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#300 cyndercroatia 13:28:47 01/07/2008
Awsome new wallpapers!
#299 PYROX 11:14:42 01/07/2008
ok! new wallpapers! well done sierrasmilie
#298 Dragon King 00:50:09 01/07/2008
VVV like i haven't heard that in while...

anyways so do i....
#297 dragon master 00:47:56 01/07/2008
This game looks awsome, I can't wait to play it!
#296 Dragon King 23:13:38 30/06/2008
oh and by the way i have a as much pateince as a snail
#295 Taret 23:01:44 30/06/2008
How about you stop saying "come out already" and just wait for new on the game's development? :/ It's not going to help if you keep asking and cluttering the front page. smilie BG Is a Background Image, Dragon King. It's also known as a desktop wallpaper.
#294 cynder11 21:47:28 30/06/2008
come out aready!!!!!!!!!
#293 Dragon King 21:12:20 30/06/2008
VVVV what is a BG image???
#292 DARK CINDER 21:08:20 30/06/2008
the volcano wallpaper is my new BG image smilie
#291 Dragon King 20:02:53 30/06/2008
*whistles* nice new wallpaper'ssmilie
#290 SpyroGirlCazy 11:12:01 29/06/2008
new wall paper !
#289 Dragon King 23:36:08 28/06/2008
@ BJ and Taret

I have to say the same thing its not the title though that makes it more LoZ like its the fighting style of it
i remember borrowing The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker from a friend of mine (man was he a hard-core fan of LoZ games) and i watched the fighting style and there were kinda simialer in a way i just cant put my feeling on it though how it does make a similarity but this new Spyro game is deffinetly big similarity because of the expanded world to discover and explore (Spyro's free flight and Link's Sailing across the Great Sea)
#288 Taret 22:29:28 28/06/2008
O.o Is that a newscreencap in the first isle, upper left hand corner; or am I just hallucinating really,really, REALLY badly?! smilie

@ BJ I think that the series of Spyro offered some LoZ elements in it's games, [the ones I've played] I think that is what made me love the series in the first place. TR, eh, I don't know about that one. I think we'd be fine with just the LoZ feeling in the game. Though, this is just my opinion. smilie]
#287 BJ 05:33:24 28/06/2008
I hope for some Legend of Zelda and Tomb Raider elements in this game.
#286 Anonymous 01:50:32 28/06/2008
yes they are
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