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#600 SilverDragon 17:47:38 21/08/2008
Yes he does!
#599 SpyroGirlCazy 16:34:17 21/08/2008
sparx looks so cute in 56 !
#598 cynder11 16:25:58 21/08/2008
go spyro go cynder go sparx go go go spyro cynder sparx!
#597 cynder11 16:23:27 21/08/2008
i am not wating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can wit!!!!!!!!!!!
#596 SpyroGirlCazy 15:44:33 21/08/2008
i think hunter looks more well ..... AWESOME ! and i love his hodie !
#595 LyraDragon 12:57:41 21/08/2008
omg omg omg omg the trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#594 Pip 12:57:32 21/08/2008
This is sooooooooo awsume!!!!!!!!!
#593 Elbereth 12:13:17 21/08/2008
'Cause he's a ranger/ archer and well... it makes a good effect if he's like a stranger...
#592 Blaine 10:28:51 21/08/2008
Wonder Why Hunter's Hooded?
#591 DARK CINDER 08:39:16 21/08/2008
image 50 maby she is connfessing if u no what i meen or maby se is telling spyro what it was like ensleved by the DM or she could be saying how gulty she feels about putting this on spyro and stuff
#590 FireBright 04:59:04 21/08/2008
Who is that dragon like creature... Hes in the back row of pic 53... It cant be Malefore hes suposed to be purple right? The red creature would not an adult cause if you look at the moles compared to him, hes not that big... Could it be Ignitus gone wrong... Im so curious maybe its not a dragon... Maybe a huge Lizardy thing. He/She is not a friendly looking character, maybe its one of Spyro's parents!smilie
I really cant wait much longer for this game its making me obsessed... How imbaressing smilie
#589 dragonlover11 00:32:50 21/08/2008
dark52 THESE ARE AWESOME!!! hunter looks so cool i CAN'T WAIT!!!
#588 sapphire 00:26:05 21/08/2008
the screenshots are amazing! hunter looks awesome, spyro looks hot, cynder looks beautiful, and the guardians look wise! nice find dark! smilie
#587 spyrathedragon 23:52:42 20/08/2008
i can't wait for the new game!*waits,waits,waits,waits........ect.)
#586 SpyrosGal 23:18:45 20/08/2008
on image 50 it looks like cynder is confessing something to spyro.
if you know what i mean?smilie
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