Skylanders: Giants

Here are some screenshots and images of the game.


they say about an air new skylander where can i see him???

what 2 new skylanders

I like the 2 new skylanders.They are cool

The new Cynder looks better than the first one

Epic Video! Haha Flameslinger has a second blindfold!

Oh yeah, I just found out, but thanks anyway!
Oh yeah, I just found out, but thanks anyway!

The Alchemist.

Does anyone know what that blue giant (image 4) is called?

And how would you know, SpyroGeneration? Just by judging a game that you haven't played by its gameplay?

Wow. Just. Wow................
HOW??! I don't think this will be a good Spyro game......
HOW??! I don't think this will be a good Spyro game......

They look weird X3
But cool :3
But cool :3

Tree Rex is sorta cool.
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