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#735 dragonlover11 01:53:01 14/09/2008
is the demo out?????
#734 Samuel 01:11:34 14/09/2008
This game looks fantastic. I wonder if they have released a demo.
#733 Merlock 00:29:11 14/09/2008
AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGG no! I didn't mean you!!! I ment the site was getting glitchy!!! So sorry to ANYONE I may have offended smilie sorry malifor0001 I realy didn't mean it. the site shut down before I got my dragon up. smilie that is why I got mad.
#732 Malefor0001 20:01:51 13/09/2008
im not bugin up on u......
#731 Merlock 19:01:46 13/09/2008
Oh, why not? I think it looks cool. Although it is a little violent for a Spyro game smilie hay, has the sites forum been bugin up on anyone? It sure has for me! smilie smilie I have a picture of a girlfriend of the dark master I made! OH NEVER MIND THEN!!!!!!! THE WHOLE SITES BUGIN UP ON MEEEEEE!!!!!!! smilie smilie
#730 spyro44 18:43:03 13/09/2008
i don't think that they should have made the ledgend games for the ds they just don't look good and the game is probably half of what a console game is if it's for a console i don't think they should have it on the ds
#729 Malefor0001 17:49:58 13/09/2008
still no pics of malefor?
#728 DARK CINDER 17:13:17 13/09/2008
smilie lol i like it but i love the pics but some charicters a ment to die i wonder who
#727 Night Owl 17:05:52 13/09/2008
oh, the crying face is ; _; Except delete the space, it should come out like this : smilie

I LOVE THESE PICS! I really cant wait for the game! smilie
#726 Merlock 16:19:28 13/09/2008
Ooooo, me too! but I have a question. Is any one ells having trouble with the site?Whenever I click on a talk subject on the forum a tab comes up saying sorry for the inconvenence but we have to shut down! smilie I would make the crying face but I don't know how smilie
#725 Skyqueen 04:35:09 13/09/2008
ooooooo! these pics r just making me more excited!
#724 cynder11 21:45:38 12/09/2008
i love smilie and smilie
#723 Dragon Fodder 21:42:54 12/09/2008
Image 42 is my favorite!
#722 Dragon King 20:50:02 12/09/2008
im so getting this game now
#721 cynder11 18:06:47 12/09/2008
smilie and smilie forever
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