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#690 PYROX 10:11:08 07/09/2008
can't wait for the game!
het word gaaf, ik kan niet w8ten!!!
(I'm curious if someone is from the netherlands heresmilie)
#689 Anonymous 09:50:08 07/09/2008
Skyqueen, are you german or what means "wo"? I come from germany, is there someone too who lives in germany?
#688 Skyqueen 06:07:49 07/09/2008
spyro, cynder, sparx and all the others look really cool! in this one!
#687 Skyqueen 06:07:08 07/09/2008
really? ignitus said that? wo
#686 Malefor0001 17:49:04 06/09/2008
in the trailer i think the one talking is ignitus. remember in anb when he said wed turn the tides of war? he said it in this one!
#685 olivia 13:09:52 06/09/2008
OHHHH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant wait for the new game spyro looks soooooo coolsmilie

I LOVE SPYRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#684 Zephyrthedragon 03:06:49 06/09/2008
for some odd reason, i find that weird firey thingy sort of looks like Iblis (i dunno)
#683 Blaine 22:43:27 05/09/2008
So Spyrolover Anything To Say For Yourself? hm?
#682 draconiangem 18:54:45 05/09/2008
I agree with everyone else... "spyrolover", that doesn't even make any sense. That's as bad as what that "dark54" guy was posting. This is a game based site for and about the Spyro GAMES. If you feel that way, why are you here? Why are you even playing them? Why bother? If it's only the character your after and nothing else, may I suggest joining a fan fiction only site. It would fit better.
#681 Skyqueen 06:28:35 05/09/2008
SPYRO IS SOOOO COOL!!! in the pictures, AND SO IS CYNDER!!! (and sparx) there soooo grown up!
#680 cynder11 03:01:40 04/09/2008
on imieg 17 19 his bage look at its crepie
#679 Disturbed 22:20:23 03/09/2008
Wow. This game looks so.... well.... Amazing indeed! Finally Spyro has grown up.
#678 spyrothedragon7 21:10:11 03/09/2008
How can anyone not love spyro he's so cool. and cynder too and i cannot wait forthis game to come out it's gonna be sooo fun with free flight and all and co-op mode. I LOVE SPYRO!!!!
#677 Cynder girl 21:06:27 03/09/2008
lol no problem
#676 Blaine 16:45:54 03/09/2008
Thanks I Think
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