Sunrise Spring
Sunrise Spring Home

Welcome to a brand new adventure. You'll see Hunter running off in front of you, there's no rush so just explore the area around you and collect all the gems you can find. Familiarise yourself with the controls for now.

After getting the first dragon egg, head on over to Zoe near the large portal to Sunny Villa. She'll talk about moving the camera. Then head on over towards the Sunny Villa portal. Bianca will appear and threaten you.
Don't go into the portal just yet, instead carry on through the level collecting more gems, then go talk to Moneybags who's standing next to a cage with a kangaroo in. He'll tell you about his 'deal' with the Sorceress and tells you to get more money in order to free her. You'll need 300 Gems in total to rescue her.
And carry on till you meet up with Hunter up on a slightly raised platform.

Next, hop down the gap next to you further into the cave. Talk to Zoe who'll tell you about the powerup there. Unlike the previous game, powerups will always be active as there are no Spirit Particles in the Forgotten Worlds.

Drop down off the platform and back into the main part of the world. Head along past where you met up with Hunter and go up through the dark trees. Talk to Rocky who'll tell you all about gathering enough eggs to get his portal working.

Then go talk to Hunter, he'll tell you about swimming and an egg at the bottom of the lake. Jump into the water and collect all the gems.
Remember to go into the large room with the balloon in to get some more gems. Talk to Snappy the Seal in the middle of the lake and he'll tell you about his portal which just closed on him. Again you'll need more eggs. Head up the series of platforms over to the left and grab all the gems up here. This should complete your collection of gems in the level to a nice round 400.
With all the gems and eggs in the level collected, you'll see the new Level Complete sign appear on the screen. Amazing huh? Well never mind that, go on over to Moneybags and pay him the 300 Gems he wants to free Sheila. Then watch the 'hilarious' cutscene that follows and head on into the portal behind where the cage was. While this doesn't follow the order in the Atlas, it does make a lot more sense to complete her level before going through the levels in the order listed.
Sheila's Alp

On arrival, talk to Billy the Mountain Goat. He'll ask you to help him with his clever plan to take their houses back. Hmm, well jump up following the goats and kill the Rhynocs around here. Then double jump up to the right and do Sheila's stomp move, which is identical in button pressing as Spyro's headbash, on the chest up here. Talk to Pete the Mountain Goat and he'll instruct you to double jump up to the platform with the house on.
Head along to the right and into the cave. Jump up to the right in here and smash a couple of boulders. Go through to the end of this cave and collect the gems in here. Go back out and talk to either Pete or Bobby who'll both say the same thing. Kick the moose and kill the Rhynocs too.

After that egg, head out to where Bobby is standing and kill the moose there. Then in the following area you'll have to stomp the mushrooms that the Rhynocs keep coming out of. As they will keep coming out of the mushrooms, the Rhynocs won't dissapear until you get rid of all of the mushrooms.
Make sure to double jump onto the high up platform in this area to get some more gems and a life. Jump up to where Bobby has gone now.
Jump up to the cave on the left (after Zoe annoys you again with a pointless bit of info) and collect the gems in here to complete the level.
Sunny Villa

Now that the first level with Sheila is complete, you can move onto other levels in the game. The first being Sunny Villa. The portal to this land is located in the area at the start of where you began the game, just a bit to the right of where you exit from Sheila's Alp.
Go talk to Councillor George who'll inform you of the level's problems. Rhynoc invasion who have kidnapped the Mayor. Great. Well, run around the area here killing off the pesky Rhynocs that are here. Over to the left is another person called Citizen Paulus. He's being terrorised by a couple of Rhynocs, so kill 'em and he'll thank you (well, sort of).
Head up the steps nearby and talk to Zoe. She'll inform you of how to kill the large Rhynocs. Flame them. Okay, well again, wander around here and kill all the Rhynocs you can find as well as collecting all the gems.

Yes, well head up slightly higher up the steps and glide around on the tops of the buildings here. Work your way around to a place where you can glide into the building in the centre. Use the whirlwind inside there to get up really high. Then glide off forwards onto a far off pillar with just enough room to stand on. Glide onto a second one and then onto a place with the river coming off.
From here, head back all the way to the top of the whirlwind again, and this time glide over to the left and go into the Sheila mini-level. If you hadn't completed Sheila's Alp then this mini-level wouldn't be available to you meaning you would have had to come back later.
As Sheila, talk to Marco who'll tell you about his lost love. Well jump down off here and kill the spear wielding Rhynocs. Go round to the right and jump up to where there is a stomp chest. Next head over the wall back down in the main path and jump up to a cave above. Go through here.
Then return to the main pathway and go through to the end and up into another cave past the one you just went it. Drop down at the end and then go into the large tower here. Ignore the annoying camera movement here and work your way to the top.
Once you've got the egg and all the gems you can find in here, head back to the place where you came in and the gameplay will return to Spyro.
Jump off here and go to the pathway leading off the area here to the left. Zoe will tell you about zapping and how it'll rescue you if you get into trouble. Carry on along here and kill them Rhynocs. A short way down here and a small rather pointless cutscene will occur. Anyway, head on a bit further and kill the Rhynoc chasing Citizen Horace. He'll thank you. Move on to the left and flame the large Rhynoc there. The bars to the left will open up. Go through and talk to Mayor Leo.
Mayor Leo will then run off through the portal he just opened for you to get back to Sunrise Spring. Ignore it for now and continue along down the passageway. Go through the mini-level portal at the end.
Talk to Hunter here to accept a challenge.

And Hunter'll speak again.

You'll now be free to explore the skateboarding mini-level by yourself now. Feel free to attempt to beat the course record if you want. Grab any remaining gems that should bring your level total up to completion.
Cloud Spires

And on to Cloud Spires. The portal to this level is where Hunter took you on the first jump.
From where you start, head forwards and kill the large flying Rhynoc there to rescue Nimbus. Collect the gems and flame/charge the big red button near where Nimbus is standing. Use the moving platform to get up higher so you can talk to Cirrus. He hints on a glide so do so.
Here you're going to want to take care of the Rhynocs and then jump into the whirlwind. It'll take you over to another platform. Talk to Zoe who'll tell you charge the Rhynocs with metal armour. Carry on past her and kill the several Rhynocs out here.

A simple case of hitting a button is all that's needed here so press it. Step onto the platform and head up. Go talk to Moneybags and pay him the 200 Gems he wants. He'll start up a couple of bellows for you. Go across and talk to Zoe again.
Glide across the gap and kill the Rhynocs. Head to the right and go talk to Fluffy.

Go through the mini-level portal over on the right.
Walk over to Cumulus and he will start talking.

Head on out of there once you've collected any gems you missed and jump into the whirlwind near to the end of level portal.
Talk to Stratus to get a challenge.

Grab all the gems around here and chase after the egg thief.
This won't complete the level just yet, so head back out of there and go back through the level all the way to where there was a life you couldn't quite reach as it was too high up. There is now a whirlwind just next to it so jump in that to get up there. Follow this path round and kill the Rhynocs on the roof, then glide over a bit further and carry on along here till you are near a platform with an egg on.
This should complete the level for you. Head on back to the Sunrise Spring Home.
Molten Crater

Head on over to Rocky who was previously standing next to a portal that had lost its power. You should have enough eggs now to go through. Talk to Rocky first though and he'll jump through before you.
When you arrive in the level, go on over and talk to Clay. He'll tell you about Rhynocs and the Tiki Lodge. Nothing important really though.Go round this small area and kill the boar and Rhynoc. Then move along up the steps at the end and flame the large bear-like Rhynoc up there. Head out into a large open space beyond him and wander around here. Kill all the Rhynocs out here as well as collecting all the gems.

Head through the cave at the other end of the area and talk to Zoe, she'll tell you about keeping Sparx healthy. Anyway, head into the final area of the level now. Go to the left and jump onto the platforms as they go around the place in the centre of the level. You'll find the key around here. Keep going until you get back round to the main path. Then head to the middle and talk to Rocky.

Head over to the right and over the bridge, here you'll find a mini-level entrance for Sgt. Byrd, you haven't yet freed him so you can't access this part of the level just yet. Head over to the right and talk to old Moneybags. Pay him the 300 gems he wants and then head off to the right. Go through the newly opened doorway to the start of the level and walk up to the locked chest. It will open now if you picked up the key earlier. Now head back to Moneybags and go through the mini-level portal.
Talk to Stoney here and he'll tell you about a thief he's seen.

Stoney will tell you about another, and he'll turn on the supercharge this time.

Once done, gather the gems around here and head on home as you can't yet complete this level.
Seashell Shore

Go talk to Snappy the Seal who's in the middle of the nearby lake. He'll open the portal for you as long as you've collected 14 eggs.
Talk to Sebastian the Seal who is just in front of you. Swim around the area killing off the enemies here, then charge down the wooden door in the giant shell. Go through here and to the right, then head back to here and go straight on. Head up out of the water and kill the large shells here. Jump into the water here.
Kill the stuff in here as well as getting the gems. Head back up and walk over the docks. Either jump over the barrels or knock them back by charging at them. Either way, kill the Rhynocs who are throwing them. Head through the wooden door (charge it down) and kill the things in here. Carry on through and go to the right when you get out. Go up the steps here and then turn around. Glide down the steps and attempt to land on a platform there. Grab the gems up here.
Instead of right now, go to the left and continue along here, jump up at the end and then glide over back the way you came to get to the Sheila mini-level.
Go along the path until you reach a large green cannon, stomp it and then hop up to the left and into a cave.
Stomp the chest in here and head back out of the cave again. Carry on along to the left and talk to Snappy the Seal.

Get the remaining gems around here and head back to the start of this mini-level.
Now back as Spyro, head back to the place where you glided to here from and jump into the water there. Kill everything you can find in here and then charge through the wooden door at the bottom. Kill the octopus holding Stanley the Seal.
Now head along the pathway to the right and get the gems. Head back to the large underwater area you were just in and head up to the top of it. Go through the mini-level portal out here.
Talk to Smelt the Seal.

Head back into the area and collect all the gems around here and under the water. Go back to the main part of the level once you've finished up the level's gems. Swim back down into the large area and head through the underwater mini-level portal in here.

This should complete the level for you so head on back to Sunrise Spring Home where you'll now be taken to the balloon in order to fight the end of world boss. However there is still time for that later. Head on over to Mushroom Speedway.
Mushroom Speedway

The speedway is located very near to Seashell Shore over on the shore and up some steps.
Sparx will ask you which challenge you want to do first. Choose the time attack.

OK, the next part might be more difficult for you, but whatever you do, don't exit the level until you have earned the egg. There is a bug in the game which can prevent you from getting the egg after leaving the level without winning. The only known way to avoid this is to complete it before exiting the level. However in newer versions of the game this bug has been fixed, but since I don't know any thing that would denote whether or not you have the newer version or not, it's best to play it safe and complete the challenge before exiting the level. Oh, and a far as I know this bug affects all of the speedways although I've only ever experienced it in the speedway of Midday Garden.

And again, Sparx will talk to you, this time select Time Attack again. Fly around the level until you get to a large mushroom over to the right, land down next to it and talk to Hunter.

And that's all for Sunrise Spring for the time being, head on over to the balloon and jump on in. Select Midday Garden and watch the following cutscene.
Buzz's Dungeon

Yep, a boss battle. One of the least satisfying ones though as you didn't know about it before, the 'boss' was just a simple Rhynoc moments before and you haven't gotten to know it at all like the bosses in Spyro 2. But whatever, you've still got to defeat the Venusaur.

Once you've beaten it you'll be taken to Midday Garden.
Molten Crater - Part 2

This is for after completion of the Sgt. Byrd level in Midday Garden. Once in the level, head along to the right and through the tunnel to the last part of the level, head around here until you reach the Sgt. Byrd portal which is now open.
Talk to Shale.

Along the journey you should have collected all of the gems now.

That completed, head all the way out of the level and when back in Sunrise Spring head towards where the balloon is, but just before the entrance to the building, go to the left and talk to Zoe who will let you enter the first Sparx level of the game.
Crawdad Farm

The controls here can sometimes be quite difficult to master, but they should eventually be easy for you to know how to control Sparx. You get a short training exercise mission from Zoe before you get into the main part of the level. Once each challenge is completed, go through the doorway to get to the next one.
Straight off collect the gems near you and the move along down the path taking out the scorpions. Continue along here killing red scorpions until you reach a box they are coming out of. Destroy the box to stop the scorpions. Just after this Zoe will zap you when you pick up a red key.
In this large area there are many red scorpions and a box in the middle which for the moment cannot be destroyed. Head over to the top left corner of the area and go through the red doorway. Destroy all the scorpions and boxes in here and grab the green key.
Head back out into the last area again and go through the green door this time, it's over on the left. Grab the yellow key in here. Off to the yellow door in the far right corner of the area. Go through here and go over the red button to allow yourself to destroy the scorpion box in here as well as grabbing the blue key and all of the gems.
Again, back out but you can now destroy the scorpion box in here. Next go through the blue door which is on the right. Kill them scorpions and work your way through here and then get ready for the big boss battle through the next blue door.

Collect the last few gems of the level and go over the portal back to Sunrise Spring.
Zoe will tell you that Sparx can now pick up gems that are further away then before. Slightly useful, but not the best really. Anyway, that's the whole of Sunrise Spring completed! Jump back into the balloon nearby and head on back to Midday Garden.

dark52 got all the dragon picx!

Y did u take out the pictures


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