
Xbox 360

All codes are entered on the Pause Menu and use the Left Thumbstick for the directions.

Unlock All Elemental Upgrades

Hold Left Bumper and push: Left, Up, Down, Up, Right

Unlimited Life

Hold Left Bumper and push: Right, Right, Down, Down, Left

Unlimited Mana

Hold Right Bumper and push: Up, Right, Up, Left, Down

Maximum XP

Hold Right Bumper and push: Up, Left, Left, Down, Up

PlayStation 2 / PlayStation 3

All codes are entered on the Pause Menu and use the Left Analog Stick for the directions.

Unlock All Elemental Upgrades

Hold L1 and push: Left, Up, Down, Up, Right

Unlimited Life

Hold L1 and push: Right, Right, Down, Down, Left

Unlimited Mana

Hold R1 and push: Up, Right, Up, Left, Down

Maximum XP

Hold R1 and push: Up, Left, Left, Down, Up


All codes are entered on the Pause Menu and use the Analog Stick for the directions.

Unlock All Elemental Upgrades

Hold Z and push: Left, Up, Down, Up, Right

Unlimited Life

Hold Z and push: Right, Right, Down, Down, Left

Unlimited Mana

Hold Z and push: Up, Right, Up, Left, Down

Maximum XP

Hold + and push: Up, Left, Left, Down, Up

All Elemental Upgrades refills your Health and Mana bars and gives you all of the elemental abilities without the need to upgrade them using XP. It also gives you all the armour in the game.

Unlimited Life simply holds your life bar at its current level and creatures can no longer damage you.

Unlimited Mana holds your mana bar at its current level and you no longer drain it when using an elemental attack.

Maximum XP gives both characters all the experience they can get, you will then need to use it to fill up the elements yourself.

To disable a cheat simply re-enter it. The exception is Maximum XP which cannot be reversed.

#135 TLoS fan 4ever 18:54:20 27/03/2012
That's true. I completed the game without cheats and I was very happy, but I'm sure that I wouldn't been as happy if I would been using cheats. But I have to try these sometime becouse I already beaten the game.

<3 0:00 1.1.2009 <3
#134 awsomeguy419 02:00:01 25/03/2012
I'm just saying, nobody should be using the cheats if they haven't finished the game cause that just ruins the feeling of the game
#133 treecko222 01:09:02 14/02/2012
I used the cheats but they didn't work will someone help me please
#132 ZinaWalker 18:40:47 04/12/2011
I only use cheats after I beat the game for the first time. smilie
#131 Spyrofan37 14:59:00 10/08/2011

Try doing it faster, if you dont do it fast, it wont work.
#130 transformergurl 17:49:18 26/07/2011
umm im having a bit of an issue... im using my xbox360 and im using the right cheats, but its not working smilie i have tried each and every one of the xbox cheats but none of them are working. anybody know why im having this issue? and can somebody tell me what im doing wrong?
#129 XCynderLoverX 16:03:52 15/06/2011
They Are Not In The TLOS Series.They Are In Classic Spyro.
#128 SpyroGeneration 00:56:38 11/05/2011
I never thought these cheats would help as much as they did................. Now I can't even play it once without putting them in. Thanks!!
#127 Spyro LoverGirl 20:08:39 27/12/2010
what is XP?
#126 pankakesparx456 13:03:45 11/12/2010
wow those wii cheats really helped
#125 Black Cynda 12:36:34 22/11/2010
with the health cheat you have to use at the beginning of i think each level for it to work
#124 Autumn2005 17:43:34 19/11/2010
How do you know for sure a cheat is working, like health, without getting hit? Also, how do you enter cheats in co-op mode?

Isn't there a way, with two players, to transfer health or mana to your partner? How do you do it on 360?
#123 silverdragon930 12:49:39 17/10/2010
the game is not that hard to me but what really makes me mad is the fact that the greatest movie to ever be is canceld oh and in the game get all the brown armor and put it on them and you can do somthing very speshal
#122 Spyro LoverGirl 12:15:54 02/10/2010
me to. i just cant defeat the elites. they're really HARD!!!
#121 SpyroFanatic101 01:44:08 23/09/2010
i beat this game not knowing there were cheats
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