These are a bunch of screens from the game. Different phones give different graphics.

this game look AWESOME!!!!!!

this game looks good

i've just tryed that web a couple of mins ago and its----!

I know you are probably tired of this but these do for sure look new !!!
I know you are probably tired of this but these do for sure look new !!!

Found this picture...dunno if it is new or not but here you go:

Yeah... MOMMY!!! I'M SCARED!!!! WAAAA!!!

the graphics dont look too bad for a mobile game...

Oh, Black Minx!
Happened to me, too! It b ok.

So so sorry. i over reacted last time.
The grafix ARE okey.
Last time i didn`t look befor i lept.
My bad.
The grafix ARE okey.
Last time i didn`t look befor i lept.
My bad.

Yes, good grafix.

Moneybag's is so cute! I just saw him there! These graphix aren't too bad!

Either Moneybags shrunk or Spyro grew. (2nd picture going right)

not too shabby...


wow good
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