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#285 Peacelovespyro 17:57:04 27/06/2008
The new pictures (wallpapers) look fantastic! smilie
#284 Crush 17:22:56 26/06/2008
Me neithersmilie
#283 spyrothedragon 15:54:56 26/06/2008
i cant wait
#282 spyro3456 11:42:10 26/06/2008
Wow! I can't wait 4 this 2 cum out!!!!!! smilie
#281 Taret 01:27:02 26/06/2008
They might wait until E3 [gaming convention for the curious] to unveil something more for the Spyro Game. And coverart, though it's cool; it's a picture, how excited about it can you get? smilie; And Spyro always ran funny. [Of course back in the first game I assumed he was a new hatchling.] It's not easy running on four legs, and when you've been out of sorts with things like moving and breathing for as long as Spyro and Cynder have, you'd walk a little funny too. smilie
#280 dragon master 00:32:57 26/06/2008
Spyro looks awsome.
#279 Dragon King 19:53:21 25/06/2008
umm dude Cynder is good now...smilie

i dont know about you guys but im starting to irratated that dont have a gameplay video out now because its been 1 month since something was revealed (the cover!) and its about time they should have a gameplay video because they already showed us pics and the cover
#278 Lover of Spyro 19:51:01 25/06/2008
Cynder isnt a villein no more
#277 Anonymous 14:40:54 25/06/2008
u can play as cynder i cant wait to be a villain
#276 Cynder16 12:41:05 25/06/2008
I Can't Wait For my b-day because it comes out 1 Month before my b-day! Huh, Maybe I'll just convince mom to get it early? Yep, I'll Do THAT! smilie
#275 Cynder16 22:02:45 24/06/2008
My Heros!!!! SPYRO AND CYNDER!!!
#274 Kirby 17:44:07 24/06/2008
They look weird as they are starting to run.
#273 Elemental Spyro 15:05:55 24/06/2008
The map seems cool.
#272 spyromaster 14:30:49 24/06/2008
i hope thats the map of one of the levels not the map for the whole game caz its quite small!!
#271 SpyroGirlCazy 05:59:48 24/06/2008
on artwork the one with the map that map could be the one to get arould we have to use in the game !
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