The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

The sequel to The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning and the second of a trilogy, this game The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night sees the return of Spyro the Dragon and the continuation of the story that was left hanging in the previous game.

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night
North America Oct 2nd 2007 North America Oct 23rd 2007 North America Oct 2nd 2007
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night
European Union Nov 2nd 2007 European Union Dec 7th 2007 European Union Nov 2nd 2007
System Developer Age Rating
PlayStation 2
Krome Studios 7+ E10+ - Everyone 10+
Nintendo DS Amaze Entertainment 7+ E - Everyone
Game Boy Advance
The legend continues in the second installment of The Legend of Spyro trilogy with the Ape King arriving at the Temple of Souls in an effort to usher in a new age of darkness. As Spyro, players must unlock the secrets behind a series of strange visions that he is having and find the power to defeat this terrifying new force.

#2730 Purple 01:36:45 06/12/2011
that is still weird. i mean, why would ignitus even be there?
#2729 Purple-Cynder 00:16:15 06/12/2011
No, we just see ignitus in the arena, but we don't fight against him, i think spyro escaped the arena just after ignitus' appearance.
#2728 Purple 23:53:18 05/12/2011
well cynder is good too with a dark past! lol but cynders cool!
#2727 foxishsolitude 06:12:06 05/12/2011
ya why is it against ignitus?????????????????????
smilie::::::::::: *confused*
#2726 Purple 02:36:16 05/12/2011
against ignitus? did you actually see him and did the circle thing? weird. i wanna see that.
#2725 Dragonlover00 08:20:03 04/12/2011
When you did say nintendo verison you meand nintendo DS becuse I have wii and then it begin with the grublings.
#2724 foxishsolitude 21:23:41 03/12/2011
err yeah thats true smilie

Didnt even notice - she had them on when she was evil too!
Just changed the design... suppose..
#2723 spyro_cynder88 23:20:53 02/12/2011
I mean the bracers on her tail, neck, and arms. They aren't on her in TEN.
#2722 foxishsolitude 20:39:58 02/12/2011
wait what version of DOTD are you thinking of, spyro_cynder88?
cos in the console version there is a movie cutscene thingy where
those creepy grublin thingys put snake chain things on spyro/cynder's necks.
In the nintendo version they just wake up and Hunter's already there.
Kinda dum.
#2721 Dragonlover00 09:49:56 02/12/2011
That haven't I thinking about.
#2720 spyro_cynder88 03:44:37 02/12/2011
In the Eternal Night Cynder doesn't have the chains on anymore. But in Dawn of the Dragon, when they wake up, the chains are on her again.
#2719 Purple-Cynder 03:04:09 02/12/2011
On GBA, when Spyro is in the Fellmuth arena, his final battle was supposed to be against Ignitus, which is strange cause on the other games it's against Cynder...
but there's other details that are mentioned, like the names of the moons, the place where the guardians are going while Spyro is gone...
#2718 Purple 22:38:14 01/12/2011
gaul is like ah blarrgh ah blah blah blah! i will kill you spyro! BLARRRRGHHHH!
#2717 spyro_cynder88 02:59:53 01/12/2011
It seems like they cut the story short on GBA.
#2716 Purple-Cynder 02:53:49 01/12/2011
The game is much better on console. It's harder, but it worth the price smilie
The GBA one was great too, but the story was a little too different for me.

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