A more detailed description of where to find each of the relics in the game. The numbers are the order you can find them through the game but the relics are grouped by level.
- 1. Double Jump
- You get this in normal progress through the tutorial level.
- 2. Glide
- Again as with all of the relics in this level you can't really miss it.
- 3. Air Launch
- Defeating a Frog Weed at the end of the level will reward you with this.
- 7. Charge
- More tutorial simplicity here.
- 8. Wall Jump
- Right next to the Charge relic.
- 9. Air Dive
- Towards the end of the level.
- 13. Health Upgrade 2
- Inside a tusked vehicle right next to where you met Cynder.
Hall of Fang and Claw
- 4. Additional Melee Combo Attack
- A combo of 5 or more will open the door to this.
- 5. Additional Air Combo Attack
- A combo of 10 or more will open the door to this.
- 6. Elemental Melee Damage
- A combo of 15 or more will open the door to this.
Temple of Fire
- 10. Health Upgrade 1
- To the top left-hand corner of the first part of the level. You can use Wall Jump to get it but it looks like it's designed to be Wall Climb.
- 11. Energy Upgrade 1
- Down to the left after the Fire Door to the right of the start.
- 12. Energy Upgrade 2
- Towards the middle of the second part of this level.
- 17. Health Upgrade 5
- Behind an Earth Door to the bottom right of the second part of the level.
Ancient Grove
- 14. Health Upgrade 3
- At the end of a canopy of mushrooms near the start of the level.
- 18. Mid-Air Charge
- Behind a rock wall you need to smash with Earth Breah to the right as you enter the cave area.
- 38. Energy Upgrade 9
- Climb some vines in the cave area of Outer Grove.
Temple of Earth
- 15. Health Upgrade 4
- At the top right corner of the second area of the temple.
- 16. Energy Upgrade 3
- Below the exit of the second part of the level at the far right.
- 26. Additional Melee Combo Attack
- Behind the Ice Doors down to the right from the start of the level.
Deep Grove
- 19. Increased Melee Damage
- At the start of the level, take the path upwards and then to the right.
- 20. Additional Melee Combo Attack
- Inside a hive of beetles which you can't fail to find in the third part of the level.
- 21. Slide Attack
- Just as you enter the cave area, it's in the room above.
- 39. Raging Fury
- Inside a room locked with a Runic Switch, reached by a Wall Climb near the fire in the first part of the level.
- 40. Health Upgrade 7
- In the cave area of the level, use Ice Breath to cross the water and reach the relic inside a cave there.
Fellmuth Arena
- 22. Additional Air Combo Attack
- To the bottom right of the first part of the level, past a green barrier.
- 23. Energy Upgrade 4
- Prize for defeating the denizens of the forest in the arena.
- 27. Dragon Fury
- Defeat the Maleforian Snail Rider after waking up.
- 28. Hover
- Top right of the part after the fight with the Advisor.
- 29. Increased Defense vs Spikes
- Towards the middle of the outside area, at the bottom of the climbable mast.
- 41. Health Upgrade 8
- In a room needing Wall Climb to reach directly above you when you start the level.
- 42. Health Upgrade 9
- From the top of the mast in the outside area, go right.
Temple of Ice
- 24 Increased Defense vs Physical Attacks
- Found to the bottom right of the first area.
- 25. Piercing Claws
- In the part below the water in the second area of the level.
- 33. Energy Upgrade 7
- The top left of the first part of the level, behind a Lightning Door.
Temple of Lightning
- 30. Increased Melee Damage
- To the bottom left of the first area of the level.
- 31. Energy Upgrade 5
- To the bottom right of the first part of the level.
- 32. Energy Upgrade 6
- To the bottom right of the second section of the level.
Celestial Temple
- 34. Increased Defense vs Non-Physical Attacks
- Over some water you need to freeze and behind a Lightning Door in the first part of the level.
- 35. Health Upgrade 6
- Behind an Earth Door above the water in the first part of the level.
- 36. Wall Climb
- Over some water above the exit of the final part of the level before the boss.
- 37. Energy Upgrade 8
- Defeat the Advisor at the end of the level.
Temple Sanctum
- 43. Health Upgrade 10
- Up the stairs at the Armourdillo, at the far end of the room.
- 44. Energy Upgrade 10
- Behind a couple of Earth Doors right below where you enter the second part of the level.

I still don't know how to defeat Gaul lmao no matter how many times I hit him, he always manages to recover health. It's frustrating xd

I finished the game three times already, it's just that my GBA died and my charger broke.

can you put dark mode off and on when you unlocked it and where?

hmm that is hard, no found it!

Found it!

*forgot where the "Exit" of the level was* Oh wait nvm it sasy the final part, I'm obviously not looking there

I can't find the wall climb relic anywhere, and I've looked almost everywhere!!! >.<

can you play as dark spyro on this game

i almost beat hard mode, got the last lvl left, and i have all the relics

i had it for a day but then it died

the normal mode is hard for some bosses, im not sure i can beat hard mode

Woot! I have everything I need now! Plus, I've (of course) beaten the game!

all ppl, the best way to get the 15 hits is after a full combo, when you shoot down with either a rock oe eletrice shot. if you do so, they will bounce up and you can do a second full air combo. it works very well!

You need Wall Climb which you get much later on in the game.
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