The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
Released in October 2006, The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, is said to be the first of a new reset storyline and was developed by Krome Studios (PS2, XBOX, GCN, GBA) and Amaze Entertainment (DS).
Oct 10th 2006 | Oct 27th 2006 |
- Action/combat orientated
- New breath abilities, fury attacks, melee and aerial combo attacks
- Upgradeable breath abilities
- The new storyline explores Spyro's origins, all the way back to when he hatched and was raised by a family of dragonflies
- Fire, Earth, Electric and Ice breaths.
- The villain is a female black dragon called Cynder.
- Krome Studios are taking care of the Xbox, PS2, Gamecube and GBA versions whilst Amaze Entertainment are making the DS version again.
- Five bosses to fight during the game
- Spyro returns to the skies
- Elijah Wood as the voice of Spyro
- David Spade as the voice of Sparx
- Gary Oldman as the voice of Ignitus: a red dragon, the Fire Dragon Elder and Spyro's mentor.
- Named enemies. A lot of creatures that Spyro attacks will have their own individual name (randomly assigned except for significant enemies such as bosses or some small creatures). You can read a complete list of all of the bits of the names, and view a Random Enemy Name Generator.
@JeremyTheDragon: Just ask your parents to get the game for you instead? Lol.
@SuperSpyroFan: Sorry for the late reply. Just hoping I wont pass the limit of posting a day. But yes, my oldest brother's like a tyrant. I was trying to have my free will, but he was so harsh. I wish that when time machines come out, I would travel; plus to disguise myself (like Back To The Future Part II), and tell myself to get the Spyro games I missed. And get this game too. Also never listen to my oldest brother.
Why do parents let younger kids on the internet is beyond me, it just causes annoyance from mistakes all the time.
wen i was little i had this game then cuz im 9 and i used to think the music wen u had to save sparx was scary!DD so i would turn it down all the way cuz i didnt know how to go to options DD!!!otherwise continues running out of my room xD.So i never got through the whole thing,just to the part where you had to save sparx from those monkey things,of course the music isnt scary anymore and its easy,JUST THAT STUPID PART WITH CONTINUES FALLING!!!
@JeremyTheDragon: He sounds like a douche bag, you should have your own free will to like and dislike what you want.
@SuperSpyroFan: Because he shares his opinions of what he likes and dislikes. He tried to take over my life on getting what he wants me to get instead of me wanting to get what i wanted to get.
@JeremyTheDragon: Why did your older brother stop you from getting this game for?
This was the first spyro game I played. I wanted to play a Spyro game, but we didn't had the Playstation. All we had was Nintendo consoles Then when the gamecube versions and GBA advance, I was about to get it. But my oldest brother kept me from getting them. So now after all these years, I got this for Christmas 2010. And played it.
Easiest game ever beat in a day.
This game was pretty easy, I mean I know some tips for the last battle with Cynder. The first one is pretty easy however. I usually let her get to a new layer of health, and go fall off n die. I have full health once I die and she is still in the new layer of health :3, but sometimes I try to go without doing that.
this is my 2nd fav of tlos i think it's a little to easy
I have one saved gfile especially so that I can continue to fly around, when it gets near the end of flight to Dante's Freezer, I press pause and quit to the menu.
yeah i think ill stick too gliding
First flight was pretty epic aswell!
I have this game on ds and playstaion!
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