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#120 Dragon King 01:12:45 14/05/2008
man do i hope for dog-fights!

dog-fight is the army name for combat while areil
#119 Dragon King 01:11:10 14/05/2008
you have a point there Spyro LUVA

remember the first flying level in ANB?

they had a ship shooting dumb@$$ apes who had no reason to live what-so-ever and rather die to kill you while flying towards your destination of which now and forever regonize as Dalton's Freezer

whoa i wrote alot.......*scratches back of neck* i guess i have the writers touchsmilie
#118 spyrofan89 20:48:44 13/05/2008
Is it just me or is Cynder beginning to look more like her adult form from A New Beginning? Not saying that is a bad thing. smilie
#117 spyro942 16:30:37 13/05/2008
this game look great i can'nt wait
#116 Gnasty Gnorc 20:50:01 12/05/2008
Spyro always has been growing up look at all the different games and how different he really looks.
#115 Dark Hyper 11:24:24 12/05/2008
I like how Spyro and Cynder are older now. Spyro is finally growing up...
#114 Spyro LUVA 18:55:36 11/05/2008
To Dragon King- Those probly belong to the enemies or other races.
To DARK CYNDER- The pic of the dragon shaped dam.

WOW! Some of the artwork is sooo good! Some look like photos, not drawings, like the ruined city.
#113 DARK CINDER 09:27:12 11/05/2008
Dragon King wich pic
#112 babygurl154 03:13:49 11/05/2008
i cant wait 2 play this game! it looks awesome! and i cant believe there's gunna be a movie for it 2! and spyro can fly! and hey... is cynder spyro's sister? cuz aent they kinda falling in love?
#111 Dragon King 00:34:39 11/05/2008
oooooooooooooooooooook this does not make sense

why would dragons use sail boats???????

(look in the backgroud and you will see in the pic with the dam)
#110 Spyro LUVA 21:39:12 09/05/2008
THat Dam PWNS!!!
#109 DARK CINDER 16:34:57 09/05/2008
HI GUYS i love thees pics
#108 dark 01:42:29 08/05/2008
coming in gamecube??????or GBA
#107 Lover of Spyro 22:31:10 07/05/2008
dontcha think that sparx looks like hes getting younger not older?
#106 cynder96 21:51:17 07/05/2008
(sorry I didn't sign in)

Just so you know, this isn't necessarily the last one... this is the last of the trilogy. After the movie is made, I'm sure there will be many more. Maybe even by the same companies! Don't get to low, the third isn't even resealed!
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