The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
Released in October 2006, The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, is said to be the first of a new reset storyline and was developed by Krome Studios (PS2, XBOX, GCN, GBA) and Amaze Entertainment (DS).
Oct 10th 2006 | Oct 27th 2006 |
- Action/combat orientated
- New breath abilities, fury attacks, melee and aerial combo attacks
- Upgradeable breath abilities
- The new storyline explores Spyro's origins, all the way back to when he hatched and was raised by a family of dragonflies
- Fire, Earth, Electric and Ice breaths.
- The villain is a female black dragon called Cynder.
- Krome Studios are taking care of the Xbox, PS2, Gamecube and GBA versions whilst Amaze Entertainment are making the DS version again.
- Five bosses to fight during the game
- Spyro returns to the skies
- Elijah Wood as the voice of Spyro
- David Spade as the voice of Sparx
- Gary Oldman as the voice of Ignitus: a red dragon, the Fire Dragon Elder and Spyro's mentor.
- Named enemies. A lot of creatures that Spyro attacks will have their own individual name (randomly assigned except for significant enemies such as bosses or some small creatures). You can read a complete list of all of the bits of the names, and view a Random Enemy Name Generator.
New beging so easy. I finished it like 4 times. IT SO ESAY!!!!!!!!!!
i cant wait to spyro dotd eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
i bet the game 200 times(seems like)becaus i use cheats (sometimes) and its so easy to bet cyder.all u do is use earth.make sure your thing is full(the upgrade thing)
i have beaten this game like 500 times (seems like) because i can know whats going to happen its like i dont even need the unlimeted stuff. but i still play it when im bored. it rocks even though you cant fly in it. wahh!!
if you wait a long time, spyro will start to shake his butt, then starts acting like he's playing a quitar. then he stops and starts to look around, then he winks at sparx because he thought sparx saw him do it.
I like it when syro gets trapped under the bell in the volcano and sparx was saying all that funny stuff to him. And when spyro uses his earth breath he asks if sparx had said somthing and sparx starts flyong away lik nothing happend. I was laughing really hard when that happened
I've beaten this game *mumbles* at least 50 times! It's SO simple! But because of this I got a little bored, so now I just pretend it's a movie. If you have any questions, just ask me!
Um, what electric king? In her lair, I only see cynder and ignitus (captured guardian). I want T.E.N and D.OT.D for Christmas (on DS though).
Does anyone know how to get a smilie face, becoz I want to know how.
(I've tried nearly everything.) Cynders Lair has a lot of those annoying nataloid thingies.
(I've tried nearly everything.) Cynders Lair has a lot of those annoying nataloid thingies.
Is the film just going to be about this one or will it be about all three?
I've beaten this game about 19 times
close to beating it 20!
close to beating it 20!
I have DOTD and EN but i want this one.
they are making a film version
they are making a film version
Sparx was the funniest in this one
I love SPARX!!!!!
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