Skill Points
Skill Points are given only to those who can do the most amazing things in the game, and those that read guides like this. Here is a full list of all twenty skill points as well as how to complete them.
Sunny Villa - Flame all trees
For this first Skill Point, all you need to do is flame all of the trees in Sunny Villa. They are short trees dotted around the level in plant pots.
Sunny Villa - Skateboard course record I
As the name suggests, you need to beat the course record in the skate park, which should stand at a rather small 3,000 points to beat. Just do loads of tricks to get it.
Molten Crater - Assemble tiki heads
For this one, go into the Sgt. Byrd level and instead of putting all the heads on their bodies, simply drop them all in one place so they start dancing for a short period of time.
Molten Crater - Supercharge the wall
You don't actually need to supercharge it, a normal charge will do, but the wall in question is located in the part of the level where the two thieves ran along the super-charge ramp. It's around there on the ground nearby, it shouldn't be too hard to locate.
Seashell Shore - Catch the funky chicken
In the last part before the end of level portal, there is a normal looking chicken swimming around in the water. No idea why it's a skill point to get it but it is.
Icy Peak - Glide to pedestal
Go to the area where the two thieves ran around the track and go up to the top of the tower in there. Now glide down to where the red thief waited for you to beat the other one, land on the tower to get the skill point.
Enchanted Towers - Skateboard course record II
Another skateboarding record this time. You need to get over 10,000 points to claim it, this will involve a lot of combos and all the skate boarding skills you have.
Spooky Swamp - Destroy all piranha signs
Simple one again, simply go around and flame all of the piranha signs in the level to get it.
Sgt. Byrd's Base - Bomb the gophers
As you go around the level you might notice several gophers running around a hole, now either take a bomb or just shoot them as they run around outside their holes. Once all of them are dead you get the point.
Frozen Altars - Beat yeti in two rounds
This one might be difficult. First you need to get to the second fight with the Yeti and then you need to beat it in two rounds. Avoid his hits and smack him as fast as you can repeatedly until he's knocked out in two rounds or less.
Lost Fleet - Skateboard record time
Not points this time, but time. You'll need to get around in less than 1:45 in order to claim this skill point.
Fireworks Factory - Find Agent 9's powerup
Clear the first room here and the first box you can see through the door, go through again and destroy a second box. Now go back a bit and just before you go into the first room again make the doors open and go into sniper mode. Look up to the roof and shoot the red box up there. You'll get a skill point and a gun will appear in the middle of the room. This gun gives you a nice rapid fire action with a 500 ammo limit.
Charmed Ridge - The Impossible Tower
Go along through the level all the way to the place where there was an egg on a tower, here go over to the left and get as close to the tower you can see over on the left. Glide over to it and land on it to get the skill point.
Charmed Ridge - Shoot the temple windows
While in the Sgt. Byrd section, simply shoot out all of the windows in the room.
Bentley's Outpost - Push box off the cliff
Right near the end of the level when you have to push a box out of the way, instead of leaving it push it all the way off to the right.
Desert Ruins - Destroy all seaweed
Go into the portal which takes you to Hunter and the manta-ray, use it to shoot all of the seaweed in this area.
Haunted Tomb - Swim into the dark hole
Go through the level a short way until you reach a rather short and pointless stream, swim down into the darkness at the end of it to get the point.
Dino Mines - Hit all the seahorses
Go into the part where you go down the tunnel real fast, you'll need to hit each and everyone of the seahorses down here to get it.
Dino Mines - Hit the secret dino
In the Agent 9 section of the level, while you're in a gun-fight with the Bailey gang you might notice a dinosaur walking along in the back, it's a darker green then any of the others and won't attack, simply hit it as it tries to walk off behind a building.
Agent 9's Lab - Blow up all palm trees
Simply that. Use the bombs to blow up all of the palm trees in the level.
Once you've got them all you'll have an extra special extended epilogue with some extra info on the characters of the game.

Pretty sure you don't need to supercharge it.
(ignore other post, I was thinking of Icy Peak)
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