Spyro the Dragon


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Spyro the Dragon

Spyro the Dragon

Meet Spyro the Dragon - he's a fiesty little flame-spouting dragon on a GIGANTIC, 'go-anywhere', 3D adventure!

  • Packed with puzzles and enchanting adventures. Collect treasures, recover stolen family jewels and discover hidden regions.
  • Dragons come to life with hints as you free them from their spells. Enemies run and hide, hit each other, fire cannons, throw snowballs and even "moon" you.
  • Take full flight in secret Treasure Rounds. Shoot down planes, fly through rings and arches and more!
Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon
North America Sep 9th 1998 European Union Oct 23rd 1998 Japan Apr 1st 1999
Dragon News Network
A full mirror of the Dragon News Network website created for Spyro the Dragon
A partial mirror of the European Spyro the Dragon website
A partial mirror of the US Spyro the Dragon website

#300 Witherwings 20:00:21 04/12/2007
I love this game! It can be hard sometimes, but i always figure it out!!!
#299 Akatsuki Konan 17:33:49 02/12/2007
My first game! I LOVE this awesome game!
#298 Dooa D 15:38:37 01/12/2007
Me and my best friend just finished Spyro in one day haha were both 18 and hadn't played the game since the age of about 11, were so sad but it was so much fun, except that somehow I ended up having to do all the speedways....
#297 gary2346 04:01:26 01/12/2007
This game is really good for the first spyro game! Its very long and hard at times though!
#296 spyro-Guy 18:33:15 30/11/2007
this game...............................................IS INCREDIBLE!
#295 Spyrica 01:49:02 30/11/2007
In one level, the one that I think looks like it has a large funnel in it. Has by a stair case a spot where you can stand in the gooey stuff.
#294 Miyuki 00:24:43 28/11/2007
do the japanese games play on american/european/watever systems?
#293 Cyrilrulez 16:37:12 23/11/2007
this game rulez
#292 Evil_Cynder 17:18:11 22/11/2007
What 1 glitch? can u tell me? coz id like 2 no so i i can see if its true... more or less, im nosey... smilie smilie :spyro :lsparx smilie

#291 Emily Hughes 16:25:32 18/11/2007
I MUST get all of them! I am just born a Spyro lover!!!!!
#290 Spyrica 21:37:47 11/11/2007
This game is awsomw, so far only one glitch, but it is worth less.
#289 SweetyPieGeri 11:41:42 11/11/2007
This game is good! I'm always playing it smilie! It's the speedways that get me though smilie!
#288 Spyro girl 01:30:08 09/11/2007
I have been playing this game ever since I was 2!
#287 Spyro girl 01:28:54 09/11/2007
I love this Spyro!This is the 2nd best Spyro!I love the Japanese Spyro.It makes him look like a baby!I bouht the Japenese Spyro off of ebay.
#286 computerpig5 12:44:15 08/11/2007
i used to like spyro 1 but I have spyro 2 now which is waaaaaaaay better
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