In a few levels there are areas where Spyro can get on a skateboard and start doing tricks, some of those tricks are very simply named and easy to work out how to perform while others have names that are less clear.
The levels with skateboarding sections are Sunny Villa, Enchanted Towers, Lost Fleet, and the Super Bonus Round. The latter two are just races but performing tricks while racing will get you extra boost to make yourself faster, and the higher the score you get from a trick the more boost you get.
To help you plan how to beat the course records here are lists of all of the tricks and their score values, be aware that each time you successfully perform a trick the score you get the next time you perform the same trick will be half.
If you manage to perform a trick more times in a row than is listed you will just earn the same value as the largest trick in that set.
Half Pipe Tricks
Spins are performed by jumping off a blue ramp and holding Left or Right on the Dpad or Analog Stick.
Single Spin Left | 50 | Single Spin Right | 50 |
Double Spin Left | 100 | Double Spin Right | 100 |
Triple Spin Left | 200 | Triple Spin Right | 200 |
Gulp (Quad Spin Left) | 750 | Crush (Quad Spin Right) | 750 |
Big Gulp (Quint Spin Left) | 2000 | Orange Crush (Quint Spin Right) | 2000 |
Ramp Tricks
Rolls, flips, and twists are performed by first jumping off an orange ramp or going off a blue ramp without jumping and then holding Triangle or Y and holding in a direction on the Dpad or Analog Stick. Rolls are Left or Right, Flips are Up or Down, and Twists are Diagonal with Twisted Lemons holding Up and Left or Right and Twisted Limes are Down and Left or Right.
Single Roll Left | 50 | Single Roll Right | 50 |
Double Roll Left | 100 | Double Roll Right | 100 |
Triple Roll Left | 350 | Triple Roll Right | 350 |
Dr. Shemp (Quad Roll Left) | 1000 | Toasty Twist (Quad Roll Right) | 1000 |
Quint Roll Left | 2000 | Quint Roll Right | 2000 |
Single Front Flip | 50 | Single Back Flip | 50 |
Double Front Flip | 100 | Double Back Flip | 150 |
Triple Front Flip | 350 | Triple Back Flip | 350 |
Quad Front Flip | 1000 | Quad Back Flip | 1000 |
Quint Front Flip | 2000 | Quint Back Flip | 2000 |
Twisted Lemon | 300 | Twisted Lime | 150 |
Twisted Lemon x 2 | 750 | Double Twisted Lime | 750 |
Twisted Lemon x 3 | 2000 | Triple Twisted Lime | 2000 |
There are also combinations of different moves rather than simply repeating the same one several times.
A Gnasty Gnorc is performed by doing a Single Front Flip and then a Twisted Lemon.
A Raging Ripto is performed by doing half a Flip so that you're upside down and then performing a Triple Roll Left or Right. In the Reignited Trilogy this has been modified so that while you still need to perform the half Flip you instead only have to then perform a Single Roll Left or Right, so it is much easier to perform.
Thrash Master is fairly worthless for points but for the sake of completeness you perform this by performing half a Twisted Lime or Lemon so that you're upside down facing left or right and then performing a different Twisted trick. So if you did a left turning Twisted Lime you can do a full right turning Twisted Lime or a full Twisted Lemon in either direction.
The Super Thrash Master is also fairly worthless but it is done by performing the regular Thrash Master and then performing another Twisted trick that is different to the full one you just pulled. So for example a half a Lime, then a full Lemon, then a full Lime. You'll need plenty of air time to perform this but even then this is difficult to pull off in a way that the game recognises that you've performed it consistently.
Note that the Reignited Trilogy does not appear to have the Thrash Master or Super Thrash Master tricks.
Gnasty Gnorc | 2500 | Thrash Master | 100 |
Raging Ripto | 3000 | Super Thrash Master | 300 |
Special Tricks
And then you have the special tricks exclusive to the Enchanted Towers skatepark that are earned by performing a specific action rather than a move.
The Half-pipe Leap is granted when you jump lengthways over the blue half-pipe using the orange ramp, you can only do this when coming down from the highest point and not the other way.
And the Triple Towers is for when you jump across the tops of all three of the towers near the entrance.
Half-pipe Leap | 1000 | Triple Towers | 1000 |

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