Spyro the Dragon


in artwork

image 18 of 17, that is the best pic

I love the new TLoS games, but I have to admit, none of them come close to as fun as this one was.
I loved this game. But the disc got too old and scratched up and I can't play it anymore. I wish I could.

Thank you Sapphix!! Finally, its great to hear that someone likes the story from the new ones.

totally irelavent but oh well to be perfectly honest this style of Spyro is always going to be the best but i dnt see why ppl complain about the new stlyle because in all fairness the story is brilliant

have you noticed the gnorcs in gnorc cove have hearts on their underwear.
also its funny to see those gnorcs mooning you at peace keepers home
also its funny to see those gnorcs mooning you at peace keepers home

everyone seems to hate thieves but i think its quite fun to chase them. some of them are easy but some i chase for ages

yeah, this game is really fun! I got this when I was four, (even though it's my aunt's) and I didn't know what I was doing and I was having sooooooooooo much fun!

@spyro glitcher
I Agree with you 100%
Though its very long and time consuming I enjoyed every minute of this game. With the newer games they are too short and not many side missions sadly.
The older games where more fun to me because there was something new and many things unlock. Always wanting to play more.
I Agree with you 100%
Though its very long and time consuming I enjoyed every minute of this game. With the newer games they are too short and not many side missions sadly.
The older games where more fun to me because there was something new and many things unlock. Always wanting to play more.

its loooong hard time consumeing and fun even to replay

I like the thieves. I havn't got this game, but I'd like to, to play the first Spyro game. Looks like fun! Is it one of those games with levels, like Dawn of the Dragon, or like those games where it you play it right through, like the first two legend of Spyro ones?

The funniest thing I like to do to the guys in solder suits is when the shake their butts at me I get behind a cannon and shoot them in the butt and it's funny like heck an you gotta try it it is funny.

that's because that's older spyro---- when he's older

artwork, page 2 of 2 4 of 17
I thought that spyro was the only purple dragon for 10'000 years.
I thought that spyro was the only purple dragon for 10'000 years.
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