Table of Contents
- Swamp
- Hall of Fang and Claw
- Swamp
- Temple of Fire
- Swamp
- Ancient Grove
- Temple of Earth
- Temple of Fire
- Outer Grove
- Deep Grove
- Fellmuth Arena
- Temple of Ice
- Temple of Earth
- Fellmuth Arena
- Fellmuth Arena
- Temple of Lightning
- Temple of Ice
- Celestial Temple
- Ancient Grove
- Deep Grove
- Fellmuth Arena
- Temple Sanctum
- Well of Night
As you might expect, this is your usual, basic tutorial level here. Even on harder modes you have to go through the entire thing on every new game.
Starting off with how to jump, it's A by the way, you should jump up the ledge. Next it's a higher jump, since you only have a normal jump you'll need to use Spyro's grab move to hoist yourself up there.
Straight away you'll come across the first of many Dragon Relics. This one will grant you the power to Double Jump, a power which is very useful, especially for the bit just coming up where you'll need to use it and the grab move.
Pass the inactive tip thing and go down the steps to where another Dragon Relic is waiting for you. The power to Glide is now Spyro's. Go back up the steps and glide over the gap to the ledge above where the relic was.
Next it's learning how to drop down, a simple move that'll be used all through the game. Sparx will start talking on the last drop through platform, take the hint, don't drop down through it. Instead heading right you'll reach the second part of this level.
It's not really worth pointing out here but you should notice that once you exit part of a level, either by choice or accident, you can't go back to the previous part without going back to the map screen and re-entering the level.
Move on through the empty level until you get told about the health meter at the top of your screen. Then it's simply a case of walking through the door up ahead. Beat up the Frog Weed with your melee attacks to gain the Dragon Relic inside it. Air Launch is a useful move that is used in combos, which you'll be doing a lot of.
Hall of Fang and Claw
It's time to go combo crazy. You don't have to do this now, you can just skip it and carry on with the game, but you'll get a nice Dragon Relic if you do. You do however have to at least hit the dummy one single time before you're allowed to leave, not very difficult.
To get a combo of more than 5 at the moment is quite difficult as you have a distinct lack of moves. Use your new Air Launch ability as part of a melee combo, knocking the dummy up into the air and making sure to be hitting it in the air as well.
The Dragon Relic, 'Additional Melee Combo Attack', will give you an additional chance to hit an enemy before launching them into the air or off to the side. This helps to create longer combos.
After getting the reward for your combo of 5 or more, head towards the left end of the 'hall' and exit. Of course you can try to get the next Dragon Relic which requires a 10 combo, but it's nearly impossible at this stage so when you've got even more abilities you should come back here to try to earn the other two Dragon Relics; for ten you get 'Additional Air Combo Attack' and for fifteen it's 'Elemental Melee Damage'.
Getting 23 hits will open a final door, but there's no abilities beyond so you're not missing out on much if you can't get a combo that high (you should note that this final door doesn't open in the secret mode - unrelatedly the maximum combo the game will record is 99).
We're back in the Swamp again, this time learning all about crystal things. You'll find these Crystal Clusters all over the game so practice for that by smashing this one. Continuing onwards you should now jump up through some platforms where Sparx will tell you to go do something else.
So, to the left we go. Another Frog Weed is in your way, kill it if you wish to, unlike the first one this won't be dropping and Dragon Relics. You will however now get to see the Combo Meter, something that rewards you for performing more varied combos than rapidly smashing the B button the whole game.
Keep going left, kill a few Frog Weeds and jump down a drop at the far end. Here you'll find two more Dragon Relics, Charge and Wall Jump. To get back out of this dead end you'll need to use your new Wall Jump ability. Simply jump back up the gap and make your way back to where the barrier blocking your way was and is. Charging the whole way will make it simpler in killing the many little purple things littering the way back. You might like to return here in the future for a special hidden bonus, it's not always here so save and reload a few times if you can't find it.
You might like to use the Wall Jump to get to the large Crystal Cluster above the barrier as the larger ones tend to hold Blue Gems, but it's not really necessary. Simply charge into the barrier to destroy it.
Ignoring the cracked floor for now, carry on along to yet another Dragon Relic. The power to Air Dive is now unlocked and ready to use to smash that floor. Just beyond the relic is another large Crystal Cluster but nothing else.
After smashing it and thereby falling downwards you need to jump over a gap to the right. Falling down it will injure you, more severely the harder the difficulty setting you're on. And then it's effectively the same kind of thing with the water as unlike his predecessor, this Spyro don't swim too good.
Then go off the end of the area into one of many tiny areas. This one is filled with Frog Weeds and those little creatures, kill them or bypass them quickly if you can't be bothered. And then that's it. The Swamp and the tutorial are finished.
Temple of Fire
Head to the left, jumping over the lava and down the slope to a Fire Elemental which you'll want to beat to a pulp. Go past him and under the steps, jump and glide over the long bit of lava, you'll hit the roof but you should be able to turn it into a glide if you press it quick enough.
Anyway, follow the path along over some more lava and past a Toad Weed, over a stepped up little bit to a soldier. Finally glide over some more lava and you'll earn yourself your first breath; Fire.
Head back to the little rise just outside the room and jump upwards to the platform above. Go up the stairs and then jump to the right. Above you to the left is what is probably not meant for this purpose but you can Wall Jump your way up there regardless. Once at the top go to the right, past the Fire Elemental and over the lava.
Jump up to the platform on the right, jump and kill the two firey balls of light that will attack if left alone. Get over the tiny bit of lava and then glide down to the right where you'll find a Dragon Relic, 'Health Upgrade', that increases your maximum health (duh), the first of ten in the game.
Now, jump over the lava to your right and kill the beasties there before jumping down to the place where you first started this level. This time go to the right and use your brand new Fire Breath to open the door (there's nothing of much interest in the area above it).
Drop down the ledges and go to the left at the bottom. There's a tricky bit of jumping and gliding over lava here, you need to land in the middle but it's quite difficult to see where that is exactly. Jump again to the other side and pick up the 'Energy Upgrade' Dragon Relic. This increases the maximum your green energy bar will go up to.
Now go back to the top of the pyramid-like fork in the path and go right. Kill enemies on the way up some ledges and to the right, out of the first part of the level.
Go to the top of the stairs ahead of you and jump onto the platform up to the right. Jump over the lava, minding the dripping, and continue along here past the Fire Elementals and the large spiky tortoise which you can kill by performing an Air Launch and then Air Diving it. They're the simplest of large enemies in all modes. Anyway, once you get to the stairs drop down underneath them and quickly glide to the right landing on a platform underneath.
Jump over the lava and kill the enemies and you'll reach another Dragon Relic, again an 'Energy Upgrade', the second of the ten. Carry on along here past some more lava and drop down the gap. Go down to the left and then to the right at the bottom where you'll be able to fight the boss of this level.
Remember to return to this level once you've gained Earth Breath as there is a door that requires it towards an even further down area of this second part of the level.
BOSS: Fire Element Avatar
With a lack of moves there's a lack of options. As he's made of fire your fire breath is completely useless. That just leaves melee. So just keep performing combos, and avoiding his attacks. Make sure to watch out for the couple of lava pools so you're not walking into them whilst attacking.
In Hard Mode you'll notice the lack of a health bar, why this is I don't know but it certainly makes it more difficult to gauge just how much more you need to keep attacking for. This is something that is the same for all of the bosses of the game in Hard Mode.
Upon defeating the big flaming monster a rain of blue gems will drop, collect them if you like upgrading your breaths and then move out of the open door to your right to finish off this level.
You'll be in the Temple of the Dragon Soul and you can now go back to the 'Hall of Fang and Claw' at this point if you want to try getting your combo record up again, it's the brightly coloured door. You can also visit the Hall of Memory, a place where you can fight bosses that you've already beaten for no reward other than your own satisfaction of being able to defeat them time after time. Once you're done run to the far left of the Temple and exit.
Back in the Swamp, again, kill the Toad Weed on your left and then to the right you'll find some more enemies. Once you've killed them melee the vehicle thing in the middle of the path to get yourself your second 'Health Upgrade'. Walk to the side and you'll finally be out of the Swamp.
Ancient Grove
Keeping to the theme of night-time we enter the Ancient Grove, almost exactly like the Swamp except a grove or something.
To the right you'll meet the first of a new enemy, the Bulb Spider, a large mushroom like spider that has no particular weakness other than being beaten up a lot. Jump up the ledge and then back to the left onto some mushrooms sticking out of a tree.
You'll meet another enemy that you'll be seeing a lot of throughout the game. This little guy in easier levels is not much of a challenge, he's just like any other enemy. Once you get to the harder difficulties he starts getting tougher and has an annoying ranged attack to avoid.
Continue up the mushrooms to the right, glide to some more with Toad Weeds on, again further right and again. You'll reach a Dragon Relic, the third 'Health Upgrade'. Drop down now and go to the right, you can go back to the left and clean up the enemies but there's not much point. Just carry on right and an automatic dialogue exchange will occur.
Temple of Earth
No sooner do you have Fire Breath then you set off to earn Earth Breath.
Going left you'll want to kill the Earth Elemental standing at the top of the steps. Kill the annoying little green bits of light flying around and then jump down the ledge, continue downwards right to the bottom where you should now continue to the left. Take care of the Earth Elementals and the Bulb Spider as well as the Earth Temple's version of the spiked tortoise, it's exactly the same bar colour scheme.
Not far beyond the tortoise you'll be given Earth Breath, which is nice and all. Now head all the way back to the start of the level again. That's just simply jumping back up the ledges and going right. Kill the Earth Elemental standing in your way and then use your new Earth Breath on the door beyond.
Straight after the door you'll be attacked by a Bulb Spider, a couple of those green light things and an Earth Elemental. Once past them jump down the ledge at the end and just keep going left to right and down all the way past enemies and gems, the exit to this first part of the level is right at the bottom.
Go right, up the steps and kill the tortoise. Continue onwards up some more steps to an Earth Elemental. Jump up the purple mushroom and then straight up again until you reach the top. Go to the right once you reach there and continue along all the way to the far end, killing/jumping over enemies as you go. At the far end you'll find the fourth 'Health Upgrade' Relic.
Once you've grabbed it go back to the left all the way to the point where there is a dip in the path and you can jump down through the floor. Do so. After a few of those drops you'll be in a large room with purple mushrooms all over the place. There are plenty of gems to grab in here so collect them if you feel like it before going through the bottom right exit.
Don't go upwards here just yet, instead continue on right. Once you get past the tortoise you should jump up onto the thin platform which at the end of you'll be rewarded with a relic, 'Energy Upgrade' number three.
With more energy in hand, it's time to take on the boss. Simply go back to just before the mushroom room and jump up the platforms and go to the right.
BOSS: Earth Element Avatar
This rocky fella has but one attack, hitting you, though he does do it in two slightly different ways.
To kill this fella you're going to want to master the roll manoeuvre, that's double tapping the opposite direction to the one you're facing. This gets you away from an enemy quickly and here can be used to avoid his smashes. Simply run up to him, hit him two or three times and roll away. Just repeat that until he's dead, though you can intersperse with the occasional flame attacks too but not Earth ones as they don't really do anything to him.
There's not much to this guy so once you're done collect your blue gem reward and exit the temple. You'll be back in the Elemental Temple hub room, so you can now either try to do some more combos with your new abilities to perhaps gain some more that you missed, refight old bosses or just continue on. You can however take a short detour into the Fire Temple to earn yourself a health relic we missed on the first pass through.
Temple of Fire
This is just a short stay. Open the fire door to the right and make your way to the second part of the level. Here you'll need to go down to the right. Jump over the lava and down the gap next to it. Continue right and jump over a large bit of lava, landing where there's a large Crystal Cluster. Again jump over the lava after it, watching out for the tortoise and the dripping lava. One more tiny bit of lava left and you'll reach the Earth Door. Use your Earth Breath upon it to open. Kill the Fire Elemental waiting and pick up your fifth 'Health Upgrade'. You can either go to the end of the level the normal way of just Exit to Temple via the pause menu, you still keep everything you've earnt in the level without the hassle of leaving.
Anyway, back on track...
Outer Grove
You wake up again in the Ancient Grove, though now called Outer Grove for some reason, it's time to finish it regardless.
Walking to the right you'll meet a Toad Weed and a Bulb Spider you'll want to be killing. After that you should jump up some ledges to the right, killing the flying beetles as you go. Jump to the left and up the mushrooms, kill the Grove Beast and then to the right on top of solid ground again. There's another Grove Beast to dispatch of before like a Bulb Spider and Toad Weeds.
Blocking your way is a dead bush, use your Fire Breath on it to burn it into ash so you can get past and into the cave. In here you'll want to watch out for beetles, bats and those red spikes all over the place. Jump over the spikes and then over some more and a gap. Kill the Grove Beast in your way and then stand next to a thin rock wall in your path. Use your Earth Breath on it until it smashes, allowing you into the room beyond. Drop into it, missing the spikes of course, and collect the relic hidden inside. That's 'Mid-Air Charge' to you.
Jump back out of the room and drop down the gap between it and the entrance to the cave. Jump over the red spikes whilst killing the bats and attacking the Grove Beast. Once dead jump down, avoiding the red spikes on the floor and go to the right (the left has some stuff but the relic there can't be reached without another ability you don't have yet). Kill the Bulb Spider sitting around down here and the next Grove Beast standing on a mushroom platform just past it. And then it's a simple case of walking to the end of this part of the level.
You'll emerge still inside the cave, jump the spikes and kill the Grove Beast. Drop down the gap to the right, kill yet another Grove Beast + bats, then dropping down again you'll reach a Bulb Spider and Toad Weed combo. Then it's off to the right to finish off this small, rather pointless section and the level.
Deep Grove
More grove loveliness, this time you're outside again with waterfalls and water and grass and stuff. The same enemies as the previous level though.
There's a Bulb Spider dead ahead, you can knock it into the water for a quick kill if you can't be bothered with it. Jump up onto the grassy platform above the edge of the waterfall and then up to the left, attacking the Grove Beast as you go. Further to the left and then up to a Toad Weed, then to the right onto some wooden platform where you'll meet an ape with a new attack, well he fires large round bullets at you as well as having a sword with which to attack, just avoid the shots and attack it like any other normal enemy.
Past him go along the lower path and you can collect a relic to improve your melee damage ability. Now go back along and drop down through the thinner part of the wooden platform and glide to the right. Kill the beetles on the ground and the Bulb Spider right after. Keep going right all the way to a fire. Try knocking something into it to put it out as it can be annoying to jump over it without getting hit. Keep on going right, past enemies and into a really pointless separate part of the level.
A Grove Beast will attack you as soon as you enter so be ready for that, otherwise just kill the enemies here and move on through to the next bit.
This bit is a bit more pointful though. You'll have to kill loads of beetles that keep appearing as you also attack their large hive, it's doable with just your melee attack, maybe use fire a bit too to help you along. Anyway, once the thing is destroyed you'll find a relic, 'Additional Melee Combo Attack'.
Moving on to the fourth and final area of Deep Grove, kill the Grove Beast to the right and carry on past him, down the slope covered with beetles, a couple of Bulb Spiders and then jump up the mushrooms. From the top right of them jump and glide to the right and flame the dead bush out of the way. After killing the Bulb Spider, wall jump your way into the room directly above you where you'll pick up the 'Slide Attack' relic. This lets you roll down hills, hitting enemies as you go.
Jump back down from the room and then to the right into a cavern filled with water at the bottom. Make your way up the platforms to the top left, and then go to the right once you get there. Kill the enemies in your way and head on right where the game will take over...
BOSS: Naga
Naga is a naga surprisingly enough, very familiar to those who've played the Warcraft games. He holds a large sword and a large shield, who doesn't?
The key to this fight is Naga's shield. Whilst it may appear that he can't be harmed whilst using it, attacking him when his shield is in the way damages the shield, you can see marks appearing on it. Hit him about four times and then roll away, wait for him to perform an attack and then go back in (charging will usually cause him to bounce you away straight away) and do a few more melee attacks. Repeat this until his shield finally breaks. Once that's gone he can no longer really defend himself when you're up close so get in there and get melee comboing.
Usual reward, but when you collect the last blue gem you exit the area automatically.
Fellmuth Arena
Going right as usual, kill the pirate ape and the parrot flying around before continuing right (above the start is a relic but not one you can reach for now). Go up the steps and then drop down, walk along but watch out for the charging green thing. Continue going along the lower layer, up is pointless for anything but gems/a different route. Kill the ape to the right and then smash down the green barrier with your melee attacks. Jump over the spikes and kill another ape pirate, then jump some more spikes. You'll find another green barrier to smash through.
Once through kill the apes on the other side and, staying ground level, jump over the spikes to the far side of the room. Here you'll be met with yet another green barrier, smash this one and enter the room. Kill the pirate and collect the 'Additional Air Combo Attack' relic.
Head back out into the cage room and jump up the bars to the top and out to the right.
It's another one of those seemingly pointless transition rooms with a few enemies in. Get to the other end to reach the next part.
You'll first be forced to fight a bunch of enemies from the Groves, a Toad Weed, and a couple of Grove Beasts. Once all three are dead you need to pick up the 'Energy Upgrade' relic in the centre of the room.
Nap time.
Temple of Ice
Head to the left and slide down the slope, attacking enemies as you reach them. Drop down the gap at the bottom of the slope and then down the ledges. Go to the right, attacking the ice version of a familiar enemy. Just carry on right and you'll be taught Ice Breath. Head back up to the start now, and go right.
Go down the drop to an Ice Elemental and beat it up, then continue downwards to the right to a gap with two small ledges either side. Drop even further and slide down the righthand side of a pyramid of ice. Kill the pirate ape at the bottom and jump over the gap to an Ice Elemental, knock it off and jump again. Run up a short icy slope and then over a gap where you'll find the relic 'Increasd Defense vs Physical Attacks'. This basically just means that when you get hit you'll suffer a bit less damage.
Head back up the pyramid and jump up, off to the right where you'll see some water. This bit can be tricky thanks to the slippery ice but switch to your Ice Breath and use it to make a tiny ice platform in the water. Jump onto it, make another platform ahead and so on until you get to the other side of the water. Jump up and then to the right where you'll need to use Ice Breath to open the door. It's just a straight run through to the second area now.
Heading right jump up onto the platform on the right, then again along the slippery similar coloured pillars, knocking any enemies off their perch. Keep going along these until you reach some water, use your Ice Breath to cross it. Once on the other side, go down the slope and down into the first gap. Kill the Ice Elemental and Icy Spiked Tortoise before heading left. At the far end you'll find 'Piercing Claws', a relic that prevents you from slipping on ice, yay.
Now back up out of the room and to the right continuing down the slope after the water, you'll approach the purple door signifying the boss.
BOSS: Ice Element Avatar
Hopefully by now you'll have upgraded your Fire Breath to at least Level 2 as it'll help here immensely. Get as close to the Avatar as you need to be in order to hit him with your Fire Breath and just hold it on him, ignoring him as he pummels you slowly. Alternatively you can hop around the room like a madman firing balls of fire at him as you jump past, dodging his long range ice attacks as well as his close range hits as you go past.
Collect your blue gem reward and exit the level.
Again you're in the Elemental Temple, we've got a date with some Ice Doors in the Temple of Earth though...
Temple of Earth
You won't be here very long, just kill the beast on the fall-throughable ledge to the right, fall through the ground and then down to the right where the Ice Door is. Use Ice Breath on it and kill the Earth Elemental standing infront of the relic, 'Additional Melee Combo Attack'. Exit and then walk back into the game again.
Fellmuth Arena
Back out in the waking world you'll immediately be made to fight the Maleforian Snail Rider. Avoid his purple blasts and beat him and his snail up. It's not a boss fight... yet. Pick up the 'Dragon Fury' relic once you kill them. This relic triggers the ability to perform Spyro's fury attack. You'll also now start to gather purple gems to power it.
BOSS: Advisor
Stabbity stab.
Now it's a boss fight.
This Advisor is a spry fellow, jumping around, vanishing, replacing himself with exploding dummies, throwing stuff, laughing at you, he does it all.
One way to kill this nutter is to hit him with Ice Breath, this'll stun him into stopping, and then performing combos on him until he gets away from you. Knocking him into the air with your Earth Breath is also reasonably useful but it takes a longer time and you need a lot more Energy if you're going to do it the entire battle.
Fellmuth Arena
With the fight over you're back to adventuring in Fellmuth Arena.
Head to the right and kill the pirate in your way. Jump up to the left, in the room you'll find a bed which if you bounce on will give you red and green gems each time. Useful for healing and regenerating magic, in this part of the level at least. Continue upwards and kill the scavenger to the left before going right. Go past the enemies up here, jump over the gap and continue on to a green barrier which you'll need to smash.
Through here, kill the enemies and up the stairs, go to the right where you'll find another green barrier with the 'Hover' relic just beyond. Now head back through the ship to the last gap you jumped over. Drop down all the way and head right, go up the steps, through another green barrier, and out of the ship into the next part of the level.
Outside the ship now you've got to make sure not to jump into the many spikes that are sitting inexplicably in mid-air all over the place. Kill the Pirate ahead of you and drop down below onto a chain. Jump to the right onto a platform, then again and again upwards. Once more to a Pirate, then glide to the right over a load of spikes which you'll probably hit. Luckily enough the relic on the platform ahead of you is 'Increased Defense vs Spikes'.
Jump down to the platforms below you now, then turn to the right and continue jumping along them. Kill the Pirates and Scavengers you meet along the way up and to the right, the end of the level. Almost.
BOSS: Skabb
One of the most straightforward bosses of the game, all you need to do on any difficulty is to learn the difference between the two shot sounds, one for his gun and the other for the cannon. Stand on the far left of the area and wait. If you hear the gun sound get read to jump over the bullet, if you hear the cannon sound get read to jump and melee the cannonball into Skabb.
You'll see an arrow appear above you, so jump up and melee it in the air, and as long as you knock it to the right it should hit Skabb. Once it does hit him you need to run up to him and attack until he starts blocking again. Luckily he won't fight back whilst he's vulnerable so go nuts with melee and breath attacks. Keep repeating this until his health is all gone.
A slightly better place to stand would be to the right of Skabb and do the same as you can also see when he's preparing to fire his gun rather than cannon. It also gives you more time to attack him being a shorter distance and you can see immediately if the cannonball has hit. Also the parrots tend not to fly here.
One more breath to get...
Temple of Lightning
Even faster to get your new breath this time, you should note that generally the best type of breath to use here will be Earth. Simply drop down, take care of the Lightning Elemental and the ape then go to the right. Keep going, maybe killing an enemy more, and you'll get Lightning Breath.
With your fourth and final breath now gained it's time to sweep through the level and get going towards the end. Go left now along past where you dropped down and kill the tortoise. Continue left beyond the Lightning Elemental and kill the ape and Snail Rider, an enemy that can teleport and fire blasts at you. Using Earth Breath and melee combos should take care of him.
Grab the relic to boost your melee damage ability, 'Increased Melee Damage', and then jump upwards, keeping to the left to the top. Kill the ape up here and then jump over the gap on the right. Keep going right, past the start of the level and kill the enemies standing on/near the thin steps ahead. Drop down underneath them towards the right-hand end and continue on this lower layer right as before. Keep going killing bad guys until you get to the door blocking your way, use Lightning Breath on it as you might expect.
Jump down the platform ahead and then wall jump up a wall with a chain on it. Probably meant for climbing but never mind. Grab the relic and upgrade your energy once again, 'Energy Upgrade', that's number five. Now jump back down the gap, up the platforms and up next to where the door was. Now it's just a simple case of killing a few enemies and getting out to the right.
Run the usual direction of right until you get to a large drop. Jump down there and then over the dip to a place where platforms go both up and down. Go down. To the far right you'll find another 'Energy Upgrade' relic, number six that is. Turn around and go back up the platforms, head to the right and keep going right until the boss fight gets triggered.
BOSS: Lightning Element Avatar
When you start the fight the Avatar will be a nice yellow colour, at this point you can't hurt it and getting too close will result in you getting an electric shock. Stay low and then jump up onto the platform above and over the Avatar. It should float to the centre of the room and turn a pink colour. This is your signal to attack. Earth Breath is very effective here so use that and melee to attack. However whilst attacking you'll notice that pink lights are being created, jump and attack these as they appear so as not to get a build up of them who'll start attacking you rather quickly.
It's just a simple repeating process, making sure to clear the room of the lights and to lure the Avatar into the right positions so that you can jump over it easily.
Temple of Ice
And as usual we're off to the previous temple. Head up towards the top left of the level where there is a Lightning Door blocking the way to your seventh 'Energy Upgrade' relic.
You can now go back to previous levels, the only one worth doing so is Deep Grove, but since you still won't have completed it fully I'll save that for the next time we're on the map.
Celestial Temple
Kill the shielded ape on your right and head down the steps. Kill the Bug, Snail and Snail Rider and continue on through going right. Jump over the pit of spikes, then kill the Snail Rider and large ape next to him, pushing them into the spikes is simple, rewarding and effective. Keep on going right into the next room and select your Ice Breath.
Drop down the first bit and then use your Ice Breath to travel to the other end of the water, then jump up and open the electric door. Inside this room you'll find a couple of enemies, some spikes, and the relic 'Increased Defense vs Non-Physical Attacks'.
Now head back out of the room, you'll have to aim Ice Breath directly downwards as you jump, and jump up the platforms in the previous room. Jump up to the top right of the room where you'll find an Armourdillo which you might recognize from the previous game. Here they're not vulnerable to any of your attacks so if it starts rolling at you jump to the left and hopefully it'll follow you and roll into the water below. Jump to the left anyway and open the Earth Door.
Back out of the room once again and glide to the right where the Armourdillo was. Keep going right and through the Ice Door. Kill the few enemies left and leave this first part of the level jumping a little down and to the right.
It's just one of those small areas with a bunch of enemies in. There's nothing special to do in here, just kill and get through.
Kill the shielded ape and the Snail Rider you'll probably catch the attention of before jumping down the platforms. Jump up the platforms to the right and kill the several apes standing around there, over the odd small patch of water and then jump down and to the right, dropping down again after the Bug. Kill the Snail down the bottom as well as any other enemies down there. Jump the spikes and head up the steps.
A few more enemies to kill as you get into the next room, jump up and to the left where you'll find a Snail Rider and a stretch of water. Using your Ice Breath you need to get to the other side of that water. Kill the Bugs and large ape inside and grab the much needed 'Wall Climb' relic. This'll come in handy in getting all of the relics you've missed so far.
Head back out over the water and through the bottom right exit of the room beforehand. Kill the last few remaining apes along the the Snail and exit this last part of the level.
BOSS: Advisor
He's back again.
It's pretty much the same fight as the last one, just with a different background. Use your Ice Breath to stall him and then melee him, Lightning to start a combo from further away, Earth the same really except you need to move towards him.
One simple tactic for defeating this enemy is to stand on the left end of the platform in the air, wait for the Advisor to jump in and then melee him, he'll be knocked back off it and you should move back to the same position. He'll keep generally doing the same thing and you'll be able to defeat him easy, even without taking a single hit..
Grab the relic he drops, 'Energy Upgrade' number eight.
Now with Wall Climb and the freedom of the map you can finish off all the previous levels...
It's also a good time to earn more blue gems and upgrade your breath attacks.
Ancient Grove
First up we're going through Ancient Grove until you get to Outer Grove. Once there go into the cave area. Go down into the area directly below the entrance and to the far left. Here you can now climb up a wall of dead looking vines and claim your ninth 'Energy Upgrade' relic.
Deep Grove
Back in Deep Grove again you'll want to go through until you reach just before the fire, it's not very far in. Jump up the mushrooms on the slope before the fire and then climb the wall on the left. Go right, jumping and gliding over a few mushrooms and jump onto the wall at the end. Let yourself slip down it and then as you fall off, jump to the right and you'll be next to the only Runic Switch in the game.
Use your Lightning Breath on it and a door above will open. Wall Jump your way into the room and grab the 'Raging Fury' relic. This ups your Fury Meter's rate of increase. Head back out of the room and continue with the level until you get into the cave area towards the end.
Use your Ice Breath to go along the bottom of the water filled cave and you'll find the seventh 'Health Upgrade' hiding away in there.
Fellmuth Arena
By now all that you are missing is three Health Upgrades and an Energy Upgrade. Two of those Health ones are in Fellmuth and the rest are in the final level.
Almost as soon as you enter the level you'll see a Wall Climb spot above you, though it is a little ahead from where you start. Simply climb it and grab the eighth 'Health Upgrade'.
Keep on going through the level until you reach the outside area. Here you'll want to go to where the tall mast is near the top middle of the area. It's where you got the relic to lessen the pain of hitting spikes.
Use Wall Climb to reach the top of the mast and jump right several times, making sure not to get hit by the spikes placed right in your way. You should be able to make it to where the ninth 'Health Upgrade' is.
Now with all previous levels complete it is time to go through the last level.
Temple Sanctum
Head right and take out the pair of enemies you meet. Keep on going up some steps and then try and get past the Armourdillo without getting hit. Go up the steps beyond it and go through a couple of rooms with Snail Riders in, the tenth and final 'Health Upgrade' is at the far end.
Go back out and drop down the stairs above where the Armourdillo was/is. If it's still there you should be able to lure it into falling in the water at the bottom of the steps. Keep on heading right and over the water gaps, kill the large ape, jump over the next Armourdillo (which can be killed if you freeze it and then melee it up and then into the water). Kill the couple of apes and then jump from the highest point up to the right.
Then it's just right and you're out.
Immediately kill the ape attacking you and proceed along the steps downwards. Keep going, watch out for the Armourdillo here, until you reach a drop. Drop down that drop and go left. Use your Earth Breath on the door, continue through to the second Earth Door on the other side and pick up the final relic in the entire game and tenth 'Energy Upgrade'. With that your abilities menu should be full, all you might still need to do is to get all four breaths up to level 3.
Turn around and head back out of this room. Keep going right until you reach an enemy. Kill him and jump over the water. And well, it's pretty much just go right now, kill enemies but keep going right until the game takes over and you finish the level.
Well of Night
There's no real level here, almost immediately the Advisor will appear for one last fight.
BOSS: Advisor
Your third and final fight with the Advisor. In Easy and Normal modes there's an easy way to defeat him. Like in the last round you can stand up on the left waiting for him to jump in, then meleeing him so that he gets knocked off your platform. Stand back and repeat. He might instantly teleport to where you are occasionally, starting attacking almost before he appears though this doesn't happen often enough to be too much of a worry. This time he has an even more deadly combo of his own; about seven hits if he gets the chance.
Unfortunately in Hard Mode he almost always teleports in, so this time you'll have to get stuck in. Running about meleeing the Advisor, knocking him into the air with your breath attacks and generally trying the get the longest combos you can each time you get a chance to. Staying on the ground too long will make the Advisor rush into you so watch out for that.
You'll be thrown out into the map to save I guess, so just select the level again and get ready for the final fight.
BOSS: Gaul
The grand finale. Gaul the Ape King.
There are several stages to this fight, the first is beaten simply by up-close melee attacks on Gaul. Keep running in and hitting him, backing off and then coming back. Do this until he starts sucking in purple energy, his health bar will go blue (if not on Hard mode of course) and then will refill. Again keep doing the same thing as before, attacking and retreating and making sure not to sit around where he lands each jump as now that causes extra damage. Keep doing until he refills again.
Now make sure to have Fire Breath on as with it you can destroy the purple blasts he will now start to attack you with. It's again just running up, meleeing and retreating making sure neither to let him hit you or blast you except that he's a even more jump happy now and you'll have to follow him all over the place. Hard Mode is really the same here, he just has more health and the lack of a health bar, plus he hits harder of course.
Once that third part is over you're essentially done, it's pretty difficult if not impossible to lose now. Ignoring any attacks of his (your health regenerates) just attack either with your melee or the new breath attack which is very effective. Once dead an army of monkeys will rain down on you. Hit each of them once to kill them, you're still regenerating health so it should be no big deal. All done, you've completed the game. Congratulations.
Finishing either Easy or Normal modes for the first time will unlock Hard Mode, and finishing Hard Mode the first time will unlock a special Dark Mode in which you get to play through the entire game as Spyro in the last stage of the fight with Gaul. I believe that it's Normal difficulty in general but it's super easy in actuality. Try the Hall of Fang and Claw with it.


Really makes the hazard of looking up walkthroughs easier.

thats the small ninja guy with swords and throws ninja stars















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