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#585 Cynder 1500 22:30:02 20/08/2008
I think it's Manweersmalls, and in console, number 46, is Spyro doing a barrel roll? cool.
#584 DARK CINDER 22:07:28 20/08/2008
artiste_violet im surprized u can spell it smilie i cant but i think it will be and was the log picjust added
#583 artiste_violet 21:48:37 20/08/2008
Are those moles the Manwersmalls??
#582 DARK CINDER 21:27:03 20/08/2008
i thing he dose look ok i only saw 1/2 of his face and terridors alive BUT whos the red guy with the moles
#581 spyro 21:13:40 20/08/2008
ignidus looks kind of scary,and the rest of the guardians too. i like the old ones better..but hunter looks soooo cute and awsome!
#580 Vitani333 21:06:13 20/08/2008
I think HUnter looks awesome.. I'm gonna graw him :3
#579 DARK CINDER 14:40:07 20/08/2008
hey hunter looks quite ugly u see him on the new pics wich arnt on this site
#578 Blaine 08:41:38 20/08/2008
I Like The DS Version


Shadow Is A Big Dark Purple Grapple Hand

Poison Is Like Earth Flail From TEN

Fear Is A Red Torpedo Ray That Shatters Red Services

Wind Blows Everything From The Ground
#577 katkerrykat 18:03:25 19/08/2008
i hate sparx's new look!!!!
#576 Skyqueen 06:13:34 19/08/2008
so i could play this game, at least i have a PS2!!! im soooo excited!!!
#575 Skyqueen 06:12:58 19/08/2008
the graphics are so good! i really wish i had a DS....
#574 dragonlover11 00:05:47 19/08/2008
is there anymore pics for the console version???
#573 Merlock 21:03:35 18/08/2008
Oh, cool I didn't know that. The graphics ARE sweet, I love ignitus' new look. Oh, and to every one who thinks my name is mulrock look again.smilie
#572 Elbereth 07:52:16 18/08/2008
to: Mulrock
No, it wasn't. There you're totally wrong then.
Golem is term for a creature made of stone, or rock, brought to live by some rituals or magic, whatever, it depends on what kind of Golem it is. The point is that it's a fake life that makes it's master bidding and won't stop until the spell is canceled, mainly by the creator (master) and only then the remains of it's body are left just a harmless pile of rocks or whatever is he made of.
Gollum is the name of the character from LOTR and it has nothing to do with the term of Golem, as far as I know.

But anyways I love the graphics, it's the best graphics Spyro games ever had and the system of defeating the golem boss really reminds me of GoW. When I'm saying I won't have peace until I'm playing the game, I mean it! smilie
#571 Murlock 21:24:12 17/08/2008
This game is neat looking, although I totaly think that the lava Golem's name was stollen from gollum from The Lord of the Rings.
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