The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

The sequel to The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning and the second of a trilogy, this game The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night sees the return of Spyro the Dragon and the continuation of the story that was left hanging in the previous game.

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night
North America Oct 2nd 2007 North America Oct 23rd 2007 North America Oct 2nd 2007
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night
European Union Nov 2nd 2007 European Union Dec 7th 2007 European Union Nov 2nd 2007
System Developer Age Rating
PlayStation 2
Krome Studios 7+ E10+ - Everyone 10+
Nintendo DS Amaze Entertainment 7+ E - Everyone
Game Boy Advance
The legend continues in the second installment of The Legend of Spyro trilogy with the Ape King arriving at the Temple of Souls in an effort to usher in a new age of darkness. As Spyro, players must unlock the secrets behind a series of strange visions that he is having and find the power to defeat this terrifying new force.

#315 the red vixen 00:26:10 03/10/2007
Red fox, I'm going to kill you.

Stop playing Halo 3 and StarCraft already.

Just kidding. I don't think I'm that excited as well this time. Maybe its just been a while since we last played Spyro.

And watch, I can bet you this topic is going to be clogged in the next two days or so with people screaming that they can't find Spyro on the shelves for any game store... except if they live in Australia that is.
#314 the red fox 00:22:05 03/10/2007
Yay, I'm posting on a weekday.

Anyway, adding on to vixy here. Don't be angry or frustrated. This happened when the The New Beginning came out so just be patient. Its how I was the first person on this entire website to get that game.

This time though, I'm not quite sure if I'm that interested about getting Spyro now. School work can really drag you down.
#313 the red vixen 00:17:58 03/10/2007
Don't panic, it took the red fox and I 2 days for it to come in stores. Remember, Krome is in Australia so it might take several days for it to appear on the shelfs for the United States.

Also... who was that Anonymous guy??? Theres some tail-kicking to do around here.
#312 Spyro 23:30:51 02/10/2007
Spyro out today my tail section, I went to Circuit City and they didn't have it. Then I went to Gamestop then Target, than Wal-Mart and no onme had it. They are all like this comes out today but us stupid people don't have it. I'll go tommorow but this IS the highlight of the year and my most anticippated game. So if any of these idiots don't have it i will freak
#311 Anonymous 23:06:30 02/10/2007
this game sucks! why do you still make it?
#310 butzelbovat 07:21:20 02/10/2007
Why do I have to wait until december in Europe??? Thats not fair!!!! --.--
I want to have this game now...
#309 spyrorocks 06:29:26 02/10/2007
wooooooooo spyro out today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#308 Nayamou 06:18:59 02/10/2007
Yeah, it sure seems that way.
#307 Crush 06:00:28 02/10/2007
Is it Mae Whitman who does the voice as Cynder?
#306 spyro VS Evil 16:49:37 01/10/2007
Elijah Wood
Billy West
Gary Oldemen
Mae Whitman

The Legend Of spyro The Eternal Night!
In stores Tomorrow
#305 dark52 - Spyro the Admin 15:54:06 01/10/2007
It's just a placeholder until I can find the European one. For some reason nobody seems to have it despite having the others.
#304 ignitusdabest 15:04:31 01/10/2007
why does it say E on the euro GBA cover we dont have E we have
#303 spyro ED 15:00:47 01/10/2007
true cause PG =Parent Guardian
7+ just means not suitible for children under 7
#302 Ember100 15:00:04 01/10/2007
Arrgh! I can't wait this game!
#301 Spyro VS Evil 14:58:54 01/10/2007
To superspyro: Yes the game has got more violent because spyro has new melee and element moves

To Nayamou:7+ and PG is not the same thing with PG a 3 year old could play it as long as they have premission from there parents with 7+ it agenst the rules to let people under that age play.
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