Spyro the Dragon


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Spyro the Dragon

Spyro the Dragon

Meet Spyro the Dragon - he's a fiesty little flame-spouting dragon on a GIGANTIC, 'go-anywhere', 3D adventure!

  • Packed with puzzles and enchanting adventures. Collect treasures, recover stolen family jewels and discover hidden regions.
  • Dragons come to life with hints as you free them from their spells. Enemies run and hide, hit each other, fire cannons, throw snowballs and even "moon" you.
  • Take full flight in secret Treasure Rounds. Shoot down planes, fly through rings and arches and more!
Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon
North America Sep 9th 1998 European Union Oct 23rd 1998 Japan Apr 1st 1999
Dragon News Network
A full mirror of the Dragon News Network website created for Spyro the Dragon
A partial mirror of the European Spyro the Dragon website
A partial mirror of the US Spyro the Dragon website

#915 danniesen 12:54:51 08/06/2009

A: Oh, it's you, I wasn't sure if you'd escape those annoying little creatures. Of course they wouldn't bother me, but here's a hint: Metal armor is fireproof, but a charge attack should take care of them.
#914 danniesen 12:52:37 08/06/2009
A: After you freed all the dragons, pass through this fancy vortex, err, thing-a-mah-jigger. It'll take you back to the Artisans home. First let me tell ya a story.
S: N-no thanks, see ya.
#913 danniesen 12:51:28 08/06/2009
G: Spyro, my friend, how about a hint on gliding?
S: You bet!
G: For the longest glide, press the X-button at the top of a jump. And try pressing the triangle-button to drop down in mid-flight.
#912 danniesen 12:50:36 08/06/2009
L: When you free a dragon or step on one of their platforms, you're saving your progress. That could be useful if you run into trouble. Not that you ever run into trouble, Spyro.
#911 danniesen 12:49:44 08/06/2009

G: Watch the dragonfly, Spyro. His color indicates his power. When he eats butterflies, he stays strong...like me.
S: Uh, sure.
#910 danniesen 12:45:59 08/06/2009
(without completed level)

S: Cool flash, do that again!
A: The Artisans boss is through a portal in the dragon's mouth. But you are not yet ready, Spyro. First you must complete one of the other Artisans lands.
#909 danniesen 12:44:55 08/06/2009

T: Hey, Spyro, press the jump button twice to glide. And, and don't be afraid.
S: Afraid? Of what?
T: Falling from high mountain peaks, plummeting into prehistoric glaciers...
S: Oh. That.
#908 danniesen 12:43:57 08/06/2009

S: Where's Gnasty Gnorc? I'll torch him!
D: Keep your horns on, Spyro. You have must to learn first. Do you know what the dragonfly following you is doing?
S: Umm...
D: His name is Sparx, and he's helping and protecting you. Keep an eye on him, and see what I mean.
#907 danniesen 12:42:23 08/06/2009
(Nestor look at his hands)
N: Thank you for releasing me, Spyro. Free 10 dragons in the Artisans
world. Then find the balloonist. He'll transport you to the next world.
S: What about Gnasty Gnorc? I'm going after him!
N: Find dragons first. That's all I can tell you.
#906 Rhyme 17:05:32 07/06/2009
Aw! I really miss this game. D: Why did my two cousins have to go and break them? T^T I hope someday, I can rebuy them...
#905 danniesen 19:44:49 05/06/2009
Direktor: Okay, rolling.
Astor: Oh, it's been peaceful here in the 5 worlds, or is it 6, (Spyro runs after a Sheep) uh, for a dragons age! We now have 12,000 treasure.... or, is it 14,000.... (Spyro runs into the Sheep so it flies into the air and landing again)
Bob: What about this G-nasty G-norc caracter? Now, i understand his found a magic spell to turn gems into warriors for his curse.
Lindar: I'll take that question. (G)Nasty (G)Norc is a simple creature.
Gnasty Gnorc: Simple!?
Lindar: He has been contained in a remote world, and is no threat to the Dragon Kingdom.
Gnasty: No threat!?
Lindar: Besides, he is ougly.
Gnasty: Ugly!? That does it!
(Gnasty throws his magic! The magic from Gnasty's spell-stick take all the dragons in many crystal-prisons (Except Spyro)!
(The camera looks down on Spyro)!
Spyro: Looks like i've got some things to do.
(Spyro Runs out of The camera screen).
#904 Emberasa 19:01:26 05/06/2009
This game was out when I was 4 years-old! I remember my grandfather bought me this game, I just him so much for that. *hugs her grandpa* smilie
#903 danniesen 14:03:16 05/06/2009
Gnasty Gnorc: *Fall into the ground*
Spyro: You are toast Gnorc. Haha
#902 Dude 16:58:02 04/06/2009
Quote: itchbubba
i ab sautely loooooooovvvvvvveeeee dis game bit esay doh

#901 DemonSpyro115 00:05:12 02/06/2009
i dont have this game i do like looking at the reviews though
smilie i do look creepy in twinsanity dont i
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