Spyro the Dragon


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Spyro the Dragon

Spyro the Dragon

Meet Spyro the Dragon - he's a fiesty little flame-spouting dragon on a GIGANTIC, 'go-anywhere', 3D adventure!

  • Packed with puzzles and enchanting adventures. Collect treasures, recover stolen family jewels and discover hidden regions.
  • Dragons come to life with hints as you free them from their spells. Enemies run and hide, hit each other, fire cannons, throw snowballs and even "moon" you.
  • Take full flight in secret Treasure Rounds. Shoot down planes, fly through rings and arches and more!
Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon
North America Sep 9th 1998 European Union Oct 23rd 1998 Japan Apr 1st 1999
Dragon News Network
A full mirror of the Dragon News Network website created for Spyro the Dragon
A partial mirror of the European Spyro the Dragon website
A partial mirror of the US Spyro the Dragon website

#765 Ignitus Lover 21:20:17 15/12/2008
smilie Don't worry. I had that problem too. but i soon figured it out with a few days. I hope I'm talking about the same dragon you are. Ok, what youneed to do is head all the way back to the start and head out of the window again. Go on until you reach the dragon spot out here. It where you freed the dragon on the grassy area, just before you charge down the ramp. This is the difficult part now. Charge down the ramp and head to the right and carry on charging down here. Then as you reach the end, head right again and charge backwards up the ramp and then jump off to the right again and head up another ramp, then right at the end of this one you will need to be going fast and to jump perfectly in order to land on the platform in front of you. Now for the dream weavers world. Go to the super charge area and supercahrge down the ramp and charge through the last door on the right. When you charge through the door take a left and charge off the edge. You will see a ramp (you had to use a fairy's kiss to cahrge through the door earlier) that has a little wizard at the top, if you haven't killed it already. Charg up that ramp and when you reach the end jump, but still hold the charge button down, and hang a left and you will reach your destination. I really hope this helps. I know how you feel. I felt the same way when i couldn't figure out something. That's why i'm here, so people who need help won't set fire to their systems. If you need more help just ask me! smilie
#764 dragon90 06:30:41 15/12/2008
sorry can anybody tell me how i get the last dragons in tree tops and haunted towers??? thats ****in difficult...
#763 Ignitus Lover 23:42:36 14/12/2008
smilie on my 8th birthday i got a PS1 for my birthday, That when it first came out. And it came with a demo disc and spyro was on it. I played it and i loved it. I had to wait till august to get it. I would play it for a year straight. /here i am, 10 years later, and i'm still having a ball with this game. smilie
#762 supermalefor 01:01:59 14/12/2008
my first spyro game........dad bought it for me when i was 3........Gnasty's loot is best............the funnest one ever
#761 Anonymous 12:48:27 11/12/2008
im trying to collect EVERY spyro game ALL 13.
#760 Stormy 02:51:26 09/12/2008
Magic Crafters is probably my favorite.
#759 Ignitus Lover 22:57:40 08/12/2008
smilie I love the Magic Crafter worlds, adn the Dream Weaver world, and the Artisan worlds. Anyone got a favorite? smilie
#758 cynder21 14:29:41 07/12/2008
well if you guys really hate the new games.............i still like bothsmilie
#757 Stormy 02:39:10 07/12/2008
i love all the spyro games (except ETD) i mean both are great i can't see how a person can hate one and love the others...

Because they're completely different games.
#756 SD-King 00:35:17 07/12/2008
I don't play Spyro 1,2 & 3 anymore.
I play A.N.B & A.H.T.
#755 cynder21 20:44:41 06/12/2008
i love all the spyro games (except ETD) i mean both are great i can't see how a person can hate one and love the others...
#754 SpyroFan 19:44:30 05/12/2008
I loved all of the Spyro games. This one as well, although it doesn't have much of a plot smilie great
#753 Stormy 16:57:01 04/12/2008
the story line, and the fighting and beating the crap out of the enemies,

Exactly the reasons I don't like the new games. =P
#752 wanderist 11:37:45 04/12/2008
I do not have this game anymore! The cd gave up on me a few years ago!Oh well. At least Spyro has better manures in the new ones.
#751 spyro 00:02:20 04/12/2008
the 3 for the PS1 where the best.
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