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#645 DARK CINDER 16:06:22 28/08/2008
mailfor log in it will be easer for us to help u then caz it just is
#644 Malefor001 09:53:13 28/08/2008
do u think Mole yeir returns? he did say when escaping skabbs fleet i hope we can meet again. theres also that pic with moles in. MOLE YEIR RETURNS! WHOOPEE! Has aznybody got a pic of hunter without his hood on? i wanna see!
te gaurdians look cool! i like ignitus! hes got a beard now and not a goatee. (tiny beard like Jak has)

members, ive been on message boards and u have quotes. how do u do them? ive got my quote prepared!

This is MY domain. I escaped the convexity, escaped the well of souls and now i shall conquer the world. Your puny heros are useless now...
#643 Malefor001 09:29:22 28/08/2008
My members name will soon be Malefor0001.

Ive seen pic 16, and i see NO terrador. what are you on about? U might've got the number muddled up. its only spyro flying with cynder on the ground. tell me what your on about. smilie smilie smilie

My quote is

This is MY domain. I escaped the convexity, escaped the well of souls and now i shall conquer the world. Your puny heros are useless now...
#642 Skyqueen 05:10:52 28/08/2008
#641 Firestar 03:28:07 28/08/2008
they redid the guardians too much, they dont look the same. smilie looks kinda cool though
#640 Firestar 03:21:14 28/08/2008
why would you go to the library to download a game. And who even saw that potencial?
#639 Cynder 1500 03:03:07 28/08/2008
Okay, serious here. Is the Console Video worth going to the library to download?
#638 dragonlover11 01:04:25 28/08/2008
sorry 4 the double post but i have noticed something in the pics they do not have the green line connected to them in the videos they do so when the green line is connected to them is that 2 player???
#637 dragonlover11 21:48:08 27/08/2008
i like pic # 57! cynder is like mess w/ me i kill you! smilie
#636 DARK CINDER 19:07:50 27/08/2008
sparks is nice and storong mmmmmm lol no only messing smilie also i would asume on screen 54 sparks had made some commant caz spyro giveing him the ohh god shut up look
#635 SpyroGirlCazy 14:06:08 27/08/2008
Lover of Spyro sparx has one because hes sexy ! smilie
#634 spyros-angel 11:32:19 27/08/2008
i really cant wait smilie

screen 49 looks awesome smilie

screen 54, the graphics look cool smilie

they both look awesome in screen 50 with the armor
#633 Lover of Spyro 10:27:41 27/08/2008
Sparz has a 6 pack 0_0
#632 Merlock 20:14:25 26/08/2008
Oh, perhaps. I don't think so because they would be exited too. They could just be freaked out because they just fought the lava golem. Oooooh, look at screen 33 in the zoomed in mode in the center.Cynder is there.
#631 DARK CINDER 20:06:41 26/08/2008
think it when u frirst meet them there happy caz they no he is alive
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