You were not alone rebuilding the Lost Islands, a whole host of characters were available to help you out in many different ways.
Advisor Orville |
Your advisor in the Lost Islands! |
Silena |
Unlocks the ability to build Houses! |
Mulch-O-Matic |
Remove trees, rocks, weeds, and other Clutter up to 50% faster! |
Masked Mabu |
Troll Camps and Sheep Mobs will appear! |
Flynn |
Adventures take 25-50% less time! |
Frilly |
Allows access to decorations! |
Cali |
Double the Gold from all Skylander Adventures! |
Dr. Haus |
Unlocks 6 new crops for the energy field! |
Arbo |
Crops take 25-50% less time! |
Willy |
Elemental Totems, Wish Stones and the Wonderous Wishin' Well! |
Ol' Mac |
Doubles the amount of Energy gained from Crops! |
Baxter |
Unlocks Inventory Island |
Aura |
Visit and Gift Aura's charming Kingdom! |
Gurglefin |
Chance to get Wishstones as Gifts! |
Cherry |
Doubles the amount of Elemental Totems! |
Beatrees |
Use the Greenhouse to harvest and plant all Energy Fields at once! |
Spyro's #1 Fan |
Spyro gets an exclusive Adventure and 25% more Gold from everything he does! |
Quigley |
Use Quigley with the Newsstand to collect all your Kingdom XP once every 2 hours! |
Ruggles |
Add up to 3 Skylanders to Elemental Sanctuaries! |
T-Bone |
Unlocks the Sheep Shearer and ability to collect Sheep Bounties! |
Hyde |
Find Hyde in your kingdom and get a Gem! He appears once a day. |
Ma-Boo |
Find Ma-Boo in your kingdom and get a Wish Stone! He appears once a day. |
Captain White Claw |
Gold and Silver Chests appear more often and pay out more! |
Hugo |
Unlocks Hugo's Den and the ability to predict tomorrow's Element of the Day! |
General Robot |
Unlocks the Troll Prison and ability to collect Troll Bounties! |
Brock |
Chance to spawn Wizard Trolls from Troll Camps! |
Hot Dog's #1 Fan |
Hot Dog gets an exclusive Adventure and 25% more Gold from everything he does! |
Jess LeGrand |
Adventure Balloon upgrade with new Adventures - Molekin Mountain and Junkyard Isles! |
Zap's #1 Fan |
Zap gets an exclusive Adventure and 25% more Gold from everything he does! |
Ramses |
Skylanders can reach Rank 15! |
Tree Rex's #1 Fan |
Tree Rex gets an exclusive Adventure and 25% more Gold from everything he does! |
Mayor Grizz |
Helps the Kingdom grow past Level 30! |
Gigantus |
Adds Giant-only Adventures and 25% more Gold from everything Giants do! |
Cape Girl |
Clears Sheep Mobs, Troll Camps, and Chompy Pods instantly, with a chance for a Gem reward! |
Capybara King |
Get a bonus Gem from all chests! |
Ermit |
Reduces Sanctuary times by half. |
Batterson |
More Kudos to find in Friends' Kingdoms! |
Wheellock |
Doubles the amount of Hero Points all of your Skylanders receive! |
Avril |
Doubles the amount of Kudos you receive from Gifts and Visiting! |
Gorm and Tuk |
Doubles the amount of Gold and Hero Points that SWAP Force Skylanders earn! |
Diggs |
Exchange excess Gold or Energy for Gems with Diggs and the Molekin Market! |
Fiznik |
Doubles the amount of Kingdom XP you can collect from all sources. |
Softpaw |
Doubles the amount of Evilized Sugarbats! |
Tessa |
Increases Mabu population by 25%! |
Chieftess |
Find the Chieftess in your kingdom for a reward in Gold! She appears once a day. |
Willowbark |
Doubles the XP Bonus of all Decorations! |
Duff |
Adds a chance to find Gold and Silver Chests from clearing trees! |
Rufus |
Decrease collection times for Houses and Community buildings by 25-50%! |
Buzz |
Doubles the amount of Gold and Hero Points that Trap Master Skylanders earn! |
Mags |
Allows you to use 5 Traps to re-capture discovered Villains instantly! |
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