Demo Differences
The early demos of Spyro the Dragon had a few minor differences from the final version of the game, aside of course from not being the full game and limiting you to a few levels of the Artisans world.
Winter Releases '98
- The silver Spyro life statues were gold coloured.
- The Return Home portal had the final gem of the level hovering around inside it.
- Tomas was called Silvus.
- Dragons in Stone Hill and Dark Hollow were just text.
- The dragon infront of Toasty wasn't there.
Crash Bandicoot 3
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square.
A more complete demo was released with Crash Bandicoot 3 which was basically the same as the normal game but had Town Square as the portal in the first area instead of Stone Hill. Dark Hollow, Stone Hill and Toasty weren't available to play but Sunny Flight was.
Demo One
An early video of the game showed the Return Home portal not only having a gem inside but the base being the same as that of the Dragon bases.

it sas infront not in front

Had no idea they released demos before they finished the game completely.


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