[User Posted Image]

Hopefully this means that they're making good use of the data and feedback from the recent beta.
6:33 PM - Monday the 30th of July, 2018 - by dark52
In case you somehow weren't able to make it out to the San Diego Comic Con panel that was held a couple of weeks back, the official Spyro Youtube channel has uploaded the entire hour long event for you to watch.

It features a massive panel of nine people who were either involved with the original game or are taking part in the remake.
10:17 PM - Wednesday the 11th of July, 2018 - by dark52
PlayStation Underground today posted a lengthy look at the Spyro 2 level Idol Springs, marking our first real look at the second game in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy.

They're joined by Peter Kavic, Nick Livingston, and Josh Nadelberg from Toys for Bob so there's plenty to hear too.
2:17 AM - Thursday the 14th of June, 2018 - by dark52
The beta for Skylanders Ring of Heroes has gone live on Google Play, the beta will last until the 25th of June and is only available on Android (the final game will be available on iOS, it's just the beta that isn't).

[User Posted Image]

There's an extra 611MB download once you've started the app so make sure you've got space for it all.
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