The Spyro Reignited Trilogy sees the return of many of the cheat codes from the original games. Here are all of the known cheats for PlayStation 4 (top row), Xbox One (middle row), and Switch (bottom row).
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To enter them you just pause the game and press the button combinations as follows:
99 Lives

Be aware that the game autosaves very often and that this is not a code that can be undone (aside from dying a lot).
Big Head Mode

Small Head Mode


Rainbow Sunglasses

Only works on the Nintendo Switch version.
Small Wings Mode

Flat Mode

Lo-Res Mode

Black Spyro

Blue Spyro

Green Spyro

Pink Spyro

Red Spyro

Purple Spyro

Yellow Spyro

Re-enter the same colour code to turn back to regular Spyro.
Toggle Superflame

Only works in Ripto's Rage and only after unlocking the permanent Superflame.
Squid Skateboard

Must be entered when not on a skateboard.

And the Small Head and Small Wings codes from SpyroUniverse on Twitter.
30/1/19: And now the Lo-Res Spyro mode.

Also too bad it appears flat mode is gone :/
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